Saturday, April 19, 2008


This is just how I feel today after reading Humid City's post below about the killing of a witness to the killing of a person I have actually met and enjoyed. As well or not, the killing yesterday uptown that crashed into Friar Tucks just leaves yer sad rootless Editilla at a loss for words. It is Saturday. Life is not supposed to be filled with murder.
I always find refuge amongst the Trees of New Orleans. They make me feel at home. They can hold you in their shade like a 5 o'clock shadow, on their roots like yer momma's knee. They can stop a bullet.
We need to remember the roots. We need to find them, feed them, climb all over them, take care of them. I hope this helps.
Thank you again, New Orleans Daily Photo

New Orleans missing trees

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

All at Sea~Antoinette de Jong

Barackin’ Rally This Saturday!
~casa de Charlotte della luna

~Editeurilla Sinn'fillas~Da'Bama-Rama!

Oh When CODEPINK Came Marching In (To New Orleans On Eve's V-Day)~Linda Milazzo

No Place Like Home: Hurricane Katrina's Lasting Impact
~Science Daily
~"The magnitude and permanence of a housing loss suggests that for many people, the psychological consequences of this experience could be profound and lasting."~Narayan Sastry

Lead Poisoning, New Orleans Style~Humid City

Protect NAFTA,
say business leaders

Editeurilla say~Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name!

An Event Apart New Orleans Attendee Information

This Jewish Life: Down in New Orleans

Terence Blanchard & Spike Lee on music, movies and collaboration

Jambalaying in Rio


Friday, April 18, 2008


Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

Spillway opens 20 more bays

Flood Warnings in New Orleans--The Rest of the Story~Georgianne Nienaber
~Exquixotic Corps Spin'filtrates OpEdNews?
~Editilla kin'killas~
This whole article reads like ass'buff to me...but we all know my own ban'able lack of manners or the Psychological Quaification to distinguish between Common Punk Gang'Bang Murderers, the US Army Corps of Engineers and Lying Fuckless Murdering Nazi Engineers of the Holocaust...much less perform blog commentary. I hate da'Bastards.
I get angry when they smile. I see dead people.
For me it is Rhesus da'Mortis.
Ordinarily anyone who would, however unwittingly, blow the Corps horn for them can meet me in hell, but in the interest of full disclosure, yer Arrant Editilla likes this author and has engaged Ms. Nienaber on this article in no less than, so far, 20 email exchanges about it. I would be interested in the thoughts of our Gentle'Rillas on this article ie-Spin'filtration or Not, as I see it is a common Rovian Public Relations tactic to defang the opposition by implicating them in da'spin. Quite divisive too as it places the journalists with the view of the Corps and apart from the experience of the survivors of their malefeseance. But more so, Dear Reader can go to the author herself, who is quite good actually.
To quote Bette Davis, "When they wanted a broad with balls they called me."--therein lies da'rub. She has hung wit'distinction on da'Ladda, including a good chunk of this, her exceptional 14 page piece: Baghdad on the Bayou: Final Report on Deception and Diaspora in New Orleans
Given their past performance and until we convene The 8/29 Commission I cannot treat anything the Corps of Engineers puts forth as competent engineering analysis, much less simply honest talk. They are admitted and proven liars who are responsible for the deaths of 1000s in that flood of New Orleans. They continue to not only get away with the crime but are being taken seriously and asked to continue in their present position so they can rape us again. I refuse to assume that position. Nevermore.

Army Corps of Engineers Updates Donelon, Insurers on South LA Hurricane Protection System
The Corps presentation noted that $3 billion in federal funds has been spent since 2005’s Hurricane Katrina on system improvements. The overall program will cost an estimated $14.6 billion. All levee damage has been repaired, all deficiencies corrected, transitions strengthened and vulnerable floodwalls have been armored for a Hurricane Protection System that is much stronger and better than before Hurricane Katrina, according to Garrett Graves, Director of the Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities.
Oops! Just a Little Leak
~Harry Shearer

~Editeurilla claims'dis! If it's not one thing it's another! Alas, a general advisory warnings to all: after obviously being found guilty of intellectual harassment, yer oh'so humble Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia has been banned from making any more comments on Harry Shearer's Blog. DOH! Must have been something I - A'FLEM - said? Naaaah, Ya'T'ink? Could be. Hmmm, beats me off. Whateva pokes yer'Goat I always say--but still, I can't stop speculatin' as to what in Dante's Hell could have gotten under da'skin of Da'Master Bater His Very Same Self? His Prister is of course always welcome on da'Ladda don'tcha know, until New Orleans sinks into da'sea ...or I get a letter, whicheva comes first;-)
Y'all still gonna hang out wit'me?
Foot In Mouth Disease ain't contagious, I t'ink.
Ah say! Ah say, BOY!
Can Ah Getta Wit'n'aaaass?

Thank youz all so much for your kind support regarding this strange and currious scene.
I won't mention any names but some of you crawl on yer'belly to Music For Chamelions and at least one of you slides hard balls of pun'ishing pundity off da'half shell as if it were the bottom of the nyn't, the deck is loaded and Satan is at bat! Your emails have been quite gratifying and yer humbler Editilla do appreciates the uh, errah...da'Ganglia du'Blogger d'Orleans.
My Huff Post handle used to be backhandpath`-)

Levees have been improved, corps says for real this time, no lie, really, I con'tell you don'beeleeeve me...

ASCE does PR campaign for Corps of Engineers
~New Video from

If enough people watch the video by noon Friday April 18, it will earn a place on the homepage of YouTube where it may be viewed by millions!
Register at YouTube and rate the video.
View and rate our other videos on YouTube.

Help New Orleans and people nationwide. Bring to light that the official levee investigation in New Orleans and the outside peer review were controled by the same people who are responsible for the levee design and construction.
Thank you!
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder and Executive Director, Levees.Org

‘Tragedy and Triumph’ by Guest Writer Pamela Baker
~Crafts of Texture

Editilla just needed a break here whew!

Make risk clear, corps told

~"The message should not be sugar-coated, must be in clear, easy-to-understand language and, in our opinion, needs to come from the engineer who designed and is responsible for the hurricane system,"
members of the American Society of Civil Engineers
External Review Panel said in a five-page letter sent Tuesday to Lt. Gen. Robert Van Antwerp, chief of the corps.
"No one understands, or should understand, the limitations of the hurricane protection system better than the Corps of Engineers," the letter said. "Evacuation and emergency planning appears to be the only means available in the near term to provide significant additional protection to human health and welfare in the New Orleans area." (emphasis mine)
~Editilla's Mad As Hell
And We're Not Going To Take This Any More!~
This is unmitigated horse shit! Sorry, but that dog won' hunt and shame on the Times Picayune for not asking One Simple Question of the ASCE, to wit: WHY ARE THE REPAIRED LEVEES LEAKING TODAY? as referenced much more fluidly Harry's post sited above. Why does the TP 'assume the position' every forking time? Are they In'Bedded with these lying creeps?
And as for the ASCE Red Herring "evacuation and emergency planning" position, well the fact that nearly 2,000,000 people had already evacutated New Orleans before a single drop of rain had fallen, before Katrina made landfall in Mississippi ,did not hold those levees together, did not effect their structural integrity one snake's ass any more than the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers vaunted Public Relations prowess. What Grade-A MisDirection straight out of PR 101. First the ASCE tried to slant their non-peer reviewed "study" towards the cause of the levee-failures as more to do with amorphous "Global Warming" than from the
ONUS de'Corps for building the levees wrong from the begining. Then real engineers like Raymond Seed & Co. stepped in to contradict ASCE in public--so now they (ASCE) would have us believe that evacuation plans make for stronger levees.
And as to their arrogant propaganda that
"No one understands, or should understand(???), the limitations of the hurricane protection system better than the Corps of Engineers,"--I, knee deep in mayhem that first week of the Federal Flood, beg to differ. If you were in New Orleans when those levees failed, who you gonna believe? ASCE, the now thrice-proven charlatans, or your own lyin'eyes?
Why doesn't the TP talk to the people who actually get their hands wet?
What bothers me the most is that we can check with the civilian USGS and get real-time data showing that IT'S COMING THIS WAY!
"The sea refuses no river
And right now this river's banks are blown
The sea refuses no river
Whether stinking and rank
Or red from the tank
Whether pure as a spring
There's no damned thing stops the poem
The sea refuses no river
And this river is homeward flowing"
~Pete Townsend
A Natural Solutution

Judge to Corps: Show permit info
~The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must stop stonewalling environmental group requests for information about new mountaintop-removal mining permitsin WV, a federal judge ruled Thursday. Related article here.


Thursday, April 17, 2008


Make It Right Pink House afront museum reminds 'City of Angels' of 'City That Care Forgot Not!'
WELCOME, HOME: The pink structure in front of the Architecture and Design Museum. Brad Pitt and his cohorts are hoping it will remind passersby of the thousands left homeless by Hurricane Katrina and the continued need for construction in those devastated areas of New Orleans. Photo-Lawrence K. Ho, Los Angeles Times

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

Homeland Security Threat Level:

Private Sector Enlisted in Emergency Response Planning

Pump Chief Maestri rebuts parish boss Broussard on flood plans

East Jefferson, St. Charles Parish levees' strength in question

~Stunning new data spit out (P'tui!?!) by a complex geotechnical computer model has concluded that lake levees in East Jefferson and St. Charles Parish could be at risk for catastrophic failure.

Exquixotic Corps of Engineers presents options
~"The onus will be on local governments to initiate storm-surge and flood-protection measures in western Louisiana,"
said Robert Bosenberg of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers.
~Editeurilla huffs yer'Onus Flatulus~
Da'Onus may be On Us, Lo Da'Bonus on Da'Corpus
! Oh Yeah? Well, this definitely calls for a heartfelt Beochwolf-Slap wit'da MAM'FYYFF!
(Mighty Ashley Morris Fuck You You Fucking Fuck!)
as, despite the fact that Mxr. Bosenberg is none of these, we will just have to make sure to elect only civil engineers, hydrologists, and wetlands experts to our local governments then, eh? Otherwise we will remain at the mercy of paying this V'orking Icehole Som'nominabish Extortionist's (VISE's) salary for ...what? His past performance at wetlands management with the Exquixotic Corps? And we have what to show for this Cork'Sucker's O.O. (Onus Operandi) at the Corps? What? We have, oy
... da'acronymity of it all makin'my teef hoit, MOALCAWL - MILLIONS OF ACRES LESS COASTLINE AND WET'LANDS due to Corps' pro-industry mismanagement Dat's What!
Onus~Pronunciation: \ˈō-nəs\
Editillacular: / `o-nuts!/
Function: noun Date: circa 1640
[Latin — more at onerous] a: burden b: a disagreeable necessity : obligation c: blame d: stigma 2[New Latin onus (probandi), literally, burden of proving] : burden of proof
Corps accused of 'Onus Anus' by violating permit ruling in WV
~The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued at least three new mountaintop-removal mining permits in violation of a year-old federal court ruling, environmental groups alleged Wednesday.

Stream Restoration News

Edward Lorenz, father of chaos theory, weatherman, dies at 90
~hack in the box

Butterfly Orchid->
in a
Fractal Bush

Fractal Heart
Note Cards by

Poetry from Chaos

For Bayard Rustin
(Quamquam animus) meminisse horet (luctuque
refugit, incipiam) ~Virgil
I .
Why was the bus growling,
Disgorging passengers
At the crumbling corner?
Why were the black streets
Holding the white at bay,
While furious eyes
Threw knives at passing cars?
Bricks, knives and black despair!
Blue helmets over faces cooked with rage
While light blue arms and dark blue legs
Race to outrace the waves
Of boiling rage and the smashed impotence
Of windows: tongueless
Glass where mourners pass.
Rats, and children’s screams
That answer parent’s calls.
Blue hands like blazing trees;
Cinders and cobblestones fall like a storm,
Like spears of fire loosened
Against trembling rooftops and dark blood
Crawling past children aged to numbness.
Hands, feet streak
Across the caterwaul of sirens
Conceived in some Euclidian orbit of the state.
Some Cyclops of justice, red with fear and hate,
Driven sandbagged into the breech,
Directed by electric mouths, crackles
Instructions to a nightscape gone berserk.

Katrina stories must be told

AG denies being pressured in Katrina cases

FEMA trailers have to go, says town of Abita Springs

Report tracks schools' progress

Pope recognizes N.O. during service

Helping hands see 'still a ton of need' in Katrina areas

South Euclid, OH: Regina spaghetti dinner to fund New Orleans trip
~This will be the second summer the school sends students and faculty to New Orleans.

New Beleaguering: Easy Sick, Territory Interesting Dominion E’er
~New Siege: Nerveless Car No, Bos taurus Po’boy Yes

VDAY in New Orleans
~Urban Zen Vaginoir

Living the Wright life

What's a po' boy to do?
~Chris Erskine

The DM's Meghan Blalock takes a break from Oxford and does Cajun fashion

Extra Links~PhiloBiblos

A Requiem for New Orleans - ‘Shake The Devil Off’ ~ Input 2008

Pop Icon Susan Cowsill and Band Travel to Rwanda

2008 JazzFest Streaming Video Webcast ~ MusicRoadMan

The Inevitable Rise of Saul Williams

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Missouri lakes crest, rains hold
Officials from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers expect to release 27,000 cubic feet of water from Bull Shoals Dam through Tue.

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

River flood warning reposted in New Orleans~Exquixotic Corps starts digging near levee leak

National Situation Update: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Homeland Security Threat Level: YELLA! (ELEVATED)~YAT'FEMA

Corps of Engineers Proposes Southeast Water-Sharing Plan

Hurricane protection work is under way on the West Bank

National Hurricane Center director to make stop in N.O.

Hydro Green Energy caps off first funding round in growing “hydrokinetic” market

Florida firm to raise St. Bernard levees

INX Wins Contract to Service US Army Corps of Engineers

State Farm accuses Missouri lawyers in Katrina case

Katrina cash heads north
~Gov. Haley Barbour announced Tuesday the release of $41 million in Hurricane Katrina relief funds for projects in 39 counties and cities, but none were in South Mississippi.

Fannie Mae: Investment in N.O. tops $1 billion

~and a tad'mo gand'ebulient lede from Fannie's own press release~
Fannie Mae Boosts New Orleans Rebuilding Effort Through New Housing Investments Totaling More Than $48.8 Million
BTW~Do any of you smart savvy miners out there have or know how to get the data on Fannie's Financial Foot Print? Methinks der'be pirates! Get'Em!

Media begins to connect diapers and Sen. David "Vitty'Cent" Vitter (R-Pamp)
~Your Right Hand Thief

~Editorilla soooo t'rilla~
to see Oyster swingin'Louies,
wit'da Hola Nola Blog-00-Reamery,
back on da'Half-Shell with a vengence,
like Venus on da'Rat-Cage!

Day 961: Supply And Demand, Much?~Maitri's VatulBlog

Miscellaneous Musings
~Liptrap's Lament - The Line

The Ball Coach Interview: Roger Goodstapo~National Lampoon Splog!

Attempt to cut Vicksburg from Corps loop surprises general
~Editilla squiiilla~

It is called The Turning of da'Worm, Divide and Conquer, --in the same way that the Corps relentlessly pits States against each other over major flood protection monies...
and da'way Editilla just loves ta'eats dem'Crawfish! Nibble'on der'tiny feets! Suck da'little heads out! Chew on da'muddy meats! Such is the look of surprise on da'Face of Arrogance, before what passes for blood running cold through its putresceant, spent veins finally reaches our talk-to'da hand-shaped, five-fingered point of impact across its thoroughly Beoch'wolf-slapped cheek.
~Poster by Clyde Caldwell

Corps proposes 10 percent Apalachicola flow reduction

Boyd slams Georgia, Corps' Apalachicola water plan

Army Rehearses for Hurricane Season

Southwest La. coast projects may see state funding in 2009

Council to weigh WTC deal

Entergy expecting 50 percent increase in earnings

N.O. public libraries unveil $650M master plan

Windows to shed light in Dome

Parish to start FEMA trailer lawsuits
~March 1, 2008 FEMA TRAILERS IN JEFFERSON PARISH--A property owner who has a FEMA trailer and who has contacted FEMA (1-888-294-2822) and asked for the trailer to be removed but is still waiting for FEMA to remove the trailer may avoid a lawsuit by submitting a signed, notarized affidavit to the Parish Attorney. You can obtain the affidavit form and have it notarized at the Parish Attorney's Office located in Suite 701 in the Yenni Building at 1221 Elmwood Park Boulevard or Suite 5200 in the General Government Building at 200 Derbigny Street.

Beware: FEMA's hoping for the best~Jarvis DeBerry

Crescent City Wordsmith
~Susan Larson


Monday, April 14, 2008


Spring is here! Yeeeaaaahhh!!!
~New Orleans Daily Photo

~Editilla schillas~
Please click on the image to see it larger.

If you could put yer oh'so humble Editorilla into a "Religion",
before you nailed the doors shut and burned it down,
it would be Art .
Call it Our Blessed Holy Spirit of the Very Same Self Church and Lot.
Creativity, Art, is a Socratic Prime Virtue without which we walk this planet as less than human. It expresses our congenital means of Liberation (revo) from Habit (devo) through Novelty (evo). As expression happens in so many different forms and from so may diffrent people it simply deserves to just be loved and appreciated--not caged and sold in expensive gallery scenes like slave workers on da'block or wild beasts viewed and bred in captivity.
Outside of da'NOLA Blog-0-Reamery, NOLA RISING and WWOZ (and course'yer Trustee Ladda:), Steve Buser's site always comes through to assuage da'Editeurillas' oft'times severely bent, faithless, lonely even cynical view that the world is going to Mall in a Hand Basket...particularly on a Monday like today mfk'n'grrrrr.
On the day before Earth Day, April 21st, Steve will celebrate the blog's one year anniversary. Today's post (synchronistically the Passion Flower) marks his 252nd Daily Photo.
That is what we Aphasian Ladder'builders call Spankin'da Monkey!
When you get to Steve's site, and after going all over New Orleans on it, (and sybling 'Pixel Eye') please take a trip down the list of other "Daily Photo" sites from all over the world. Perchance you will find that we are not so alone as the Business of the Church and State would have us believe. Truely Goddess takes care of Artists, Fools and errant Troubadours.

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS
~This excellent site offer data for not only Louisiana rivers but also guage-readings on the entire national river system. One can go check where the flood is moving southward, state by state...and it is coming.
Great site and quite a difference from the obfuscatory Exquixotic Corps of 'Engineers'.
It is high-water time that we started taking our measurements from Civilians, like the USGS, rather than continue to trust our fate to obsequiously taking orders only from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Convene The 2/29 Commission!

State Monitoring Flood Stage Levels
~The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) along with key Federal, State and Local agencies are actively monitoring flood stage levels along the Louisiana levee system.
~Editilla can't sit stilla, ya'heard me?~We who seek da'wizdom of da'ladda in times of high water do applaude the Right Governor for getting on top of the levees so to speak. But...Whoa! GOHSEP? Ooh! Ooh! Sieg Hell! What about the one they don't talk about, even in undisclosed loquacions: da'Governor's Office of Operant Homeland Security and Technology Emergency Preparedness?:}

Report faulting La. National Guard chief released

As Climate Changes Threatens U.S. Gulf States, Federal Agencies Twiddle Thumbs

N.O. teachers earning bigger paychecks after Katrina

Banning doesn’t replace planning

The Mystery of the Sunset Limited~Jim Loomis


Sunday, April 13, 2008


Thank you~New Orleans Daily Photo
French Quarter Fest Rolls On

Ghosts of Every Color, Tibet and New Orleans?~Appolo, M.D.

Did Communist China take over San Francisco?~The 270 Times

Corps opens more of the Bonnet Carré Spillway

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS~This excellent site offer data for not only Louisiana rivers but also guage-readings on the entire national river system. One can go check where the flood is moving southward, state by state...and it is coming.
Great site. They're civilians.

Corps opens dam Spillway at Bull Shoals, AR to Relieve Flood Water

Missouri Floods take homes~Some could face lengthy wait to return home.
A motorboat proved the only way for a family to check their home off Acacia Club Road outside of Hollister on Lake Taneycomo that, like the homes behind the boat, was flooded when massive releases took place at Table Rock Dam.
Photo: Mike Penprase / News-Leader

Cape Girardeau sinkhole total reaches 20 as five more appear

Gov. Jindal Seeks Change in Corps of Engineers Organization

Judge: Exquixotic Corps of Engineers must pay $500k to canal barge company

Levee fixes will mostly involve new wells

eCommerce Summit Agenda

Heroin creates a circle of death in Recovery

Katrina Recovery Play 'Name of the Rain' to Tour Southeast this April~Travels to West Coast in June
~H/T'n'T-Chalmation Nation

Women at risk long after Katrina
~Study examines housing, health care

Escort service used by Sen. David Vitter (R-Pamp) 'hid in plain sight'

Elliott Cohn Debuts 2 New CDs for Jazz Fest