BP Oil Drilling Disaster: Spill Comes Ashore, Booms Useless ~Gulf Restoration Network~
Sandy Rosenthal snagged quick interview this morning with the busy director of GRN, Aaron Viles, who is just about the most informed voice I've been hearing quoted in the media.
When GRN makes a statement, you can Take It To The Bank!
BP Oil Spill Disaster washing over boom in some areas, says Plaquemines Parish president
~Bob Warren~Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser said this morning that a recent flyover showed areas where oily water was lapping over the boom set out to contain the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico.
Also, he said, because of the rough weather in the Gulf, some of the boom appeared to have broken free and washed onto an area beach and other boom appeared to have sunk, he said.
"It's not keeping the oil out,'' Nungesser said. "And it's only going to get worse before it gets better.''
Oil spill bears down on La. coast today as History begins again
NOAA Graphic showing Oil Trajectory of May 1st.UNIFIED COMMAND REPORT (where they call this New Man Made Disaster "The Incident")~Friday, April 30, 1:30 PM CDT --Press Briefing~Secretary Napolitano, Secretary Salazar, Administrator Jackson, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles will participate in a media briefing
@ Shell Robert Training and Conference Center23260 Shell Lane Robert, La. OPEN PRESS** Media interested in attending must contact the joint information center at (985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-5240 no later than 10:30 a.m. to confirm.
A joint information center representative will be at the gate at 12 p.m. to escort media.
(Because we wouldn't want any media running around on their own now Would We???)
Federal Government's PR Website for "The Incident": Unified Command UPDATE 13 looks exactly like UPDATE 12, 11, 10, lots of pictures little information.
~Real Update 9:55 am:Georgianne Nienaber has made her way into the Media Staging Area where everyone is waiting, the whole gang's in town:
Al Jazeera, CNN, MSNBC, All the acronyms and Big Shows. We'll keep you posted as she phones-in more updates and pictures.
~Real Update 11:15 am~~GN just phoned again from Venice, La and reports that this Boom Operation isn't nearly as busy with "ships" as the Feds are trying to say. It just ain't happening. Furthermore, she reports winds in excess of 20 knots and high wave action coming in.
She also spoke to local fishermen who were returning from trying to lay boom and they say that it is bad but not as bad as what is coming, this is just the beginning.
~Real Update 12 noon~Docked Boom???
GN just sent this pic of a docked Boom Ships and idled fishing vessels.
The seas are to high to deploy, so we wait.

But of course... Slime Waits for No One.

She has declined the Club Fed Offer to 'Bed, to go on a
3 hour tour of a boom operation
--in favor of speaking to the Fisher Folk standing up on the ever darkening land.
~Editilla grades UNIFIED COMMAND: F-Troop...--almost useless
Fo'Real Time but great PR shots and graphics.
The movement on this site is Labyrinthine. The Video Updates don't load, the Text Updates are repetitive BS "Spill Facts", and the Operative Frame Word is "Incident."
For example: under the site's "
Area Contingency Plans (
Sector New Orleans)"
you will eventually find this. This will not do.
We must have real time, responsive actionable Information.
Al Jazeera's Sebastian Walker, reporting from a fishing port south of New Orleans, said fishermen were out in the early hours of Friday, trying to get as much of their catch as they could before the oil slick was expected to hit the shore.'You just feel helpless'~Looking out to sea, awaiting one of the worst oil spills in U.S. history, fourth-generation oyster farmer John Tesvich thought about the last major disaster to hit the Gulf Coast.
"It's just like what we saw with Hurricane Katrina," said Tesvich, 53. "At first, it was just another storm, just like this was just another oil spill. But by the time they realize how bad it really is, it's too late."
"Why is the response taking so long?"
"Why can't they stop this?"Key info on BP Oil Disaster: local, state, fed response, emergency contact info, what you can do to plug in with BP ~GNO
MS Coast State of Emergency~City and county governments on the Coast are meeting today to declare a state of emergency as they watch for oil to reach the coastline. The Harrison County Supervisors are meeting now. The Biloxi City Council will meet at 1:30 p.m. and the Long Beach Aldermen have scheduled a special meeting for 2 p.m. Other municipalities are expected to follow with declarations to protect the health and safety of Coast residents.
Mississippi's first class-action lawsuit filed over oil spillWeather hurts Gulf oil fight; new drilling on hold~Cain BurdeauStench Over New Orleans
~Who's Shoes are these anyway?Profit From our Suffering ~NOLAFemmes
How You Can Help Wildlife Impacted by the Louisiana Oil Spill ~NWF ~Hat Tweet~EDF_Louisiana
BP's Gulf oil spill reminds us we can't ignore wetlands: a look at books~Nordette Adams
Are Louisiana levees flooding South Mississippi?~There are 350 miles of levees and flood walls that protect the Greater New Orleans area from the West Bank to the Gulf, closing in on the Mississippi state line.
But the push to reinforce and add to Louisiana's storm protection has raised grave concerns for Mississippians who say flood waters are rising on both sides of the border.
~Editilla Notellas~ Y'all have doubtless caught that we have interrupted our regularly scheduled blog'ramming to bring you this Epic Man Made BP Oil Disaster that is being visited on our shores as we speak. So we all over it. Yet, the article linked above will rise in salience to this issue, as we watch this River of Oil move over the Gulf Coast across Mississippi and Alabama perhaps even Florida and Texas.