Field Of Dreams
~War Is Personal~BAGnews~Editilla Warns~and Honors
the Graphic Loss in the 2nd story. Experts say flood terminology misleads the public~"We, the United States Geological Survey, almost need to quit using the term `100-year flood,'" said hydrologist Gary Wilson with the USGS Missouri Water Science Center in Rolla, Mo. "It could happen twice a year, if you're unlucky. Or 200 years could go by without a 100-year flood," he said.
~Villanova University professor Robert Traver,
who specializes in storm water management,
was more succinct:
"Whoever invented that term should be shot."
~Editilla crowillas~M'ah Engineer Daddy felt the same way about the Corps of engineers as well, only somewhat less charitably than learned Professor!
Personally, it seems to me that the Corps uses
"Soap Opera Times" (SOTs) rather than "Dog Times" (DTs) or "Biblical Times" (BTs) when cypherin'up their Project Engineering Budgets.
In SOTs, we can witness Soap Opera Child getting born, growing into rich juvenile delinquent and then gambling addicted college student, in just a few months, a year tops. While Soap Opera Woman seems to actually age in reverse, Soap Opera Man remain always the same, Rock Solid Ridge...or Cliff, Storm, Thorn or Forester. Yeah, that's it...
the Corps of Engineers uses Soap Opera Time!
So, 100 years of our time is actually appx only 33 years of their time...based on the 15 year flood calculation ('93) but if you use the last year's flood calculation (2 in one year) or the year before (2)...or the ongoing, flowing 17th Street Canal Leak for Flood Calculation then...errrrah, 1 year of our life time is equal to, umm...gozinta'gozinta, the time it takes one of the Corps' levees to spit in our drowning face?Hold U.S. liable for neglect of levees~Pierce O'Donnell
Editilla wanna tol'yaz
~about this author's Big Time Litigant Career,
but Pierce is only too happy to tol'ya bout'it his'self.
Corps to hold meeting tonight in Lakeview~Can Somebody Maybe Walk The ExQuixotic Corps Over to the Leaking 17th Street Canal Levee "Repair" and ask the Corps: WTF?
Come One, Come All to Tuesday’s Scoping Meeting!
~Editilla No'Tellas~Yes, the Big Titan Corporation mentioned is the same conglomerate where Corps PR Spinfiltraitor Gerald Galloway is a Vice President.
It turns out that his company has been embroiled in this land grab the whole time that his levees have been failing in the Mid West. Amongst his many Spookish Media pursuits, we can easily see what he has invested in Water Management Issues, and hence, have had to endure his Public Relations Storytelling in media across the country, constantly attempting tell and retell the Shot-Gunned PR Fib that the Corps is not responsible for building those levees which are failing right before our own lyin'eyes, along the Mississippi River. This Big Creepo was the first person that I saw on the nets who started that stupid story: that those failed levees are actually a patchwork affair built by bubbas with bulldozers, small town councils, muskrats, Katrina the Clown--who'evah ---but not the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers, NO!
If Gentle'rillas beg to question who Big Time benefits from Corps of Engineers' Water Management Policy, the failure of which makes painfully evident that it is Not We the People, we may start with this Titan Corporation (Corps' PR Fuckmook Galloway), next look to who will have the farmland, ultimately, that is under the control of such Flood Control Water Policy, to wit: Archer Daniels Midland (Ethanol Corn) or Tyson (Well, we are all about to find out just how weird that shit can get.) or Homeland Security (Border Fence Property Seizures).
This is not about Flood Protection for the little citizens of Iowa, but the Water Policy of Big Money Corporations at the receiving end of the 2nd largest Agriculture Business Subsidies in the Nation.
I'll Take 'Potpourri' For A Thousand Alex~Ryan Bird
Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 1 The Prelude~slabbedInsurers Criticized For New Rate ModelsWe Have Almost Defeated The Flood of 2008!~PYIR
Flood Waters Ripple Though Iowa PoliticsNYC, Bluestockings, Aftershock & Kansas Mutual Aid Presentation on Disasters
Sea Turtles Saved Before Katrina Back Home In Water
Freshmen flock to New Orleans
Young teachers flocking to NOLA
~Editilla enterrruptas~This thing of media always referring to "education-related" peoples wit'da sheepish birdbrained: "Flock"...just finally
gets me. Considering the weighty issues involved with such a discussion as the future of New Orleans,
I would prefer to hear: "Young teachers
Gravitating to NOLA
", or "Students
Gyrate to New Orleans," or what is actually happnin,
"Volunteers from across America
Descend upon New Orleans...
and Take Root in'da verdant Mons!"
We don't need no steengk- keeng sheep- herders. We don't scurry about like blasted seagulls without a coastline to call home.
If you don'wanna beeleeve me...then talk to da'Pelican!
Liptrap's Lament - The Line
Even more reasons to visit New Orleans
New Orleans Bikefest Motorcycle Rally & Music FestivalA Journal of a Weekend in New Orleans~Southern LagniappeResearchers make noises of pre-Columbian society~Scientists were fascinated by the ghostly find:
a human skeleton buried in an Aztec temple with a clay, skull-shaped whistle in each bony hand.
~Editilla Jus't'inkin~
Gotta get this Cat for my 2nd Line.

The Big Idea: Nancy Kress ~Whatever
Dog fight over rescued Hurricane Katrina dog ends with arrestStudy shows "Spiritual" effects of mushrooms last a year
~In 2006, Roland Griffiths of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and colleagues gave psilocybin to 36 volunteers and asked them how it felt.
Most reported having a "mystical" or "spiritual" experience and rated it positively. More than a year later, most still said the experience increased their sense of well-being or life satisfaction, Griffiths and colleagues report in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.New Orleans potter launches web site to promote local artCocktail museum shakes and stirs history
Tres Jazz: Jazzercise International Fitness Convention, New Orleans, LA ~July 10-13
~Editilla pulls phattay, James Brown~
Oh Yeah! Ya'gotta Get Down!
~~to Get Back Up Again!
Third Annual VH1 Soul "Summer Of Soul" in New Orleans
New Orleans Native Son:
Grayhawk PerkinsRead and Spin~NO MagazineJammin' generosity of two families places guitars in the hands of young rockers
~Chris Rose