If all goes as planned, displaced families will eventually occupy 150 Pitt-built homes.
Tour owners file suit over floodgate~Amy Wold
New Orleans charter school operator plans expansion
~Brian Thevenot
Hearing set to choose first-ever New Orleans independent police monitor~Laura Maggi
La. loses jobs; BR count up
~Gary Perrilloux
Katrina's displaced worry about Census count~Shelia Byrd
He Hate Me? $enator Chri$ Dodd $inks to New Low$ ~slabbed
Lake Lanier blame game brews
~Jeremy Redmon ~Critics say the Corps helped push the region into this crisis by giving into local political pressure for drinking water as the area developed and generated more tax revenues. One of those critics compared the Corps and the Atlanta region’s relationship to that of a pusher and an addict.
The 6 lost Hurricane Hunter missions, Part V: Typhoon Ophelia, 1958~Jeff Masters
Food Inc. @ Canal Place
The Fruit Hunters: A Story of Nature, Adventure, Commerce, and Obsession
~The Splendid Table
Martha Stewart Living magazine visits Grand Isle~Judy Walker
In an Art Slump, Graffiti is Free
~Tom Johansmeyer~When times are tough, you don't spend when you don't have to. There's sufficient graffiti in London to keep art collectors entertained, which is causing them to shy away from works by Banksy.
Larger auction houses have cut down on the Banksy works they are carrying, and some of the regional auction houses are canceling their urban art specialist sales.
Family and friends gather to remember Edwin Hampton
~Bigad Shaban
Satchmo Fest lineup features New Orleans gems
~Ann Maloney
Alex McMurray in NYC tonight!
~NolaFunk NYC