Saturday, May 30, 2009


7th Back to the Beach Car Show

Miss. River to crest at 54.4 today ~Vershal Hogan~Today marks the beginning of the end of the 2009 flood that largely wasn’t.
The flood waters have filled into the usual places — Deer Park and Minorca in Concordia Parish and Anna’s Bottom and the Carthage Point area in Adams County — but some Natchez areas normally affected by the high water — Silver Street and the J.M. Jones Lumber Mill — have been able to hold it at bay this year.

Officials celebrate new construction on Morganza
~Nikki Buskey

Bayou families move north to escape storms~Naomi King

Obama: Coastal residents are first line of hurricane defense
~Steven Thomma

FEMA warns of rule changes
~Mary Wozniak

Trailer deadline looms for 2,000 still displaced since Hurricane Katrina~Katy Reckdahl

Judge rules in favor of 17th Street Canal homeowners over yard compensation
~Sheila Grissett

Solar-powered homes unveiled in New Orleans' Holy Cross neighborhood~Molly Reid

Nonprofit plans to construct 12 more homes in Gentilly
~Kate Moran

Wraith- Baiting Billboard Turns Heads Along I-10~"If you've found a friend in God
please ask them for direction
to the places they left the restless souls to drown in their own damn'nation,
under rooftops, in their backyards, behind the family sofa,
while their Grand Mas banged against the walls
abandoned in Saint Rita's.
I don't really care what they say.
We've heard it all before the Breach.
They may think they 'know what it means' bet your soul...and find your self, losing.
~Editilla on the back hand path, with no apology for memories
that follow us like hell'hounds, crying into the night even still,
yet never still every sundown, every year at Hurricane Season.
More fun than bobbing for Voodoo Dolls, mugging Santa Clause
and not half as hard as your everyday crucifixion...
Jus'sayin...after having heard the Fat Lady sing and watched
the Reaper dance drunk on her graves... Editilla lost patience
wit'da Big Man in'da Sky who'dat Large Penis and'da da'Book
wit'my Name in it --bloody bad conduct marks trailing to infinity!

Lessons for the next big one, Gulf Coast still recovering from last year as the new storm season begins~Mike Snyder

Big Easy to Big Empty: The Untold Story of the Drowning
of New Orleans
~Greg Palast

~August 29th 2006 marked the one year anniversary of the devastation in New Orleans caused by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
This Special Greg Palast Report brings you exclusive footage and the stories you won't hear on the other networks -- the hidden political agendas and the suppressed eyewitness reports. Mainly, Editilla noticed that this movie had gone into discount pricing.

New Orleans school security laid off ~Private Officer News
~The Recovery School District has laid off 45 security guards in a cost-cutting move, according to the district’s security director Eddie Compass. The layoffs, reduce the number of guards working in district-run schools to 77.

Insurers Ready As Hurricane Season Unfurls~Martha C. White

Cellular South Ready for 2009 Hurricane Season

Hurricane barriers suggested to keep sea out of NYC
~Jennifer Peltz

Hike for KaTREEna
4,700 trees and counting

~"We don't plant in the summer, but we do water. Can you help?"

Name this tree
~Library Chronicles

Not Just The Levees Broke
by Phyllis Montana-Leblanc
~Book Review by Thin Red Line

Casey Foote, paintings
at the Canary Collective

~Born at Bunkie General Hospital in Bunkie, LA and raised in Cheneyville, painter Casey Foote has been creating work non-stop in the French Quarter since 2003.
Foote got his BFA at LSU and taught art in Barcelona and Valencia before settling in New Orleans.
The work featured at The CANARY Gallery is from 3 different series: Louisiana Landscapes, The Red Series (based on ancient myths), and The Symbolist Series: Jung's Unconscious.
The show will be up during the month of June, and the opening reception will be June 6th from 6p-9pm at 329 Julia St.

Kindred Cool by Laylah Amatullah Barrayn Opening at McKenna Museum Tonight ~NOPA

Stanton Moore and the art of New Orleans drumming
~Eric Snider

~How many more albums by Costello might you want? Well, I'd hope you might want this one, it's a Costello album to come back for if you have absented yourself. ~Graham Reid

Jeff Buckley's 'Grace Around The World' Celebrates Album's 15th!

Wynton Marsalis combines passions for jazz, poetry on
‘He and She’~Charles J. Gans

Singer Teena Marie pays tribute to New Orleans jazz
~Gail Mitchell

Friday, May 29, 2009


All for the Love of Fats
~Molly Reid

Saints Drew Brees on
'The Domino Effect" tribute to
Fats Domino~Chris Rose

Louisiana Sen. Landrieu Plans New Bill Reforming Army Corps of Engineers
~Stephen Sabludowsky

Hurricane preparations gear up ~Molly Wold

Obama to visit FEMA to discuss hurricane season~Maria Recio

We did it! HB 780 passed unanimously out of committee!
~Save Charity

El Niño chances rising for hurricane season~Jeff Masters

In Holland, they obliterate Risk
"Basically we saw how the Dutch make the DECISION that they WILL protect their citizens.
Then they make a plan that will also provide jobs, allow recreation with water and will not harm the environment.
Then they reevaluate their plans --but the decision is made.
They will protect their people.

As if the citizens of Holland do not even know they are below sea level it almost seems irrelevant.
On the other hand, they also live with water.

The country of Holland shares a huge number of similarities to the state of Louisiana. It's a natural partnership. Both are deltas, both have huge ports, seafood and energy production.
Both MUST deal with water if they are to survive.
In Holland, the attitude toward water is "we shall live with, enjoy and also protect our selves from water.” The phrase “reduce our risk” does not exist here, because for the Dutch, that is not an option. In Holland, they essentially obliterate risk."
~Sandy Rosenthal, director of and CODEL member.

A look into the rebuilding land- scape for people with physical disabilities ~James Perry

Tour 'Make It Right' Home in New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward

Small firms are getting just 10 percent of stimulus work
~Kent Hoover

Stennis has new NAVO building
~Jeremy Pittari

Deserted-pets film draws tears at SXSW festival~Hugh Hart

Mark your calendars it's festival time down in the French Quarter

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Season's first tropical depression forms ~JeffMasters

DAY THREE: Landrieu, Jackson Visit Water Management Experts in Rotterdam, Delft
Singin'wit da'choir!
United States Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator (EPA) Lisa P. Jackson today continued their Congressional Delegation trip to the Netherlands with visits to Rotterdam and Delft.
The morning discussions focused on the challenges facing the city of Rotterdam, which as a major port city shares many characteristics with New Orleans.
Rotterdam has the largest port in Europe, and Louisiana hosts the largest port system in the United States.

“The city of Rotterdam has learned to live with water, and we need to as well,” Sen. Landrieu said. “We need to manage and integrate the water instead of only trying to get rid of it. The Domenici-Landrieu bill established an independent revenue stream to rebuild our coast. We need to use this funding to establish a protection system that more closely models the Dutch’s world-class system.”
The Vice Mayor of Rotterdam Lucas Bolsius said his city is facing problems such as rising sea level and is continually reevaluating its protection. “We have a history of water management for hundreds of years, but we have to integrate,” he said. “We have to find new solutions.”
Vice Mayor Bolsius said Rotterdam, which is surrounded by water on four sides, and New Orleans are cities that have to balance environmental concerns with their economic importance as major port cities. The city is incorporating planning elements, such as green roofs, which mitigate against heavy rainfall and add to the aesthetic value of the city. They also are incorporating housing, shops and park space into their levee protection system. Rotterdam planning experts said that the Dutch have a lot to learn from the United States as well, including mitigation efforts and evacuation plans.

Members of the Louisiana delegation discussed America’s infrastructure challenges. Robert Turner, regional director of Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority, added that the New Orleans region has been focusing on 100-year flood protection, but needs to move toward a more secure system as the Dutch have. “We just cannot stop there,” he said.
In the afternoon, the delegation traveled to Delft for a briefing at Deltares, an independent institute for delta technology that provides expertise to governments and the private sector on living in deltas, coastal areas and river basins.

The delegation ended the day at Delft University where Sen. Landrieu and New Orleans urban planner Greg Rigamer explained the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to Dutch students.
Rigamer explained that Katrina was the worst storm in New Orleans’ history and that the levee breaches, not wind, caused most of the damage. But he said the situation is not hopeless.
A $15 billion flood protection system is being built in New Orleans, and the Domenici-Landrieu Energy Security Act has created an independent revenue stream to rebuild the Louisiana coast. “There is a light at the end of the tunnel for our community.”
Executive Director of Sandy Rosenthal, Sen. Landrieu, and Director of Research for H.J. Bosworth

Louisiana Delegation, Landrieu, EPA Jackson Continue Study Of Netherlands Waterworks

~Diary: Page 2: by Stephen Sabludowsky

U.S. environment chief praises Dutch water systems
~Toby Sterling
~The mission was impressed by a number of Dutch innovative tactics to repel flooding including mixing water with sand dunes, building up minor waterways and the doing away with pavements to allow water to soak through to the earth. Jackson said the Dutch strategy to deal with excess water came down to "the idea that when it rains, the rush is not to pump out, but to be able to hold an amount of water."

Time, money press La. storm project~Rick Jervis

Ivor van Heerden cites policy lapses cited in Abita Springs talk
~Benjamin Alexander-Bloch

Corps Of Engineers Rotates In (demotes?) Geologist for NOLA Hurricane Protection Office, formerly commanded last year's Flooded Midwest District
--3rd to assume the position in past year!

~Col. Robert Sinkler <-(again, we don't make up these names) takes over from Col. Michael McCormick, whose stint in New Orleans was brief after taking over the Hurricane Protection Office in August 2008. Sinkler is the commander of the corps' Rock Island District, which was responsible for flooding in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Missouri last summer '08. Uh'D'Oh, Datman!

Corps signs off on Chalmette Loop levee plan

Hackers Infiltrate Corps Servers
~Paul McDougall
~The hackers used simple SQL Server injection techniques to gain access. That's troubling because it shows a major Army security lapse, and also the ability to bypass supposedly sophisticated Defense Department tools and procedures designed to prevent such breaches.
~Editilla Ironates!~ Jus'sayin... this is bonefide Irony, right?

Bill to give Orleans Levee District property to City Park scuttled

Opportunities Abound for Disaster Reconstruction Industry Professionals
~Comprising the National Disaster Reconstruction Expo's conference program are the country's foremost experts in the disaster reconstruction industry.
The keynote speakers and session facilitators represent FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of Emergency Preparedness, and the Louisiana Recovery Authority (LRA), among many other top industry organizations.
The NDRExpo launches June 17-18, at the Morial New Orleans Convention Center.

New Orleans Pilot Program Replants Vacant Lots with Sunflower Farms
~Matthew MacDermott

A Tale of Two Coasts

Bitter Financial Intercourse??

Politics with a Punch

Alexandria’s White Linen Night ~CenLamar

As If New Orleans Hasn’t Suffered Enough Already

Down by the River
~Alex Rawls, offBeat

The New Orleans Airlift is coming to Berlin in June!
~The House of Misbelieve

Mboya Nicholson Swings About New Orleans on Debut CD

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Louisiana Senator Landrieu, EPA Head, Jackson Lead Netherlands Delegation On Day One ~BBuzz
~Diary: Page 1: by Stephen Sabludowsky

Rep Cao Sells-Out Constituency to "Big Medical" at LSU.
~As Louisiana presses FEMA for decision on Charity Hospital money, Sacred Cao lobbies for its destruction!
~While we are glad that Viet Village is probably going to get new medical facilities out of this betrayal, it is wrong for Congressman Cao to sacrifice the City's need for Charity in his support for the Big Medical Industry Donar Base at LSU.

Three minutes or less for common sense
~Save Charity

New Orleans: Not a City of Whiners~Harry Shearer

Plaintiffs win a round in suits against Jefferson Parish over Katrina flooding
~Richard Rainey

New Orleans City Council to hold storm planning hearing today

Technology's Role in Disaster Mitigation~Corey McKenna

River crest put at 40 feet
~Amy Wold

~USGS River Flood Gauge Readings:
New Orleans,LA,
NO Industial Canal,
Bonnet Carre Spillway LA,
Baton Rouge LA, Natchez MS,
Vicksburg MS
, Greenville MS, Memphis TN, Cairo IL,
Cape Girardeau MO, St Louis MO, Hannibal MO,
Davenort IA, Grafton IL

~Check it Out! Google has hooked up wit'da USGS!

URS Joint Venture Awarded Exquisite Corps Contract

River restoration: Should we bring back Mississippi's roaring white-water rapids?~Ron Way

Chauvin shrimper kept watch over sculpture garden
~Nikki Buskey

Krewe Of Pegasus Won't Parade In 2010

Guerrilla Haiku team is planting signs of healing~Chris Rose

Here's a toast to legendary New Orleans wine aficionado Max Zander, dead at 88
~Angus Lind

Lil Dee Releases Stay Ready,
Street Dreams Productions

Deborah Brown: Jazz Diva Extraordinaire
~Victor L. Schermer

Sunday, May 24, 2009


2008 spillway opening caused no damage to fisheries say Corps PR
~Most recent instantaneous value: 20.34, 05-24-2009, 11:00. Please click graph to enlarge.
~USGS River Flood Gauge Readings:
New Orleans,LA,
NO Industial Canal,
Bonnet Carre Spillway LA,

Baton Rouge LA
, Natchez MS, Vicksburg MS,
Greenville MS
, Memphis TN, Cairo IL,
Cape Girardeau MO, St Louis MO, Hannibal MO,
Davenort IA, Grafton IL

State officials crack open the door to expand our Louisiana coastal area ~lacoastpost
~The state's coastal zone boundaries contain all or part of nineteen parishes. From the west at the Texas/Louisiana state line, the boundary proceeds easterly through the parishes of Calcaseiu and Cameron, then go south through Vermilion, St. Mary, St. Martin, Assumption, Terrebonne and Lafourche. The boundary goes north to include the parishes of St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James and then goes east again through Livingston, Tangipahoa and St. Tammany parishes to the Mississippi state line. Seven parishes lie completely within the coastal zone area. Those parishes are Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist, St. James, and St. Charles.
~As we know how Gentle'rillas love maps, please click to enlarge, and there further magnify.
Contact the state Department of Natural Resources' Coastal Management Division Coastal Management Division for a free copy.

Irma Thomas headlines concert for America Wetland Foundation
~Keith Spera

Congress to clarify what is covered by Clean Water Act
~Bruce Geiselman

90L comes close to being the season's first named storm
~Jeff Masters

Obama's mining approach leaves industry wondering ~EcoEarth.Info

Diamond in the rough:
House Bill 780
~Here at, we've been heartened by the common ground being forged by folks from the left and right sides of the political aisle on this issue. People from all over the ideological spectrum have raised reservations about the proposed LSU/VA medical complex - from its price tag to its impact on the residents of the neighborhood.

By Product

~In New Orleans Snowballs are a really big deal.
Haley, 7, and Shane Babb, 5, anticipate the cool sweetness of their snowballs as they wait for Shiela Marriott to prepare them at Ro-Bear's in Harahan.
Photo: John McCusker
~Editilla T'n'T~
Taste Spotting

New Orleans Public Library's teen reading program kicks off with a free Books and Snowballs at all-city party!
~K.G. Wilkins

~Summer reading will kick off with a free all-city party May 30 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Latter Library. Teens can sign up, get free books and treats, make a craft and listen to Jeff "Papfrog" Klein's Kidrum Drumming Troupe, with a guest drummer all the way from Africa. We will serve snowballs and cake.

The Six Gravestones
of Soapy Smith~Soup Greens

~Soapy Smith was a scoundrel, con artist, bunco man, and lowlife of the highest order, so he naturally left quite a lot of bad blood behind when he was shot to death in 1898, and this has taken a harsh toll on the sanctity of his final resting place.

Morbid Anatomy at Barrister's
~Inside Art New Orleans

Skull Wars: A review

Cary Fukunaga Premieres
"SIN NOMBRE" in New Orleans
~Court 13

A day with Mr. Bat won’t ever be forgotten~Robin Miller

The Marcus Roberts Trio at Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola
~all about Jazz

Wadada Leo Smith
~Marc Medwin, all about Jazz

~"Since 2007, I see America changing, becoming not a divided multi-cultural society, but a pluralistic cultural society where everybody has a chance.
Creative music announced the change in the '60s, but the music had been democratic since New Orleans, with its collective improvisation, where the collective had value and every individual had equal value.
This is a unique moment in this country's history, so now I call the music I make American music."