Saturday, November 28, 2009
What's In Your Levee???
Boh Brothers admits 'filling' with Construction Garbage, blames Corps for accepting it
~Figuring out just exactly how all the debris got into that 2,000-foot (7 football fields long) stretch of levee more than five (less than 10) years ago remains something of a mystery.
~~"We reviewed all our documentation from the project," President Robert Boh said. "There is no indication from either our records or from our employees (then) working on that project that there was a debris issue."
~~~"Using material from the project at Claiborne was the least expensive way to solve the problem ... and as Robert Boh said, there is nothing in our records to indicate that there was a debris issue," said Boh Brothers spokeswoman Ann Barks. (Ruff!)
"All of this levee work was done in accordance with the requirements of our contract; and the Corps directed, supervised and approved the work," she said.
~Editilla B'OH!'tellas~ D'oh! B'oh! Soooo, if the Corps of Engineers accepts responsibility for this Fuck Up, since they have a no-limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card, there will be no one held Liable or Guilty for Screwing the Taxpayers on a $20,000,000 contract for New Levee Work within the past 10 years.
For the Corps to say OPPSEE, we messed up so we'll keep looking into it means that nothing will be done.
B'oh! and Corps representatives said they will continue reviewing their files and talking with the employees involved in the project for more information.
That is why B'oh! Brothers is playing the Stupid card. They are not immune from Product Liability. But the Corps? Hell Yeah!
"The (corps) inspector's job was to make sure that the contractor was following his quality-control plan," Corps (latest) section chief Brett Herr said.
"Their quality assurance and our quality control efforts weren't successful. We accepted the job, so there's no recourse against the contractor."
Sooo there is no recourse period, eh? Soooo...what?
Thus, the Corps will "keep looking into it", denying the public access to their Records without a Freedom of Information Request (FOIR) from over half of the US Congress, the President and God. It will be like pulling Shark's Teeth bare handed. Remember the DoD IG's batting average on the Corps Investigating Itself: 0 for us / 500 for da'Corps on the Inoperable Pumps Scandal, 0 for us / 1000 for the Corps' Computer Fraud. Oh, and then there is the Stillborn IPET Study: 0 for us / 9000 pages, years late and $23,000,000 for the Corps...
So the next Question is: Who Built our Failed Levees in Orleans parish, and from where did they get the soil?
Actually, the Question is: how dare they consider Option 1 to keep the Bad Failed Flood Walls in place on our outfall canals over Option 2 which would rid us of this obvious Threat to our safety?
Or the biggest question should be:
Why Are We Still Dealing With These Punks?
Once Upon A Time...
Mister Potato Head had a Baby
and they named it MR-GO!
~Houston Chronicle~This article was written by the authors of Catastrophe in the Making: The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow.
Silly title was curtsy yer'oh'so humble Editilla.
Federal court ruling could affect the entire coast~The case should be monitored closely along the Gulf Coast and anywhere else in the country where people's homes could be flooded through a Corps of Engineers navigation channel.
Federal agency reclassifying more property at risk for flooding~Nancy Garcia
Why were we not warned about the perfect flood?~Eoin English
~IT STRUCK without warning, leaving a trail of destruction and human misery in its wake. The river Lee burst its banks in the early hours of last Friday morning after millions of tonnes of water were released from the Inniscarra Dam, eight miles west of Cork city. The torrent was of the order of three million tonnes – three times the volume of water flowing through the Mississippi on a daily basis.
The Cost of Homeowners Insurance in CT’s Hurricane Alley
~Roger H. Evans
Aquaculture Canal New Orleans
~Landscape + Urbanism Blog

~by Fadi Masoud, a Landscape Architecture student at the University of Toronto, envisions the New Orleans’ Industrial Canal as productive infrastructure for flood control and aquaculture. The jury noted that the winning submissions were ideal as a pair, representing the range of innovative ideas relevant to WPA 2.0.
Images via: Bustler
The Black Friday Funny
Graffitti Haints
~twelve ounce prophet

~Round Fleur de Lis necklace Mediterranean Blue Silk Cord, ~Kiki Houston at B-Native
Durable Goods and Propaganda Press team up!
Boh Brothers admits 'filling' with Construction Garbage, blames Corps for accepting it
~Figuring out just exactly how all the debris got into that 2,000-foot (7 football fields long) stretch of levee more than five (less than 10) years ago remains something of a mystery.
~~"We reviewed all our documentation from the project," President Robert Boh said. "There is no indication from either our records or from our employees (then) working on that project that there was a debris issue."
~~~"Using material from the project at Claiborne was the least expensive way to solve the problem ... and as Robert Boh said, there is nothing in our records to indicate that there was a debris issue," said Boh Brothers spokeswoman Ann Barks. (Ruff!)
"All of this levee work was done in accordance with the requirements of our contract; and the Corps directed, supervised and approved the work," she said.
~Editilla B'OH!'tellas~ D'oh! B'oh! Soooo, if the Corps of Engineers accepts responsibility for this Fuck Up, since they have a no-limit Get Out Of Jail Free Card, there will be no one held Liable or Guilty for Screwing the Taxpayers on a $20,000,000 contract for New Levee Work within the past 10 years.
For the Corps to say OPPSEE, we messed up so we'll keep looking into it means that nothing will be done.
B'oh! and Corps representatives said they will continue reviewing their files and talking with the employees involved in the project for more information.
That is why B'oh! Brothers is playing the Stupid card. They are not immune from Product Liability. But the Corps? Hell Yeah!
"The (corps) inspector's job was to make sure that the contractor was following his quality-control plan," Corps (latest) section chief Brett Herr said.
"Their quality assurance and our quality control efforts weren't successful. We accepted the job, so there's no recourse against the contractor."
Sooo there is no recourse period, eh? Soooo...what?
Thus, the Corps will "keep looking into it", denying the public access to their Records without a Freedom of Information Request (FOIR) from over half of the US Congress, the President and God. It will be like pulling Shark's Teeth bare handed. Remember the DoD IG's batting average on the Corps Investigating Itself: 0 for us / 500 for da'Corps on the Inoperable Pumps Scandal, 0 for us / 1000 for the Corps' Computer Fraud. Oh, and then there is the Stillborn IPET Study: 0 for us / 9000 pages, years late and $23,000,000 for the Corps...
So the next Question is: Who Built our Failed Levees in Orleans parish, and from where did they get the soil?
Actually, the Question is: how dare they consider Option 1 to keep the Bad Failed Flood Walls in place on our outfall canals over Option 2 which would rid us of this obvious Threat to our safety?
Or the biggest question should be:
Why Are We Still Dealing With These Punks?
Once Upon A Time...
Mister Potato Head had a Baby
and they named it MR-GO!
~Houston Chronicle~This article was written by the authors of Catastrophe in the Making: The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow.
Silly title was curtsy yer'oh'so humble Editilla.
Federal court ruling could affect the entire coast~The case should be monitored closely along the Gulf Coast and anywhere else in the country where people's homes could be flooded through a Corps of Engineers navigation channel.
Federal agency reclassifying more property at risk for flooding~Nancy Garcia
Why were we not warned about the perfect flood?~Eoin English
~IT STRUCK without warning, leaving a trail of destruction and human misery in its wake. The river Lee burst its banks in the early hours of last Friday morning after millions of tonnes of water were released from the Inniscarra Dam, eight miles west of Cork city. The torrent was of the order of three million tonnes – three times the volume of water flowing through the Mississippi on a daily basis.
The Cost of Homeowners Insurance in CT’s Hurricane Alley
~Roger H. Evans
Aquaculture Canal New Orleans
~Landscape + Urbanism Blog

~by Fadi Masoud, a Landscape Architecture student at the University of Toronto, envisions the New Orleans’ Industrial Canal as productive infrastructure for flood control and aquaculture. The jury noted that the winning submissions were ideal as a pair, representing the range of innovative ideas relevant to WPA 2.0.
Images via: Bustler
The Black Friday Funny
Graffitti Haints
~twelve ounce prophet

~Round Fleur de Lis necklace Mediterranean Blue Silk Cord, ~Kiki Houston at B-Native
Durable Goods and Propaganda Press team up!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Will Harry Shearer run for Mayor of New Orleans or not?
~Editilla Politellas~ Who to get behind--not in front!
"Reality Stars": Sign Us Up... Before We Kill Again
~Harry Shearer
Who, and what, is Katrina the Clown?~New Orleans Levee
Katrina the Clown presides over a strategy meeting surrounded by her braintrust and security personnel. From left, legal cousel Andrew the Pie Man, media juggler Rita Bendin-LaBonk, Officer Gustav, Katrina the Clown, Officer Curious Georges, campaign manager Ike Rumba, and bartender Hugo the Bug-Eye Poodle Boy.
~“Katrina the Clown loves her job as The Levee’s representative on the local and national stages and does not plan to resign at the present time,” the clown’s media juggler Rita Bendin-LaBonk said.
Also, with so much in common with the electorate, Katrina the Clown’s opponents are expected to challenge her eligibility to even become mayor, citing the archaic city charter rule of requiring five years of residency before an election.
If Katrina the Clown runs, her opponents are expected to go to court and argue that her not remembering or drinking to forget much of the last five years in New Orleans is the same as not being a resident. Pundits, though, note that such a move may further endear residents to her.
~Editilla Politellas~ Who to get behind--not in front!
"Reality Stars": Sign Us Up... Before We Kill Again
~Harry Shearer
Who, and what, is Katrina the Clown?~New Orleans Levee

~“Katrina the Clown loves her job as The Levee’s representative on the local and national stages and does not plan to resign at the present time,” the clown’s media juggler Rita Bendin-LaBonk said.
Also, with so much in common with the electorate, Katrina the Clown’s opponents are expected to challenge her eligibility to even become mayor, citing the archaic city charter rule of requiring five years of residency before an election.
If Katrina the Clown runs, her opponents are expected to go to court and argue that her not remembering or drinking to forget much of the last five years in New Orleans is the same as not being a resident. Pundits, though, note that such a move may further endear residents to her.
Fishermen asked to watch for predatory tiger shrimp
~Amy Wold
~These large, non-native shrimp occasionally appear off the Louisiana coast, but so far they don’t seem to have established themselves. Instead, the only confirmed tiger shrimp catches this year have been adults, said Marty Bourgeois, marine fisheries biologist with the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
“We’re certainly on the lookout for it,” Bourgeois said. “At least this year we’ve gotten as many of eight or nine (reports) and these are specimens in hand.”
States have a Right to protect environmental assets
~Richard Flemming
~Last month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers notified Delaware's Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control that the Corps intends to dredge the Delaware River to 45 feet without first securing required permits from the state of Delaware. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued two economic assessments concluding that benefits are greater than project costs. Opponents have issued two assessments concluding that costs are greater than benefits.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and payment of public funds, assessed the Corps' analysis of project benefits in 2002 and concluded that "The Corps' analysis of project benefits contained or was based on miscalculations, invalid assumptions, and outdated information." Not exactly a ringing endorsement of a project that the GAO concluded would cost over $420 million. That was seven years ago and we all know how costs have escalated since then.
River communities likely to pick up cost of upkeep~Post-Tribune
~When the Indiana General Assembly authorized the creation of the Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission in 1980 to spearhead flood control projects that would protect residents living near the Little Calumet River, it never authorized a mechanism to fund the commission. Thirty years later as the project approaches its autumn 2010 predicted completion, communities along the river face a real fiscal dilemma. Officials representing cities and towns along the river -- Gary, Griffith, Hammond, Highland and Munster -- recently learned that maintaining the 21-mile levee system would cost between $2.4 million and $3.3 million annually to operate and maintain.
Texas looks to close Gulf Coast fishing spot
Fargo, Moorhead eye $1 billion flood project~Bill McAuliffe
Civil Society Makes Its Mark in Aftermath of Cyclone Nargis
~Marwaan Macan-Markar
NOLAFemmes’s Own Amanda: 2009 SIANS Human Rights Award Recipient
A Road Map to Making NOLA Safe Again~James Perry
"Being an Eagle Scout is only important if your opponent is a Webelo" -Loa Tzu Gambit
Editilla hats Black (and Gold) Friday fo'da Locals.
Yes, we gonna Hump'it. We gonna Get'Down.
We gonna'Get Back Up Again!
We gonna Trow'Ya some'tin fo'da local lagniappe all Gentle'rillas Gonna'Wanna Need to Give to d'Peoples We Love...
~~~from the City That Cares Sinn Féin!
Starting wit'our Friends at the Sula Foundation!
~The 2010 Calendar features two dozen dogs in locations all over town. You can order it online, or pick it up at Canine Connection, Canine Culture, Petcetera, Beth's Books, Garden District Bookshop, The Transportation Revolution, 45 Tchoup, FAB, Neophobia, Snake and Jakes, Juan's Flying Burrito, Fair Grinds Coffee House. Just $18 plus $4.95 postage, with proceeds going to continue our work. You can use a credit card via the PayPal --or send a check to The Sula Foundation.
Low Carb chocolate and violets custom recycled leather velvet cuff with skeleton key Custom Made ~Bayou Savage
Local resident self-publishes History With The Beatles
The Lower Ninth Ward
~Create Our World
"Film, Music, and Activism in New Orleans and Chicago"
Panel Discussion
Give the gift of local music
Michael Ray Found~offBeat
Hendrix’s Voodoo Child Voted Greatest Guitar Riff
~Amy Wold
“We’re certainly on the lookout for it,” Bourgeois said. “At least this year we’ve gotten as many of eight or nine (reports) and these are specimens in hand.”
States have a Right to protect environmental assets
~Richard Flemming
~Last month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers notified Delaware's Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control that the Corps intends to dredge the Delaware River to 45 feet without first securing required permits from the state of Delaware. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued two economic assessments concluding that benefits are greater than project costs. Opponents have issued two assessments concluding that costs are greater than benefits.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and payment of public funds, assessed the Corps' analysis of project benefits in 2002 and concluded that "The Corps' analysis of project benefits contained or was based on miscalculations, invalid assumptions, and outdated information." Not exactly a ringing endorsement of a project that the GAO concluded would cost over $420 million. That was seven years ago and we all know how costs have escalated since then.
River communities likely to pick up cost of upkeep~Post-Tribune
~When the Indiana General Assembly authorized the creation of the Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission in 1980 to spearhead flood control projects that would protect residents living near the Little Calumet River, it never authorized a mechanism to fund the commission. Thirty years later as the project approaches its autumn 2010 predicted completion, communities along the river face a real fiscal dilemma. Officials representing cities and towns along the river -- Gary, Griffith, Hammond, Highland and Munster -- recently learned that maintaining the 21-mile levee system would cost between $2.4 million and $3.3 million annually to operate and maintain.
Texas looks to close Gulf Coast fishing spot
Fargo, Moorhead eye $1 billion flood project~Bill McAuliffe
Civil Society Makes Its Mark in Aftermath of Cyclone Nargis
~Marwaan Macan-Markar
NOLAFemmes’s Own Amanda: 2009 SIANS Human Rights Award Recipient
A Road Map to Making NOLA Safe Again~James Perry
"Being an Eagle Scout is only important if your opponent is a Webelo" -Loa Tzu Gambit
Editilla hats Black (and Gold) Friday fo'da Locals.
Yes, we gonna Hump'it. We gonna Get'Down.
We gonna'Get Back Up Again!
We gonna Trow'Ya some'tin fo'da local lagniappe all Gentle'rillas Gonna'Wanna Need to Give to d'Peoples We Love...
~~~from the City That Cares Sinn Féin!
Starting wit'our Friends at the Sula Foundation!

Local resident self-publishes History With The Beatles
The Lower Ninth Ward
~Create Our World
"Film, Music, and Activism in New Orleans and Chicago"
Panel Discussion
Give the gift of local music
Michael Ray Found~offBeat
Hendrix’s Voodoo Child Voted Greatest Guitar Riff
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Editilla's Who'dat Thanksgiving
Thanks Ms Susan and Ms Georgianne fo'da Who'dat!
Da'Glory, Da'Dirty, Da'Coast
~There comes a time every few years when a player gets you excited . . . really excited. Few players have the crowd pumping ferocity as Shockey. So now there is only one way and it is the Shockey way...
...and that way is winning.
Oh...about sunny days
~American Zombie
Pulp Fiction Thursday:
Thanksgiving Edition~Adrastos
Further suggestions fo'da progression lo'da coming Fest 'O' Tanksgiving
~curtsy of PWALLY, tank youz ver'mush:
~~Go buy a turkey. Pour a glass of wine. Put turkey in oven
Pour another glass of wine. Set the oven at 375 degrees
Pour another glass of wine. Turn the oven on.
Pop open another bottle of wine. Turk the bastey.
Pour another glass of vino. Bake the wine for 4 hours.
Take the oven out of the turkey. Floor the turkey off of the pick.
Turk the Carvey. Open another wottle of bine.
Tet the sable and pour yourself another glass of turkey.
Bless the saying, pass and eat out.
Pilgrim's Progress: 10 Reasons to be Thankful for New Orleans
~Karen Dalton-Beninato
FREE Thanksgiving Day Feast:
Irma Thomas, Irving Mayfield and Aaron Neville
Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. ~slabbed
More Advertorial Fuckmookery
~Editilla chokes on a full metal levee~
How much of this Editorial Advertisement for the Corps will we take from before saying, with saccharine confidence:
"Hey, you folks are not on Our Side of the Failed Levees!"
Senator pushes for flood victims' relief~Jim Brown
~"I did get it passed last year, but it expires at the end of one year, and so that's why it has to be reauthorized," senator Grassley explains. "We do this for Hurricane Katrina victims even five years afterwards. In fact, Senator [David] Vitter [R-Pamp] was in my office last week asking to continue some relief that we had passed that's going to expire. I had to fight Speaker Pelosi last year to get equity for Iowa flood victims like we did for hurricane victims, but we got it done."
The Global Warming Lawsuit
~United States Agricultural & Food Law and Policy Blog
85-year-old New Orleans textile business closes
Vanishing Landscapes of the Louisiana Coast
~The Port of New Orleans will host an exhibit “The End of the Great River: Photographs of the Lower Mississippi River Delta” on December 1st through 18th featuring the work of New Orleans-based photographer Matthew White.
Call to integrate disaster relief strategy ~IrishTimes
"Signed in Blood"--Tony Blair's Deal With Bush~Harry Shearer
Appetite for destruction
~Justin Vogt
Pacquiao vs. Mayweather
– 5 Key Questions~Boxing News
New Orleans Sextet
~Urban Anatomy, Shanghai
Theresa Andersson releases “Birds Fly Away” video
Thanks Ms Susan and Ms Georgianne fo'da Who'dat!
Da'Glory, Da'Dirty, Da'Coast

...and that way is winning.
Oh...about sunny days
~American Zombie
Pulp Fiction Thursday:
Thanksgiving Edition~Adrastos
Further suggestions fo'da progression lo'da coming Fest 'O' Tanksgiving
~curtsy of PWALLY, tank youz ver'mush:
~~Go buy a turkey. Pour a glass of wine. Put turkey in oven
Pour another glass of wine. Set the oven at 375 degrees
Pour another glass of wine. Turn the oven on.
Pop open another bottle of wine. Turk the bastey.
Pour another glass of vino. Bake the wine for 4 hours.
Take the oven out of the turkey. Floor the turkey off of the pick.
Turk the Carvey. Open another wottle of bine.
Tet the sable and pour yourself another glass of turkey.
Bless the saying, pass and eat out.
Pilgrim's Progress: 10 Reasons to be Thankful for New Orleans
~Karen Dalton-Beninato
FREE Thanksgiving Day Feast:
Irma Thomas, Irving Mayfield and Aaron Neville
Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. ~slabbed
More Advertorial Fuckmookery
How much of this Editorial Advertisement for the Corps will we take from before saying, with saccharine confidence:
"Hey, you folks are not on Our Side of the Failed Levees!"
Senator pushes for flood victims' relief~Jim Brown
~"I did get it passed last year, but it expires at the end of one year, and so that's why it has to be reauthorized," senator Grassley explains. "We do this for Hurricane Katrina victims even five years afterwards. In fact, Senator [David] Vitter [R-Pamp] was in my office last week asking to continue some relief that we had passed that's going to expire. I had to fight Speaker Pelosi last year to get equity for Iowa flood victims like we did for hurricane victims, but we got it done."
The Global Warming Lawsuit
~United States Agricultural & Food Law and Policy Blog
85-year-old New Orleans textile business closes
Vanishing Landscapes of the Louisiana Coast

Call to integrate disaster relief strategy ~IrishTimes
"Signed in Blood"--Tony Blair's Deal With Bush~Harry Shearer
Appetite for destruction
~Justin Vogt
Pacquiao vs. Mayweather
– 5 Key Questions~Boxing News
New Orleans Sextet
~Urban Anatomy, Shanghai
Theresa Andersson releases “Birds Fly Away” video
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mercredi~Rut'Row Astro!
If in Politics You May Have Paid "Volunteers", can they then be Fired for Breach of Ethics?
Please see comments in post linked above.
How much is left in the till?
~Fix the Pumps
U.S. to invest in reviving Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone'
~The U.S. Department of Agriculture says it aims to stop agricultural runoff in 41 watersheds in 12 states from ending up in the Mississippi River. The agency is targeting watersheds in Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. In all, those areas make up more 42 million acres of land, or about 5 percent of the Mississippi River basin's land area.
World Class New Orleans Visionary: Dave Dixon
Please see comments in post linked above.
How much is left in the till?
~Fix the Pumps
U.S. to invest in reviving Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone'
~The U.S. Department of Agriculture says it aims to stop agricultural runoff in 41 watersheds in 12 states from ending up in the Mississippi River. The agency is targeting watersheds in Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. In all, those areas make up more 42 million acres of land, or about 5 percent of the Mississippi River basin's land area.
World Class New Orleans Visionary: Dave Dixon
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Preliminary Thoughts on Leslie Jacobs for Mayor of New Orleans
~Huck UpChuck
~"When questioned about her positions on some of the hot button social issues of the day, such as the pro-life/pro-choice and gay marriage debates, she seemed reluctant to reveal herself and actually punted altogether on the gay marriage question. Her argument was that these issues are really beyond the scope of the job of Mayor and so she didn't see the need to complicate her campaign with stances on issues that were unrelated to the job. And at one level she's right on this point. However, what disappointed me is that she acted the politician when she didn't need to. Frankly, I have my own opinions on this subject and it would have been good, simply in order to know her better, to hear her opinions on them. Precisely because I know that her positions on these issues aren't directly pertinent to the job, makes her revealing them ultimately harmless -- at least when it comes to my vote."
~Editilla Crowtellas~ Gentle'rillas can read here our rant on how this candidate, fresh out of the gate, rather than simply Punt, or Spike it, has absolutely fumbled the ball on the Facts of Why New Orleans Flooded, preferring instead to open her door with Bald Katrina Shorthand.
This was among her 1st Ads, and remains on her website for all to see that Leslie Jacobs appears to Still Not Get It.
Why, even yet, have we not heard in this campaign the word Levees from the sister-in-law of the Founder of
It is our sincere hope that the Jacobs Campaign "People" aren't simply hoping to gain by association, and thus, ride on the coat tails of this group's fine work and its Director's unimpeachable public integrity. So far I don't see anything from her Campaign to dissuade me of this view, and will not allow it to stand without growing, progressively less tactful, calls for redress.
In trying to get to the bottom of the Flooding of New Orleans on 8/29/05 --and get the Story Straight and True-- we have all fought too hard, paid too many dues and gotten knocked down too often in the eyes of the nation to have the past 4 years, the reality of our present recovery and our hopes for the future, buttered-over and co-opted by any Mayoral Candidate, but particularly one (allegedly) so close to the grass roots scene.
~Stood'Update~ Rather than Change the offending Katrina Shorthand Jive Political Ad mentioned above, or come out with any salient response, or Public Position on the Question of the City's Relationship to the Corps of Engineers' role in New Orleans' Future Flood Safety, the Jacobs Campaign has deployed Astro-turf after yer'oh'so humble Editilla. Wah. Scary huh? Trembling Gentle'rillas can read my (believe it, restrained) response in the comments below. This saddens me greatly as we gave this candidate such support initially, only to have it now Played With like some video game of schoolyard Dodge Ball.
Perhaps, and I honestly hope in my heart, this campaign will shift into offering a difference that makes a difference, rather than the same myopic disregard for the city's relationship to the Corps, post-CORPS FLOOD, that we got from the last Mayor.
We the People cannot continue to blame the Corps for our future flood safety problems when own own leaders remain clueless and fail to step up, to at least Represent the City's Interests in that relationship, if not Advocate for more of a role in securing them.
Corps could be helping rebuild coast with dredged river sediment, state says
~Mark Schleifstein
~WWL story comments link here.
Hurricane Katrina Even More of a Man-Made Disaster Than We Thought~Laura Flanders
~No judgment will bring back the Ninth Ward which, years after Katrina and Rita and the breaking of the levees is still largely a ghost town, but this acknowledgment that the destruction didn't have to happen is important.
Long neglect of federal infrastructure by governments more concerned with tax cuts than human safety is not a phenomenon limited to New Orleans.
The NOLA negligence verdict makes the case for national infrastructure spending now.
Nightline tips the idea of "8/29 Victims Compensation Fund"
~"Things of this magnitude tend to provoke dramatic solutions that are more than just case-by-case appeals," said Prof. Oliver Houck of Tulane Law School, who mentioned the Congressional-created fund to compensate victims of the 9/11 attacks. "This was our 9/11. There's even more of a rationale here, because the government was largely responsible."
Why Obama Needs to Weigh In With the Corps of Engineers
~Harry Shearer
Officials: Developers' trucks damaging levee in Terrebonne
~Naomi King
High water levels of Miss. River may squelch bonfires
~Every year in the River Parishes, Thanksgiving weekend kicks off the beginning of a longtime tradition of building bonfires along the Mississippi River levee to light the way for Papa Noel on Christmas Eve. But Papa Noel may have to find his own way if Old Man River doesn’t calm down. For the first time in memorable history, officials from the Army Corps of Engineers (Boooo'dat?) has prohibited all bonfire activities and construction because of high water levels in the Mississippi River.
Chaos as further downpours set to hamper relief work
~Claire Murphy
~It has been described as an 'Irish Hurricane Katrina', and there is more rain in store for the country's south and western counties. Fresh downpours will hamper relief efforts across an already sodden country as Taoiseach Brian Cowen visits devastated parts of Cork, Clare and Galway today.
Photo: Hundreds of flood damged books litter the floor in a bookshop on November 23, in Cockermouth, England.
After the worst floods in the history of picturesque Lake District, Cumbrians were being allowed back to their properties today to see the devastation and begin the massive clean up.
Many Roads and bridges are still subject to closure in the district as forecasters predict more rain on the way. Getty Images
Real Stories of the Budget Patrol
Barbour 2012?~Patrick Young
What is next for Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu: Congress, New Orleans mayor or perhaps governor? ~Jeremy Alford
Women & The Practice of Judaism ~NOLAFemmes

David Vitter
Now Pooping
In Ladies’
Patsy Brumfield – Anybody seen Tim Balducci?~slabbed
New Orleans a possible site for potential Manny Pacquiao-Floyd Mayweather superfight
~Andrew Lopez~While noted political analyst James Carville has left the Washington D.C. scene in order to teach at Tulane University, he's out on the campaign trail again. This time, it's for New Orleans.
The potential boxing superfight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, the sport's undisputed top pound-for-pound fighters, is looking for a home, and Carville is actively trying to bring the bout to the Superdome.
DesCours~Humid Beings

Grilling: Cider-Glazed Sweet Potatoes
~Serious Eats
Further suggestions fo'da progression lo'da coming Feast 'O' Tanksgiving
~curtsy of PWALLY, tank youz ver'mush:
~~Go buy a turkey. Pour a glass of wine. Put turkey in oven
Pour another glass of wine. Set the oven at 375 degrees
Pour another glass of wine. Turn the oven on.
Pop open another bottle of wine. Turk the bastey.
Pour another glass of vino. Bake the wine for 4 hours.
Take the oven out of the turkey. Floor the turkey off of the pick.
Turk the Carvey. Open another wottle of bine.
Tet the sable and pour yourself another glass of turkey.
Bless the saying, pass and eat out.
"Let the Great World Spin"
~romin' and ruminatin'
Writing about new New Orleans
~Shauna Robert's
2nd Annual New Orleans Songwriters Festival
~Skewed Communications
~Huck UpChuck
~"When questioned about her positions on some of the hot button social issues of the day, such as the pro-life/pro-choice and gay marriage debates, she seemed reluctant to reveal herself and actually punted altogether on the gay marriage question. Her argument was that these issues are really beyond the scope of the job of Mayor and so she didn't see the need to complicate her campaign with stances on issues that were unrelated to the job. And at one level she's right on this point. However, what disappointed me is that she acted the politician when she didn't need to. Frankly, I have my own opinions on this subject and it would have been good, simply in order to know her better, to hear her opinions on them. Precisely because I know that her positions on these issues aren't directly pertinent to the job, makes her revealing them ultimately harmless -- at least when it comes to my vote."
~Editilla Crowtellas~ Gentle'rillas can read here our rant on how this candidate, fresh out of the gate, rather than simply Punt, or Spike it, has absolutely fumbled the ball on the Facts of Why New Orleans Flooded, preferring instead to open her door with Bald Katrina Shorthand.
This was among her 1st Ads, and remains on her website for all to see that Leslie Jacobs appears to Still Not Get It.
Why, even yet, have we not heard in this campaign the word Levees from the sister-in-law of the Founder of
It is our sincere hope that the Jacobs Campaign "People" aren't simply hoping to gain by association, and thus, ride on the coat tails of this group's fine work and its Director's unimpeachable public integrity. So far I don't see anything from her Campaign to dissuade me of this view, and will not allow it to stand without growing, progressively less tactful, calls for redress.
In trying to get to the bottom of the Flooding of New Orleans on 8/29/05 --and get the Story Straight and True-- we have all fought too hard, paid too many dues and gotten knocked down too often in the eyes of the nation to have the past 4 years, the reality of our present recovery and our hopes for the future, buttered-over and co-opted by any Mayoral Candidate, but particularly one (allegedly) so close to the grass roots scene.
~Stood'Update~ Rather than Change the offending Katrina Shorthand Jive Political Ad mentioned above, or come out with any salient response, or Public Position on the Question of the City's Relationship to the Corps of Engineers' role in New Orleans' Future Flood Safety, the Jacobs Campaign has deployed Astro-turf after yer'oh'so humble Editilla. Wah. Scary huh? Trembling Gentle'rillas can read my (believe it, restrained) response in the comments below. This saddens me greatly as we gave this candidate such support initially, only to have it now Played With like some video game of schoolyard Dodge Ball.
Perhaps, and I honestly hope in my heart, this campaign will shift into offering a difference that makes a difference, rather than the same myopic disregard for the city's relationship to the Corps, post-CORPS FLOOD, that we got from the last Mayor.
We the People cannot continue to blame the Corps for our future flood safety problems when own own leaders remain clueless and fail to step up, to at least Represent the City's Interests in that relationship, if not Advocate for more of a role in securing them.
Corps could be helping rebuild coast with dredged river sediment, state says
~Mark Schleifstein
~WWL story comments link here.
Hurricane Katrina Even More of a Man-Made Disaster Than We Thought~Laura Flanders
~No judgment will bring back the Ninth Ward which, years after Katrina and Rita and the breaking of the levees is still largely a ghost town, but this acknowledgment that the destruction didn't have to happen is important.
Long neglect of federal infrastructure by governments more concerned with tax cuts than human safety is not a phenomenon limited to New Orleans.
The NOLA negligence verdict makes the case for national infrastructure spending now.
Nightline tips the idea of "8/29 Victims Compensation Fund"
~"Things of this magnitude tend to provoke dramatic solutions that are more than just case-by-case appeals," said Prof. Oliver Houck of Tulane Law School, who mentioned the Congressional-created fund to compensate victims of the 9/11 attacks. "This was our 9/11. There's even more of a rationale here, because the government was largely responsible."
Why Obama Needs to Weigh In With the Corps of Engineers
~Harry Shearer
Officials: Developers' trucks damaging levee in Terrebonne
~Naomi King
High water levels of Miss. River may squelch bonfires
~Every year in the River Parishes, Thanksgiving weekend kicks off the beginning of a longtime tradition of building bonfires along the Mississippi River levee to light the way for Papa Noel on Christmas Eve. But Papa Noel may have to find his own way if Old Man River doesn’t calm down. For the first time in memorable history, officials from the Army Corps of Engineers (Boooo'dat?) has prohibited all bonfire activities and construction because of high water levels in the Mississippi River.
Chaos as further downpours set to hamper relief work
~Claire Murphy

Photo: Hundreds of flood damged books litter the floor in a bookshop on November 23, in Cockermouth, England.
After the worst floods in the history of picturesque Lake District, Cumbrians were being allowed back to their properties today to see the devastation and begin the massive clean up.
Many Roads and bridges are still subject to closure in the district as forecasters predict more rain on the way. Getty Images
Real Stories of the Budget Patrol
Barbour 2012?~Patrick Young
What is next for Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu: Congress, New Orleans mayor or perhaps governor? ~Jeremy Alford
Women & The Practice of Judaism ~NOLAFemmes

David Vitter
Now Pooping
In Ladies’
Patsy Brumfield – Anybody seen Tim Balducci?~slabbed
New Orleans a possible site for potential Manny Pacquiao-Floyd Mayweather superfight
~Andrew Lopez~While noted political analyst James Carville has left the Washington D.C. scene in order to teach at Tulane University, he's out on the campaign trail again. This time, it's for New Orleans.
The potential boxing superfight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, the sport's undisputed top pound-for-pound fighters, is looking for a home, and Carville is actively trying to bring the bout to the Superdome.
DesCours~Humid Beings

Grilling: Cider-Glazed Sweet Potatoes
~Serious Eats
Further suggestions fo'da progression lo'da coming Feast 'O' Tanksgiving
~curtsy of PWALLY, tank youz ver'mush:
~~Go buy a turkey. Pour a glass of wine. Put turkey in oven
Pour another glass of wine. Set the oven at 375 degrees
Pour another glass of wine. Turn the oven on.
Pop open another bottle of wine. Turk the bastey.
Pour another glass of vino. Bake the wine for 4 hours.
Take the oven out of the turkey. Floor the turkey off of the pick.
Turk the Carvey. Open another wottle of bine.
Tet the sable and pour yourself another glass of turkey.
Bless the saying, pass and eat out.
"Let the Great World Spin"
~romin' and ruminatin'
Writing about new New Orleans
~Shauna Robert's
2nd Annual New Orleans Songwriters Festival
~Skewed Communications
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Corps' invented crisis
~Fix the Pumps
The Corps arguments against Option 2 boil down to three contentions:
1) They are not authorized by Congress to build Option 2.
2) They haven't been given enough money to do so, according to their own estimates.
3) They don't have enough time to build Option 2 before the current interim closure structures self-destruct, or something.
Times-Picayune continues to copy-write Corps' False Meme:
"Safer Than Ever"
Yet, Jarvis DeBerry begs ta'diffa!
~Fix the Pumps
The Corps arguments against Option 2 boil down to three contentions:
1) They are not authorized by Congress to build Option 2.
2) They haven't been given enough money to do so, according to their own estimates.
3) They don't have enough time to build Option 2 before the current interim closure structures self-destruct, or something.
Times-Picayune continues to copy-write Corps' False Meme:
"Safer Than Ever"
Yet, Jarvis DeBerry begs ta'diffa!
Our House! Perfect 10'eaux fo'da Baby's Saints!
Every game a home game for Our New Orleans Saints~Jeff Duncan
New Orleans Saints 38 @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers 7: Who Dat Say!?
~Canal Street Cronicles
usama_young28 Who dat! Thanks for the support yall. U kno me. Gotta ice up and rest. Time to get ready for next week. 10-0.... Keep workin. Stay focused
reggie_bush 10-0 feels great!!!!
LanceMoore16 10-0 sounds pretty swell to me.
ChaseDaniel 10-0!!
SupaFreak69 Heading bak to New Orleans.. a lil sushi....maybe sum dessert oh yeah I forgot we 10 -0
Harp41 10-0...crunk.
robyslyfe 10-0 this is a special TEAM.
SupaFreak69 On the Plane..thank god my buddy next to me aint farting tis week
JeremyShockey What a great TEAM win! 10-0 is $$ I need to help out our TEAM ou by getting more looks; but fuk it we have a TRUE family and we are blessed
JeremyShockey Getting ready to land.. its good to be HOMEEEEE!!!!!! WOH DAT
Paradox Comics: NOLA #1
Writers: Chris Gorak & Pierluigi Cothran
Art: Damian Couceiro
Boom! Studios $3.99
~To be honest with you it never really crossed my mind that the devastation of Hurricane Katrina (Federal Flood) might ever be used as the backdrop to a comic, not least because the comic market is still managing to regurgitate plots based around 9/11 and doesn’t seem to be giving up with that quite yet. Rather than focus squarely on the events that devastated New Orleans, Gorak and Cothran instead level the readers gaze upon Nola, a young woman from the Louisiana city, and the unrelated events that appear to have shattered her life.
Even the Washington Post Says Feds Should Settle New Orleans
~H/ The ruling has brought a number of bipartisan statements calling for the government to settle with Katrina victims and take action to prevent similar Army Corps of Engineer failings in the future. Senators Mary Landrieu, a Democrat, and David Vitter, a Republican said they were glad to see relief ordered for flood victims. Vitter said the decision could serve as a warning against similar problems in the future.
In addition Democratic Senator Russ Feingold and Republican Senator John McCain issued a joint statement calling for sweeping reforms for the Corps in the wake of the ruling.
“American taxpayers cannot wait for another natural disaster like Katrina before we act to improve the safety and security of Corps projects,” the statement said.
~Also~"NOLA's watershed moment: A judge confirms that the Army Corps let the city down"
"The callous and/or myopic approach of the Corps to the obvious deleterious nature of the MR-GO is beyond understanding," Duvall thunders in his opinion. "The Corps not only knew, but admitted by 1988, that the MR-GO threatened human life, and yet it did not act in time to prevent the catastrophic disaster that ensued with the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina."
He concludes: "The Corps' lassitude and failure to fulfill its duties resulted in a catastrophic loss of human life and property in unprecedented proportions. The Corps' negligence resulted in the wasting of millions of dollars in flood protection measures and billions of dollars in congressional outlays to help this region recover from such a catastrophe."
USA Today caught off-balance by MRGO decision ~slabbed
La. urges Corps to stop dumping dredged material
No-nonsense general eyes warmer Cuba ties~John Prime
~"They're closer to the hurricane highway," says retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, talking from his Baton Rouge home. "Even though it's a poor country, challenged economically in all directions, they do a good job of hurricane (damage) prevention and preparedness. I say that tongue-in-cheek because it is a socialist, Communist-controlled country. At the same time, people spend an extraordinary amount of time preparing to prevent damage to property and to human beings."
Lawsuits put global warming on more dockets ~Chris Joyner
~A group of 12 Mississippi Gulf Coast homeowners is using a novel legal strategy to try to recoup losses suffered during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The lawsuit seeks damages from a group of 33 energy companies, including ExxonMobil and coal giant Peabody Energy, electric utilities, and other conglomerates for allegedly emitting greenhouse gases that the litigants say contributed to global warming.
Colder than a... Tickfaw
on a Gold Diggers Ass?
Po-Boy festival in NOLA on flickr
Freelance writer/researcher
'Once-in-800-years' downpour leaves traders counting cost
~Ralph Riegal
New Orleans - Four Years and Counting: Talking with Larry Weiss~Joan Brunwasser
ArtDocs program offers care to visual, performing artists who are uninsured~Emilie Bahr
Who is Angus Lind and Is his Book about Steak?
~Whose shoes are these anyway?
Turkey Day dining increases in popularity ~Tom Fitzmorris
Krewe of Wild Turkeys 2009
Zydepunks help fill out the bill for Chuck Ragan's Revival Tour
~Andela Shroeder
Judith Owen and Harry Shearer at The Triple Door, Seattle
New Orleans Saints 38 @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers 7: Who Dat Say!?
~Canal Street Cronicles
usama_young28 Who dat! Thanks for the support yall. U kno me. Gotta ice up and rest. Time to get ready for next week. 10-0.... Keep workin. Stay focused
reggie_bush 10-0 feels great!!!!
LanceMoore16 10-0 sounds pretty swell to me.
ChaseDaniel 10-0!!
SupaFreak69 Heading bak to New Orleans.. a lil sushi....maybe sum dessert oh yeah I forgot we 10 -0
Harp41 10-0...crunk.
robyslyfe 10-0 this is a special TEAM.
SupaFreak69 On the Plane..thank god my buddy next to me aint farting tis week
JeremyShockey What a great TEAM win! 10-0 is $$ I need to help out our TEAM ou by getting more looks; but fuk it we have a TRUE family and we are blessed
JeremyShockey Getting ready to land.. its good to be HOMEEEEE!!!!!! WOH DAT
Paradox Comics: NOLA #1

Art: Damian Couceiro
Boom! Studios $3.99
~To be honest with you it never really crossed my mind that the devastation of Hurricane Katrina (Federal Flood) might ever be used as the backdrop to a comic, not least because the comic market is still managing to regurgitate plots based around 9/11 and doesn’t seem to be giving up with that quite yet. Rather than focus squarely on the events that devastated New Orleans, Gorak and Cothran instead level the readers gaze upon Nola, a young woman from the Louisiana city, and the unrelated events that appear to have shattered her life.
Even the Washington Post Says Feds Should Settle New Orleans
~H/ The ruling has brought a number of bipartisan statements calling for the government to settle with Katrina victims and take action to prevent similar Army Corps of Engineer failings in the future. Senators Mary Landrieu, a Democrat, and David Vitter, a Republican said they were glad to see relief ordered for flood victims. Vitter said the decision could serve as a warning against similar problems in the future.
In addition Democratic Senator Russ Feingold and Republican Senator John McCain issued a joint statement calling for sweeping reforms for the Corps in the wake of the ruling.
“American taxpayers cannot wait for another natural disaster like Katrina before we act to improve the safety and security of Corps projects,” the statement said.
~Also~"NOLA's watershed moment: A judge confirms that the Army Corps let the city down"
"The callous and/or myopic approach of the Corps to the obvious deleterious nature of the MR-GO is beyond understanding," Duvall thunders in his opinion. "The Corps not only knew, but admitted by 1988, that the MR-GO threatened human life, and yet it did not act in time to prevent the catastrophic disaster that ensued with the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina."
He concludes: "The Corps' lassitude and failure to fulfill its duties resulted in a catastrophic loss of human life and property in unprecedented proportions. The Corps' negligence resulted in the wasting of millions of dollars in flood protection measures and billions of dollars in congressional outlays to help this region recover from such a catastrophe."
USA Today caught off-balance by MRGO decision ~slabbed
La. urges Corps to stop dumping dredged material
No-nonsense general eyes warmer Cuba ties~John Prime
~"They're closer to the hurricane highway," says retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, talking from his Baton Rouge home. "Even though it's a poor country, challenged economically in all directions, they do a good job of hurricane (damage) prevention and preparedness. I say that tongue-in-cheek because it is a socialist, Communist-controlled country. At the same time, people spend an extraordinary amount of time preparing to prevent damage to property and to human beings."
Lawsuits put global warming on more dockets ~Chris Joyner
~A group of 12 Mississippi Gulf Coast homeowners is using a novel legal strategy to try to recoup losses suffered during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The lawsuit seeks damages from a group of 33 energy companies, including ExxonMobil and coal giant Peabody Energy, electric utilities, and other conglomerates for allegedly emitting greenhouse gases that the litigants say contributed to global warming.
Colder than a... Tickfaw
on a Gold Diggers Ass?
Po-Boy festival in NOLA on flickr
Freelance writer/researcher
'Once-in-800-years' downpour leaves traders counting cost
~Ralph Riegal
New Orleans - Four Years and Counting: Talking with Larry Weiss~Joan Brunwasser
ArtDocs program offers care to visual, performing artists who are uninsured~Emilie Bahr
Who is Angus Lind and Is his Book about Steak?
~Whose shoes are these anyway?
Turkey Day dining increases in popularity ~Tom Fitzmorris

Zydepunks help fill out the bill for Chuck Ragan's Revival Tour
~Andela Shroeder
Judith Owen and Harry Shearer at The Triple Door, Seattle
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The cruelty of Katrina shorthand
USA Today Stretches Truth Condom Over MR-GO Ruling
~Should they ride the lawsuit's momentum and try to extract potentially billions of dollars from the federal government to compensate Katrina victims? Or should they keep the focus on getting federal help for Louisiana's multibillion-dollar coastal restoration efforts?
~Editilla gets it like a shank in the ass: so it begins.
Rick Jervis knows better than this and I am appalled at his bias.
A) What "KATRINA Victims"? This is the entire point of the Ruling, to wit: Katrina didn't do it. The Corps did it. They built MR-GO wrong from the start just like the levees in New Orleans that failed. IT'S THE LEVEES STUPID.
Let me guess, Rick Jervis drives a Ford Pinto. This pig-stuck gum'shoe has been made directly aware of the Falsehood of using Katrina Shorthand to describe the devastation of New Orleans.
B) Here is the Straw Man Fallacy of Rick Jervis, former journalist currently copy writer oligarch media troll, to wit: that this is an argument of Just Compensation from Defective Product Liability -versus- Funding for Wetlands Restoration. Wrong Bathwater.
Rick Jervis is incapable of adjudicating this case, he is not the judge, or the jury. He is a media mouf'piece, and thus has No Business attempting to pre-judge the execution of current or future potential Defective Product Liability judgments.
Who'z in Yer'wallet, Rick Jervis?
The 2 issues are NOT mutually exclusive, though they are separate in nature. Not only is Rick Jervis hoping that the readers will swallow his own seed of the Corps Costs Estimates of 100's of Billions for their side of the work, he is offering the erroneous proposition that the Corps is the Lead in the solution to the Wetlands Restoration activity --this prophylactic misnomer stretches so very far from the Truth as to resemble a condom over the head of an oil derrick.
The Bad and Corrupt Engineering for which the citizens of New Orleans paid taxes and by which to be killed, is not in the same argument with funding Wetlands Restoration. Buy that Public Relations Frame, and I've got a lot full of Ford Pintos to sell you.
USA Today Stretches Truth Condom Over MR-GO Ruling
~Should they ride the lawsuit's momentum and try to extract potentially billions of dollars from the federal government to compensate Katrina victims? Or should they keep the focus on getting federal help for Louisiana's multibillion-dollar coastal restoration efforts?
~Editilla gets it like a shank in the ass: so it begins.
Rick Jervis knows better than this and I am appalled at his bias.
A) What "KATRINA Victims"? This is the entire point of the Ruling, to wit: Katrina didn't do it. The Corps did it. They built MR-GO wrong from the start just like the levees in New Orleans that failed. IT'S THE LEVEES STUPID.
Let me guess, Rick Jervis drives a Ford Pinto. This pig-stuck gum'shoe has been made directly aware of the Falsehood of using Katrina Shorthand to describe the devastation of New Orleans.
B) Here is the Straw Man Fallacy of Rick Jervis, former journalist currently copy writer oligarch media troll, to wit: that this is an argument of Just Compensation from Defective Product Liability -versus- Funding for Wetlands Restoration. Wrong Bathwater.
Rick Jervis is incapable of adjudicating this case, he is not the judge, or the jury. He is a media mouf'piece, and thus has No Business attempting to pre-judge the execution of current or future potential Defective Product Liability judgments.
Who'z in Yer'wallet, Rick Jervis?
The 2 issues are NOT mutually exclusive, though they are separate in nature. Not only is Rick Jervis hoping that the readers will swallow his own seed of the Corps Costs Estimates of 100's of Billions for their side of the work, he is offering the erroneous proposition that the Corps is the Lead in the solution to the Wetlands Restoration activity --this prophylactic misnomer stretches so very far from the Truth as to resemble a condom over the head of an oil derrick.
The Bad and Corrupt Engineering for which the citizens of New Orleans paid taxes and by which to be killed, is not in the same argument with funding Wetlands Restoration. Buy that Public Relations Frame, and I've got a lot full of Ford Pintos to sell you.
Geaux Babies!!! 10-0!!!!
Fur-wearers, dealers say Louisiana’s nutria can make ‘beautiful’ coats, help wetlands
~Laura McKnight
~Editilla Scrotellas~ We added that last part about helping wetlands due to the erosive effects of Nutria on restoration efforts and flood control structures. A friend actually suggested it, make Nutria Fur Coats to raise tons of money for Voice of the Wetlands while at the same time bringing down the population of an invasive wetlands damaging varmint. Wait fo'da PETA Royale!
NOTE: This was only a chat, not proffered by VOW!
Outside of Boots, Gloves, Belts and Wine Flasks, Editilla gets personally creeped out standing next to anyone who would wear another animal as clothing when they obviously have only the dishonor of self-aggrandizement as their ticket to ride.
I find the fur industry, as is, an ugly, repugnant, sinful business of dysfunctional, ostentatious, predatory fashion.
~S.P. LaRussa poses inside his Houma office Tuesday wearing a nutria fur coat that he has owned for many years.
"I was a big hit in Minnesota with this nutria fur coat,” said S.P. LaRussa, owner of LaRussa Real Estate in Houma — and owner of a golden-brown, knee- length nutria coat. LaRussa wore his nutria coat to Minnesota in 2001 to watch the New Orleans Saints take on the Vikings in an NFL playoff match.
LaRussa stayed at the same hotel as the Saints, so when he arrived, a crowd of photographers were outside awaiting the arrival of the players. But the cameras started flashing at LaRussa after one of his traveling companions announced “Do you know who this is? This is the Nutria Man from south Louisiana.”

~Designer I Magnum sheared nutria fur jacket, beautifully tailored and fully lined.
Purchased in the 50s - 60s it is in great vintage condition, still soft with no visible flaws other than some wear at the back of the neck. This luxurious top quality natural sheared nutria coat is perfect for day or night! It features straight sleeves and straight body.
The lining looks great too. Selling for a small fraction of its original cost, if new it would retail for over $2,000.
Harry Shearer interviews
Dr. Ivor Van Heerden on LeShow tonight WWNO/8pm sharp!
~Live right Now (12cst) on KCRW
On TIME magazine’s Michael Grunwald on Judge Duval’s ruling in New Orleans
Analysis of Katrina Opinion re: MRGO Claims~Subrogation & Recovery Law Blog
Is the Federal Flood Liability Ruling a Pyrrhic Victory?
~Daniel M. Rothschild
Did we learn from MRGO…or are we signing up for new corps-designed disasters?~LaCoastPost
Processed oysters have a niche in national market, Times-Picayune starts the PR Roll-Out for "POs" in Louisiana?
~Editilla's gotta ax~ about Corporate Bias of almost any article now from the T-P/, except perhaps The Weather -- but even there is the section where they now stash the Corps of Engineers News. We have seen how the T-P/ teat media has allowed unencumbered ASCECORPS Carte Blanche DuBlois.
But really, in all seriousness, is this article an example of more to come: Public Relations Bias for the National Processed Oyster Industry? It starts slow, with stories of gold and riches.
Next article: "Is Louisiana Missing Out on National Market?"
We have to ask. This is what happens when your local paper rolls over. Conglomerate Media.
Ad Budget Tight? Call the P.R. Machine fo'lil "Earned Media"
~Brooks Barnes
~There is another advantage to a publicity machine on overdrive. “At least with publicity — placed stories — there is a feeling that the message has gone through a filter,” said Paul Pflug, the co-owner of Principal Communications, a public relations firm that specializes in entertainment. “Journalists and their editors had to consider the pitch worthy of space. The message has been vetted in some way.” He said an article was more valuable to the studios because it is more credible to viewers than an ad.
~Editilla Hotellas~ We aren't saying that the ASCECORPS of Engineers/Optimal Process Partners engages in any of this type of "Information Management" with, but one must admit that they do have a little corn in that hole.
Study: Scavengers big and small dwell in deep sea~Cain Burdeau
~This undated photo released by Census of Marine Life and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution shows a transparent sea cucumber, Enypniastes, creeping forward on its many tentacles at about 1 inch per minute while sweeping detritus-rich sediment into its mouth at 9,022 feet in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Road Home rebuilding is lagging, survey shows~David Hammer
Recovery School District repair allocation of $163 million OK'd by legislative panel --reluctantly
~Jan Moller
The Jewish Invention
~Raincoat Optimism
Between the Folds~Will Coviello
~Editilla Notellas~ Damn sorry we missed this one on time, having hung it earlier but failing to carry the lede up to date (as we usually try to do with "hap'nins"). Alas, we lose track, with so much going on in Nola, even apart from Editilla's little thingy wit'da Exquisite Corps. Fortunately, as usual, Gambit's Coviello puts film in that way that is just worth reading and learning about even if you may have missed the premier.
Reneé Wilson releases debut CD, previews documentary:
“Crepe Covered Sidewalks”
~Tom Durken
Phil Sandusky
~Inside Art New Orleans
~Ride the St. Charles street car to Stop #46.
to the newly renovated Oak Street between Carrollton and Eagle.
New Orleans Street Music
~Boulder 2 Bits
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
~Laura McKnight
~Editilla Scrotellas~ We added that last part about helping wetlands due to the erosive effects of Nutria on restoration efforts and flood control structures. A friend actually suggested it, make Nutria Fur Coats to raise tons of money for Voice of the Wetlands while at the same time bringing down the population of an invasive wetlands damaging varmint. Wait fo'da PETA Royale!
NOTE: This was only a chat, not proffered by VOW!
Outside of Boots, Gloves, Belts and Wine Flasks, Editilla gets personally creeped out standing next to anyone who would wear another animal as clothing when they obviously have only the dishonor of self-aggrandizement as their ticket to ride.
I find the fur industry, as is, an ugly, repugnant, sinful business of dysfunctional, ostentatious, predatory fashion.

"I was a big hit in Minnesota with this nutria fur coat,” said S.P. LaRussa, owner of LaRussa Real Estate in Houma — and owner of a golden-brown, knee- length nutria coat. LaRussa wore his nutria coat to Minnesota in 2001 to watch the New Orleans Saints take on the Vikings in an NFL playoff match.
LaRussa stayed at the same hotel as the Saints, so when he arrived, a crowd of photographers were outside awaiting the arrival of the players. But the cameras started flashing at LaRussa after one of his traveling companions announced “Do you know who this is? This is the Nutria Man from south Louisiana.”

~Designer I Magnum sheared nutria fur jacket, beautifully tailored and fully lined.
Purchased in the 50s - 60s it is in great vintage condition, still soft with no visible flaws other than some wear at the back of the neck. This luxurious top quality natural sheared nutria coat is perfect for day or night! It features straight sleeves and straight body.
The lining looks great too. Selling for a small fraction of its original cost, if new it would retail for over $2,000.
Harry Shearer interviews
Dr. Ivor Van Heerden on LeShow tonight WWNO/8pm sharp!
~Live right Now (12cst) on KCRW
On TIME magazine’s Michael Grunwald on Judge Duval’s ruling in New Orleans
Analysis of Katrina Opinion re: MRGO Claims~Subrogation & Recovery Law Blog
Is the Federal Flood Liability Ruling a Pyrrhic Victory?
~Daniel M. Rothschild
Did we learn from MRGO…or are we signing up for new corps-designed disasters?~LaCoastPost
Processed oysters have a niche in national market, Times-Picayune starts the PR Roll-Out for "POs" in Louisiana?
~Editilla's gotta ax~ about Corporate Bias of almost any article now from the T-P/, except perhaps The Weather -- but even there is the section where they now stash the Corps of Engineers News. We have seen how the T-P/ teat media has allowed unencumbered ASCECORPS Carte Blanche DuBlois.
But really, in all seriousness, is this article an example of more to come: Public Relations Bias for the National Processed Oyster Industry? It starts slow, with stories of gold and riches.
Next article: "Is Louisiana Missing Out on National Market?"
We have to ask. This is what happens when your local paper rolls over. Conglomerate Media.
Ad Budget Tight? Call the P.R. Machine fo'lil "Earned Media"
~Brooks Barnes
~There is another advantage to a publicity machine on overdrive. “At least with publicity — placed stories — there is a feeling that the message has gone through a filter,” said Paul Pflug, the co-owner of Principal Communications, a public relations firm that specializes in entertainment. “Journalists and their editors had to consider the pitch worthy of space. The message has been vetted in some way.” He said an article was more valuable to the studios because it is more credible to viewers than an ad.
~Editilla Hotellas~ We aren't saying that the ASCECORPS of Engineers/Optimal Process Partners engages in any of this type of "Information Management" with, but one must admit that they do have a little corn in that hole.
Study: Scavengers big and small dwell in deep sea~Cain Burdeau

Road Home rebuilding is lagging, survey shows~David Hammer
Recovery School District repair allocation of $163 million OK'd by legislative panel --reluctantly
~Jan Moller
The Jewish Invention
~Raincoat Optimism
Between the Folds~Will Coviello
~Editilla Notellas~ Damn sorry we missed this one on time, having hung it earlier but failing to carry the lede up to date (as we usually try to do with "hap'nins"). Alas, we lose track, with so much going on in Nola, even apart from Editilla's little thingy wit'da Exquisite Corps. Fortunately, as usual, Gambit's Coviello puts film in that way that is just worth reading and learning about even if you may have missed the premier.
Reneé Wilson releases debut CD, previews documentary:
“Crepe Covered Sidewalks”
~Tom Durken
Phil Sandusky
~Inside Art New Orleans

to the newly renovated Oak Street between Carrollton and Eagle.
New Orleans Street Music
~Boulder 2 Bits
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
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