~New Orleans on the Cheap

Visitors to the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival this weekend should be prepared to pay a little more than usual for a flat of berries, as the recent heavy rains have battered the crop and reduced yields. Still, festival organizers are expecting attendance to approach 350,000 for the festival, which started Friday evening and runs through Sunday.
List of 14 weekend festivals in New Orleans region~WWL

City Park to Host Largest Green Fair in Louisiana History
~Live Green Orleans

~Serious Eats

For a great time, good food, hot music, and family fun, come out to the Celebración Latina tomorrow, Sunday, April 5, in Lawrence Square at the corner of Napoleon and Magazine. Enjoy Latin culture, food, music and show your support for the Children's Resource Center of the New Orleans Public Library at the same time. ~Huck Upchuck
Vicksburg native's film to debut
in New Orleans Sunday
~Manivanh Chanprasith
~On Sunday, a 1995 Vicksburg High School graduate will premier her debut documentary, “No Cross, No Crown,” at the sixth annual New Orleans International Human Rights Film Festival.

Mr. Cao’s persistent pattern ~Kevin Allman
In Case You Didn't Notice
~We Could Be Famous
If FEMA says your mama loves you, check it out ~Ben Lundin
Shrimper group boiling mad over foreign fraud
~Jeremy Alford
Jean Lafitte Park gets room to grow, extends protection
~C.J. Lin
USA Today report about national levee safety standards
Minn., N.D. governors want Corps off its ass and on the clock!
~Mark Brunswick
~Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study is not scheduled to be finished until December 2010, a timetable they said is too slow to address the needs of the flood-prone region.
~Editilla Alligators~ We can't help but Cry Alligator Tears here for these poor people at the Faaaargo end of the Corps failing systems. Really, it now appears that flood failures are not unique to New Orleans, or to elevations above sea level --neither even the color of our skin nor the content of our character.
The Corps issue is about Moving Water the Wrong Way.
With each passing season Systemic Failures in the Corps of Engineers' Civil Works become more and more apparent.
Our nation's fate is tied to the hull of a ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch, piloted by the Krewe of Leakes.
Corps plans to upgrade levees in southeast Des Moines
~The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced Friday that it was moving to change flood maps because the Corps could not certify that the levees would protect against a 100-year flood, or one with a 1 percent chance of occurring in a given year.
Making it right in New Orleans
~Mike Holmes
Study finds paint isle at Lowe’s best place to have complete meltdown ~slabbed
~The study, which observed a cross-section of 750 average, mentally sound Americans as they shopped at a variety of retail outlets, found that the singularly chaotic qualities of a Lowe’s paint aisle, combined with its overwhelming number of product choices, make it the ideal place to completely fall apart.
Editilla is not surprised, being quite the connoisseur of best places to lose it. I generally prefer the tunnel/gyms at any Childrens' Museum as they usually have to call a FIREMAN too. Rite Aid is nice because their guards are rarely armed and many of them have mini GNC stores inside so you just go there and start screaming about your steroids. Churches are out now... But if Gentle'rillas want a really great place to lose their mind or just a few of their more volatile personalaties --where you'll never find them again-- we suggest 7400 Leake Ave
New Orleans, LA... and bring a box of Hubigs.

You can see more of Wally's sketches at his blog.
"683 Things About New Orleans"
~Monica M Dalide
~The 683 Oddest, Most Inspiring, Totally Scandalous and Just Plain Weird Things You Never Knew about New Orleans.
~Editilla Mo'tellas~ Oh Yeah?
We wonder if they included the Midget Brothel in Exchange Alley. How about the rites and secret politics of the Mule Breeders?
“Take care when you handle Cliche’ lest you draw offense of Metaphor as neither will honor what they seem in life nor what you would wish of them in death.” …said Down the Gravedigger.

~Cut Out + Keep
~"My sister and I made these from fallen branches after riding out the storm of hurricane Katrina.

While burning the runes into the wood, I discovered an added bonus...the heart of the wood has a tiny star in the middle! Score!"
Happy Mayan New Year 11 Ik ~Austin Seraphin
New Orleans Fundraiser
~Blah Blog Blah~If you are anywhere near the East Village tonight, Sat. April 4, please make a point to stop by the 6th Street Community Center and donate something to the high school kids who are holding a Jazz Festival to raise money for their April working trips to New Orleans.
The Drummer’s Toybox
~Drummer Talk
Youman Wilder and Weird Stories Live from Here
~all about Jazz