Con-Profit status moves to Severe ~American Zombie
Financial troubles for Byron Lee go beyond audit ~WWL
Council asked to give public a chance to review budget~The Lens~Also~
“Unacceptably large” number of hotels skip taxes, IG says~Matt Davis~La. Endowment for the Humanities panel TOMORROW features The Lens -
Glenn Frey Is An Asshole: iPhone Edition ~moosedenied
Uneasy over Army Corps of Engineers' idea for armoring New Orleans' levees ~Times-Picayune editorial~Contracts~Remediation of Floodwalls on the 17th Street Canal17th Street bid package details: Job is all soil mixing between Vets and Hammond Hwy (east side) and between Georgia St and Hammond Hwy (west side). All work might or might not be done from homeowners' side, since plans include provision for contractor to build "temporary production pad" (i.e. build up levee from toe up to flattened area from degrading) on protected side.
Page 1 of the specs says work is between $5 million & $10 million Bid due date: Nov. 29th (just 14 days after solicitation issuance) Work duration: 150 days.
Work is a small business set-aside for which the lead contractor has to perform 20% of the work (or less, if the Corps agrees).
Remediation of Floodwalls on The london Ave CanalLondon Avenue bid package details: This work consists of driving a bunch of sheet pile along both sides of the canal, most of it with a concrete cap placed on top in front of the wall (though some does not have the cap). The sheet pile acts as a seepage cutoff, while the concrete cap helps against uplift. All the new sheet pile is going in on the protected side, and the top of the concrete cap will be at elevation +4 feet (top of wall is around 12 to 13 feet). The areas with the cap will also have 6 feet of scour protection. Only the top 10 feet of the sheet piling are to be coated with coal tar epoxy, at least as far as the section between Mirabeau and Filmore. I've gone through the other drawing package and can't find any notes on painting the sheet pile. I'm sure this will be of interest to many on this email. By the way, that scour protection is an interesting addition, because the calculations for the safety of the walls along London Avenue are only good up to 10 feet, not to the tops of the walls (one to 4 feet higher). It's good they are looking forward to possible failure of the gates, but it would have been better if they had designed for a canal completely full of water. Also note that the first drawing package (the one for the section between Mirabeau and Filmore) is dated September, 2010, or the same month they had the incredibly vague IER27 out for public comment, claiming they couldn't release engineering details. Page 1 of the specs says work is between $15 million & $25 million. Bid due date: Nov. 22nd (just ten days after solicitation issuance) Work duration: 150 days. Work is a small business set-aside for which the lead contractor has to perform 20% (or less, if the Corps agrees).
~Special thanks~Fix the Pumps~Also in Corps Shitcannery~
Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois Joins Lawsuit Against FEMA to Block Faulty Flood Insurance Maps
Supercomputing advances assessed at New Orleans conference
~Mark Schleifstein
Most of New Orleans slated to receive recycling pickup next year ~WVUE"There is a war brewing in the Gulf", BP Oil Disaster Victims Vow Never to Forget~Rocky Kistner
Forensic Testing of Blowout Preventer Begins
Allstate’s “nanny nanny boo-boo, you can’t catch me” defense of Louisiana qui tam cases ~slabbedFeinberg Process is Breeding Insecurity ~Ewell Smith
Work to begin on National Mall levee: new barrier will protect downtown DC from massive flood~Editilla Ironellas~"The new system will add stone walls on both sides of 17th Street, as well as a removable section of posts and metal panels, to the earth barrier that parallels the Lincoln Memorial's reflecting pool."Tonight: Bryan Batt at Tulane
~Lauren LaBorde, GambitHe Does It Again~Blackened Out
A cornucopia of all things relative to music in the Crescent City
~Geraldine WyckoffTom Waits Sings Mardi Gras Music
Patrick Jarenwattananon, NPR