With so much controversy surrounding our levees, how can we be sure they are being built right this time?
On Saturday, we said "NO" to fear and "YES" to the 8/29 Investigation, Senate Bill 2826.
It's time that the citizens of America get the truth on why the levees failed on August 29, 2005.
Sandy Rosenthal
~UPDATE~Statement from Sandy Rosenthal on today's Day of Action!
Please Give These Folks A Hand!
My statement on the city-wide Day of Action:~Editilla gotta tol'yaz~
If we could "do it all again," there is only one thing we would have done differently.
We would have pre-printed more flyers.
The 600 flyers got vaporized by eager engaged motorists passing by the three busy intersections where we rallied!
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder/Executive Director
Sandy Rosenthal ~ Editilletto!
Goddess know some women were just born
to kick holy ass!
Deconstructing Ray Nagin's State of the City Report ~Georgianne Nienaber
~"In May the New Orleans News Ladder quoted the Associated Press regarding water leaks on the infamous 17th Street Canal Levee, which failed catastrophically during the floods post-Katrina."
Editilla begs pardon on'da ass'blushin!
Well...t'ank you...
t'ank you fury'mush, Mz. Georgianne!
Give this Lady an Editilletto, oh yeah!
Why is it always da'womens of da'world
dat'pulls my foot outta'my mout?
But why stop there...
In Charlotte’s Garden...
~la casa de bella luna

covering this morning,
like a wide cotton bed'sheet
of white'class lace.
And I taste her breath of coffee
and cigarettes and mary'jane
and bloody'mary coughing
on the banquette by the gate
of this courtyard in'da Marigny.
I lay me down, my soul to sleep.
But the heat won't let me.
So I lie~~awake~~and dream.
I'm going to take this little bone in my heart.
I'm gonna put it in a Glass Box,
with some candles
and some broken clocks...
just to see the sea of faces
stopping in the dark dark dark.
If you've found a friend in God,
do please ask them for direction
to the places they left the restless souls
to drown in their own damn'nation
--under rooftops--in their back yards
--behind the family sofa
while their Grand Mas banged agains the walls
abandonded in Saint Rita's!
~~~I don't really care what they say.
~~~I heard it all before the breach.
~~~They may think they know what it means...
~~~to bet your soul--to find your self losing!
We may know the sounds of unspoken belief
with a bucket of seed and the pigeons beside us
as we slide down the wet stones of the street
to a little cafe named for the Goddes of Flowers.
There the 8 Ball lines up wit'da Lucky 13
and Snake Eyes and Diamonds
and Demons in Chains...
while The Angel waits for Saint Ann to begin
with her masque made of Sorrow
and her laugh made of sin!
So when I die...
do please carry me down Royal Street
wit'a Brass Band and a Second Line Beat
by the courtyards in da'Marigny.
I lay me down my soul to sleep.
~Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia
New Orleans~August & December '05, Lundi Gras '06
...last lyric for my friend, Ashley. Sinn Féin!
Our precious hearts are all shattered
Scattered across the land
But I know that I am going back
To the place where I know who I am
Holding all our memories in one hand
So tight that you can't let them go
And in the other hand we pray
That the wind and the panic and the rain
Will all turn to a
Soft and quiet,
gentle peaceful,
Crescent City Snow
~Susan Cowsill
Aphasia: One in a group of speech disorders in which there is a defect or loss of the power of expression by speech, writing, or signs, or a defect or loss of the power of comprehension of spoken or written language. Less severe forms of aphasia may be called dysphasia. Aphasia, literally, means no speech.
From a- meaning lack of + the Greek phasis meaning speech.
"All human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and the change is painful."
-Flannery O'Connor

John Huston’s Version of Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood
~Pamela Demory
"It is a comic novel about a Christian malgr� lui, and as such, very serious, for all comic novels that are any good must be about matters of life and death.
Wise Blood was written by an author congenitally innocent of theory, but one with certain preoccupations."~Flannery O'Conner
935 Lies~Harry Shearer
Reflecting on books we looked forward to~Chasing Ray
Interview with Poet Katie Ford
Liprap's Lament - The Line
Interesting New Books~Welcome to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Children's Room!

New study on Katrina-mental health; group presses for help
Sam Friedman on Dickie Scruggs and the Courtroom as a Profit Center~slabbed
Active Illness in Children due to Passive Politics: Is This Another Tuskegee Experiment?
~Robin Wilson
The Hurricane Digital Memory Bank ~FoodMusicJustice.com
Professor recalls bout with Katrina~Indiana Penn Gazette
Spilled mud causes crashes in La., 18 people hurt
CSX Transportation to hold annual meeting in New Orleans next month
~Editilla wondas if this would be a good venue to ask the railroad company about the nearly 20 tank cars of sulfuric acid and 15 tank cars of chlorine and natural gas and dozens of others that I saw parked next to my former home, along the sea wall and downtown in New Orleans, during hurricane Katrina's 100+mph winds and hell raising? And what could they have done if those tank cars had torched off like the city-block wide explosions of the produce company 3 or 4 blocks away? I mean, really, that is a valid and good question, right?
A direct hurricane hit could push oil to $150
New Orleans 17th Street Canal leaking as hurricane season begins
~propaganda press! boycott Carifesta X
~Editilla had to have this one fo'da great updated photo of Exquixotic Tech Support Director Con "What Me Worry" Jolissaint: "Mr. Wet Spot".
It just keeps getting better all the time!
Report shows little land recovery
~In the year after hurricanes Katrina and Rita turned 217 square miles of Louisiana’s coast into open water, researchers found little in the way of land recovery, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

Flood Stage Levels current 'real-time' guage readings ~USGS
Tropical Storm Arthur forms, no threat to New Orleans
Hurricane Predictions Of Little Use
Loophole could cost landowners
Al-Ahram Weekly, Privatizing War~Peacekeeper99
According to The Washington Post (12 August 2007), the US military has paid $548 million over the past three years to two British security firms that protect the US Army Corps of Engineers on reconstruction projects, more than $200 million over the original budget, according to previously undisclosed data that shows how the cost of private security in Iraq has mushroomed.Experts Available as 2008 Hurricane Season Begins
The two companies, AEGIS Defence Services and Erinys Iraq, signed their original Defence Department contracts in May 2004. By July of 2007, the contracts supported a private force that had grown to about 2,000 employees serving the Corps of Engineers. The force is about the size of three military battalions. The size of this force and its cost have never been documented.
The Pentagon has said that about 20,000 security contractors operate in Iraq, although some estimates are considerably higher. AEGIS and Erinys work side-by-side in Baghdad’s Green Zone.
Scots Firm to Help Restore New Orleans Hospital~H T'n'T-NTHP
New Orleans Aqua Aces to Donate $1500 to Children's Hospital from Upcoming Spearfishing Rodeo
China/Mynamar Disaster Relief Drive~This fundraiser will follow the same design as our previous Hurricane Katrina and Greensburg Kansas Relief fundraisers.
UN: Myanmar Junta Butchers forcing cyclone survivors out of camps
I Heart New Orleans (part 1)
~Capatain's Log
“Take care when you handle Cliche’ lest you draw offense of Metaphor as neither will honor what they seem in life nor what you would wish of them in death.”
…said Down
the Gravedigger
So Long, New Orleans
~words are not enough
The Drinking Age Conundrum
~Aroma Cucina
New Orleans-shot indie film is one of two in the works about the Chess Records label
New Web Site On Michael Gerzon, Surround Pioneer
~Michael Graves