Cafe Envie Time running out for Liberace fans ~Editilla Pianellas~OOH Ooh! Let's get'em to move the Liberace Museum to New Orleans! What a no-brainer. Do we not celebrate and care so for our Kings and Queens of Music? Of course we do. And we know Liberace wasn't no freak show costume mannequin neither! Maybe Chis Owens could pardner up? I'm in! "Libby" so loved New Orleans. And it is because of Saint Lib that all musicians can claim all of their tools on Income Tax Deductions! Of course, you say, Ha, you say. He had all this bling, some say. Well he also had a touring crew, Steinways, full orchestra... but hey, axe Harry Connick or Dr John or anyone who rolls the bone at that level. Every dime counts. Anyway, everyone will want to come'see come'see Liberace! ~~BREAKING from Broke Back Candy Mountain!~~ ~The newly formed philanthropic group, Bring Liberace To New Olreans BLTNO has just received the staunch and aggressive backing, ahem, of the APP---American Pie Party- 'E Pluribus Piem'. "We believe in Just Desserts. And so did Saint Liberace," said Chief Ninja Pie Thrower Fartsworth P Iems. "Libby, as we so affectionately refer to His Pianess, was a Patriot Missile for Musicians against the IRS ---and the indisputable Queen of Showman everywhere --especially in New Orleans!"
Harry Shearer wins Celluloid Hero Award from the New Orleans Film Festival!~NOLA EATS ~While the film festivities kick off tonight at the newly opened Eiffel Society with the Film Festival Gala, it’s not too late to join in. Enjoy show-stopping food by Chef Ian Schnoebelen and headlining cocktails by Mixologist Alan Walter. The party starts at 8 PM and tickets can be purchased online or at the door. Music will be provided by Treme Brass Band and the Celluloid Hero Award will be presented to Harry Shearer, who will be accepting via video.
1) IPET (USACE), 2) ASCE (oversight of IPET paid by USACE), 3) National Research Council (oversight of ASCE and IPET by DOD), 4) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 5) ILIT (paid by NSF and UCal), 6) Team Louisiana (paid by LA Dept of Trans), 7) Decision Chronology by Woolley/Shabman, 8) Risk Management Solutions (insurance industry), 9) Congress - House Study, 10) Congress - Senate Study, 11) White House Study, 13) Center for Progressive Reform ILIT report, 14) MRGO Plaintiffs studies, 15) MRGO Defense studies.
There's also the Apariq report (by an independent engineering firm) on a Corps whistleblower's allegations validated by the Office of Special Counsel in the Justice Dept). And studies are still ongoing, and will be released in the next 18 months. [Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:58:33 AM]
~Editilla Crowtellas~ Here's one just for LAFs (Local Affiliate Friends:) of N-PR
NPR Hypocritically Promotes Its Own Employee Michele Norris' New Book --yet censored promotion of Harry Shearer's movie 'The Big Uneasy'? ~One listener questioned the “dibs” system in relation to Norris. “A few weeks ago you wrote a piece on Harry Shearer and the ‘Dibs List,’" wrote Joe Schifano. “You justified NPR only having Shearer on one program rather than on the big news magazines. NPR was simply following the guidelines it had set up 5 years ago. Recently I have seen Michele Norris appear on many of the NPR programs. So my question – Does the Dibs List only apply to non-NPR employee guests?” ~Editilla @theharryshearer Jeez dat NPR Ombudsman Lady in a Freudian Slip sure is a Piece of Work eh? She musta meant to say "Bibs rule" #TheBigUneasy
Banksy does the Simpsons. Just don't tell the Gray Ghost!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Stephanie Grace goes crumb'smudgin for Cedric Richmond, attacks local blogger American Zombie ~Last Sunday, after Richmond unveiled a televised endorsement from President Barack Obama, Cao argued that the president needs not only to know about the proven infractions, but also that "one investigation involves public funds he steered to his girlfriend, which resulted in a criminal investigation." Yet when asked, Cao supplied no evidence of wrongdoing on Richmond's part, other than to point to a blog, The American Zombie, that offers a lot of smoke but nothing like a smoking gun implicating Richmond in any criminality.
UNO to dedicate "Katrina" memorial ~Editilla Rotellas~ Not a WORD about the failed Federal levees or subsequent Flooding of the campus and entire city of New Orleans 8/29/05. If UNO continues failing to note the difference between Man-Made Disaster (Flood of New Orleans) and Natural Disaster (Katrina that struck MS), then how do they expect to survive the real surge onslaught on their existence from LSU? Well? One man's made disaster is another man's ignorance of cause and effect. What's wrong with this story's picture? ~"Road Home could be smoothed by court rulings"Because Mark and Romy Samuels had jobs and insurance on their Gentilly home that was totaled by Hurricane Katrina’s flooding, they got nothing from the Road Home. There are nearly 25,000 families like the Samuelses who got grants to rebuild their storm-damaged properties based on the property value, rather than the estimated cost of repairing the damage. ~Editilla Rotellas~ What's wrong with this picture is that KATRINA DIDN'T FLOOD NEW ORLEANS 8/29/05. Even our fav Mayor Mitch'mo now refers to it as "Katrina's Damage." Has he become so politically confused by backing Cedric Richmond that he forgets that the US Federal Government flooded New Orleans and NOT Katrina? Is this what they call Politicked Off?