Spring is here! Yeeeaaaahhh!!!
~New Orleans Daily Photo
~Editilla schillas~
Please click on the image to see it larger.If you could put yer oh'so humble Editorilla into a "Religion",
before you nailed the doors shut and burned it down,
it would be Art
Call it Our Blessed Holy Spirit of the Very Same Self Church and Lot.
Creativity, Art, is a Socratic Prime Virtue without which we walk this planet as less than human. It expresses our congenital means of Liberation (revo) from Habit (devo) through Novelty (evo). As expression happens in so many different forms and from so may diffrent people it simply deserves to just be loved and appreciated--
not caged and sold in expensive gallery scenes like slave workers on da'block or wild beasts viewed and bred in captivity.
Outside of
da'NOLA Blog-0-Reamery,
WWOZ (and course'yer Trustee Ladda:), Steve Buser's site
always comes through to assuage da'Editeurillas' oft'times severely bent, faithless, lonely even cynical view that
the world is going to Mall in a Hand Basket...particularly on a Monday like today mfk'n'grrrrr.
On the day before Earth Day, April 21st, Steve will celebrate the blog's one year anniversary. Today's post (synchronistically the Passion Flower) marks his 252nd Daily Photo.
That is what we Aphasian Ladder'builders call Spankin'da Monkey!
When you get to Steve's site, and after going all over New Orleans on it, (and sybling 'Pixel Eye') please take a trip down the list of other "Daily Photo" sites from all over the world. Perchance you will find that we are not so alone as the Business of the Church and State would have us believe. Truely Goddess takes care of Artists, Fools and errant Troubadours.
Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS
~This excellent site offer data for not only Louisiana rivers but also guage-readings on the entire national river system. One can go check where the flood is moving southward, state by state...and it is coming.
Great site and quite a difference from the obfuscatory Exquixotic Corps of 'Engineers'.
It is high-water time that we started taking our measurements from Civilians, like the USGS, rather than continue to trust our fate to obsequiously taking orders only from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Convene The 2/29 Commission!
State Monitoring Flood Stage Levels~The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) along with key Federal, State and Local agencies are actively monitoring flood stage levels along the Louisiana levee system.
~Editilla can't sit stilla, ya'heard me?~We who seek da'wizdom of da'ladda in times of high water do applaude the Right Governor for getting on top of the levees so to speak. But...Whoa! GOHSEP? Ooh! Ooh! Sieg Hell! What about the one they don't talk about, even in undisclosed loquacions: da'Governor's Office of Operant Homeland Security and Technology Emergency Preparedness?:}
Report faulting La. National Guard chief releasedAs Climate Changes Threatens U.S. Gulf States, Federal Agencies Twiddle Thumbs
N.O. teachers earning bigger paychecks after Katrina
Banning doesn’t replace planningThe Mystery of the Sunset Limited~Jim Loomis