Andrea Dezsö
There Will Be Floods by Alex Prud'homme~Once Again NY Times OP/Ed Promotes Incorrect, Dismiss'directive, Red Herring Cause of Levee Failures. Says Fear the Picture, not the Reality! Believe in the Corps! They Just Want You To Like Them!
Editor never tires of responding to these shell-game 'journalists/authors' with a Letter to da'Editor, but I think the Gray Lady really enjoys getting lots of correspondence. Really, a little hand here?
Corps of Engineers wants to move money around; topic may be aired at Jefferson Council meeting today~Damn! Just when you thought you were done with those breathing masks!
Finances threaten levee work, official says. Here Comes the Fix? OK, Gov Jindal...You're Up!
"I do feel we've been let down by the White House," said John Barry, a member of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East that oversees levees east of the Mississippi River and the author of "Rising Tide," a noted history of the corps' actions during the 1927 Mississippi River flood. "We are not being properly treated. The president has not been keeping his promise to the region."This is a common tactic of the Corps of Engineers when manipulating municipalities to follow their command in tax-payer financed projects all across the country. Delay. Through partisan politics in congress they will pit state against state, county against county and parrish against parrish over "finances". We can blame each other for stealing each other's tax money, as with GA, AL and FL recently.
For example, why now, this late in the design phase of the levee rebuilding? Is this why the Corps again delayed the release of the levee report in December?
Foundry no. 2 by egg theorem. Dedicated by Raphie on 4/13/2007 to the Man Without a Country," Kurt Vonnegut (RIP)They will hold out until we are so afraid of the next flood, the pain, the loss, the sickness that we will be forced to our knees to bend over and assume thier position, accept their bidding, pay their price. They play us like a drug dealer, holding the fix in the air until the junkie is begging for it.
Did they wait for Ohio to flood a couple of congressional sessions before finally taking action on their levees? Missouri? Nevada? California? Louisiana? Places you might not think of in every State of the Union. Why are we now reacting to the demands of the Corps of Engineers again? Who left them in charge? Who will be their next "spokesperson"? Please fang back through past Ladder posts, usually under the category "Exquixotic Corps", for articles on this.
And of course you can contact
We need to GET THESE CREEPY PERPS OFF THE JOB and intitute new government in their place. Why not?
I believe New Orleans is already dancing as fast as it can.
Nothing at the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers has or will change until we haul them before the American People and deconstruct their corrupt management.
Please call for the
8/29 Commission Investigation. The Ladder covers the Corps all over the country for this reason: It is not only about New Orleans. New Orleans will survive Sinn Féin. Of this your oh'so humble editor has no doubt and nor should the rest of our generous countryfolk, the kindness of our strangers thank you very much. This matters to every American Citizen, a few thousand of whom now stand on this Ladder and should get on the phone to their elected representatives before our phones go out during the next catastrophy.
Or, given that their Charter pre-dates our US Constitution, will the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers simply wait it out and outlive us all? Delay. Time. Water under failed bridges across failed levees will carry failed Lives through the heart of our failed Nation like silt through a cracked and failing hour glass.
Scientists claim Army Corps' 'dangerous experiments' will worsen Mississippi River floods
Army Corps of Engineers barred entry to former CO bombing sites. We don’t trust you, people living in the area told officials at a Monday meeting. Landowners questioned the timing of the inspections, saying it was very suspect the Corps would want to look into it 60 years after the war and in the midst of the controversy over the proposed expansion of the Army’s Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site by 414,000 acres, 646.875 square miles. How big is your county or parrish? For perspective, the state's largest, Vernon parrish: 1,328 sq mi. Just the way this all begs the question of the Corps' Federal Charter and why Sean O'keefe wants to inject his lizard brain into it?
Let Them Eat Dirt! FL residents, Corps of Engineers face off over bomb-site cleanup~Donna West-Barnhill, a contractor hired by the corps to officiate at the meeting, told residents that they can ask that the cleanup be conducted to a high level, such as, "So much so that people can eat the dirt." West-Barnhill told residents that the corps feels that the military is ultimately liable for the costs. Resident Ron Cumello asked, "Are we going to get that in writing?" but received no solid answer.
Arthur Ashe School slated for demolition. Photo by Karen Gadbois.Recovery School District S.O.S.~Think New OrleansSchool Facilities Master Plan for Orleans Parish: Eastbank High Schools~Becky Houtman
Liptrap's Lament-The Line
Dear Senator Vitter - My Modest Proposal~NOLA radfem
Paradise plastic. Cheap and fantastic.~Today's episode of The Library Chronicles
The Appeal of the Appeal of the Property Taxes~Tin Can trailer Trash
Baby-Head Mayor Rips Plan to Empty FEMA Trailers...uuuuh, errrah...Ooooo,k'ville, may be he has a final solution?New Orleans Homeless Pushed Into Barrack. Are We There Yet?
120-foot long and 30-foot wide air-conditioned tent filled with double-decker bunk beds stands on the New Orleans Mission's grounds in New Orleans, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008. The makeshift facility, expected to offer meals and overnight staysfor 120 people, is a short-term solution to what some call a homeless epidemic in the city. (AP Photo/Ann Heisenfelt)
Some Notes on Hillary Clinton in New Orleans from the Point'Coupee Democrat~CenlamarLove Me Some Spongebob Taking On Casablanca, The Godfather, etc.~World Class New Orleans
Louisiana to Revamp Mental Health Plan
Community Organizer Robert Green to Be Sentenced
Bad drag~Metroblogging New Orleans
The way we were: New Orleans in 1867
New Orleans Booksellers Rebound
Lucero at House of Blues~9pm

CD Release tonight at the Blue Nile, upstairs 10pm