Southern Decadence 2010 Get Down!
~Religious protesters swarm French Quarter
Three years after Congress mandated it, Corps of Engineers finally sets up "independent" oversight council for work in Louisiana --in Mississippi
~Editilla gotta Axe~ Does THIS look very "independent" to youz?
~ Editilla Jus'sayin, 8/29/05 is one thing: day #nola had a storm. Today is another thing completely: by now we all knew America had a Big Problem.
Veteran happy to resettle in Alexandria after Corps of Engineers flooded home in New Orleans~Richard Sharkey
One Block, Dave Anderson
Another Judge in the news, this time in Mississippi ~slabbed
Louisiana Living~NOLA Notes
Lafitte docks quiet this Labor Day weekend ~WWL
TOXIC RAIN says NSF-funded geochemist: “It may very well be raining hydrocarbons” far inland from coast (VIDEO)~Florida Oils Spill Law
New Orleans' newest record shop opens this weekend with a two-day festival of local music~Alison Fensterstock
If you can make only one second line this year….THIS should be that parade
~Red Cotton, Gambit
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Destroy This Memory
Movie review: Harry Shearer's Katrina documentary 'The Big Uneasy' is big and important ~Mike Scott
New Orleans Needs Scenic Canals, Not Billions in Levees~James S. Russell
Public Notice ~The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force has initiated procedures to deauthorize the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Brown Lake Hydrologic Restoration Project (CS-09).
This is Louisiana~Thad Angelloz
~Flynn Hoob kept telling anyone who would listen that something was lurking in the culvert behind his two-story home on La. 24.
~Guns, ammo are tax free this weekend in Louisiana!
British Petroleum Issues Ultimatum in the Gulf (without actually issuing ultimatum)~Disenfranchised Citizen
~Editilla @DrakeToulouse Oh Reeeally? So'Slo'Bo Duddley DooWrong and D'Petulant Prigs of Pritish Pusillanimity? Well Dat'hangs!
Strategies for measuring oil and dispersant in Gulf of Mexico discussed
~Mark Schleifstein
The Government's Shrimpy Seafood Safety Test~Kate Sheppard
Water Tests Positive For Corexit in Naples, Florida
Mariner rig opposed federal safety rule
~Babar updates his Racebook Profile...tells tall tales (white lies) of Southern History Erased and Revised. Strange Fruit Indeed
~Hat Tip~Veracity Stew
~Editilla specticulatas that where Haley Babar grew up in Yazoo City, on the jawbone of the MS Delta, was not too unlike my own hometown in the heart of cotton land in that they just didn't have that race problem with the Negroes.
Know what I mean? People knew their place. Even a Nazi wouldn't lie about that.
~Babarlu: I Has A Dream!
Released! Treme Soundtrack Date and Tracklist~Last week, on the 5th anniversary of Katrina, artists associated with the Treme soundtrack including John Boutte, Irma Thomas, Kermit Ruffins, James Andrews, Paul Sanchez, Rebirth Brass Band and Mardi Gras Indians took to the House of Blues stage in New Orleans to participate in "A Night of Treme" fundraiser on behalf of Make It Right. The evening, sponsored by HBO, Geffen Records and House of Blues, was in support Make It Right's program of building safe, sustainable and affordable homes for families in New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward who lost everything in the Flood of 8/29/05. Now comes official word that the soundtrack's (digital) release date is 9/28 and as well as the (19 tracks!) tune stack for the album. The HBO series is riveting and the soundtrack album will, certainly, be as well.
Under His Own Vine and Fig Tree ~Citizen K
Movie review: Harry Shearer's Katrina documentary 'The Big Uneasy' is big and important ~Mike Scott
New Orleans Needs Scenic Canals, Not Billions in Levees~James S. Russell
Public Notice ~The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force has initiated procedures to deauthorize the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Brown Lake Hydrologic Restoration Project (CS-09).
This is Louisiana~Thad Angelloz

~Guns, ammo are tax free this weekend in Louisiana!
British Petroleum Issues Ultimatum in the Gulf (without actually issuing ultimatum)~Disenfranchised Citizen

Strategies for measuring oil and dispersant in Gulf of Mexico discussed
~Mark Schleifstein
The Government's Shrimpy Seafood Safety Test~Kate Sheppard
Water Tests Positive For Corexit in Naples, Florida
Mariner rig opposed federal safety rule
~Babar updates his Racebook Profile...tells tall tales (white lies) of Southern History Erased and Revised. Strange Fruit Indeed
~Hat Tip~Veracity Stew
~Editilla specticulatas that where Haley Babar grew up in Yazoo City, on the jawbone of the MS Delta, was not too unlike my own hometown in the heart of cotton land in that they just didn't have that race problem with the Negroes.
Know what I mean? People knew their place. Even a Nazi wouldn't lie about that.

Released! Treme Soundtrack Date and Tracklist~Last week, on the 5th anniversary of Katrina, artists associated with the Treme soundtrack including John Boutte, Irma Thomas, Kermit Ruffins, James Andrews, Paul Sanchez, Rebirth Brass Band and Mardi Gras Indians took to the House of Blues stage in New Orleans to participate in "A Night of Treme" fundraiser on behalf of Make It Right. The evening, sponsored by HBO, Geffen Records and House of Blues, was in support Make It Right's program of building safe, sustainable and affordable homes for families in New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward who lost everything in the Flood of 8/29/05. Now comes official word that the soundtrack's (digital) release date is 9/28 and as well as the (19 tracks!) tune stack for the album. The HBO series is riveting and the soundtrack album will, certainly, be as well.
Under His Own Vine and Fig Tree ~Citizen K
Thursday, September 2, 2010
March for Charity begins at 4:45PM!
Today please join, the Treme Brass Band, Hot 8, Free Agents, Original and Pinstripe Brass Bands, and others, on our secondline/march from Charity Hospital to City Hall to deliver thousands of your petitions to Mayor Landrieu.

~1532 Tulane Ave. MAP
~Help us keep our word and make Mitch Landrieu keep his. We told him we would get 10,000 people to sign the petition cards to Reopen Charity Hospital as a hospital.
He said he would listen and has an open mind.
All workers rescued, yet gulf oil rig explosion reportedly spreading sheen
~Update from WKRG with more photos...
~Surviving Enron—And Thriving: How oil and gas driller Mariner overcame the stigma and became a Hot Growth star
Coast Guard responding to rig fire Gulf of Mexico; people reported in water
Big Oil rallies to save Big Oil
~Facing South
Petroleum, shrimp mix in town they each peeled out of
~The New Orleans Levee
Hang in there!~Bayou Girl
After Katrina, Gulf Coast Papers Shrink
Orleans Parish population down 100,000 from pre-Flood numbers
Zombie we feel your pain. At least James Gill has come to the Cedric Richmond Party ~slabbed
An Afternoon With Charlie, An Evening With Mayor Landrieu
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Mitch Landrieu blasts GOP/Tea Bag Senate candidate in Nevada for past Katrina remarks
~Editilla Beautellas~ Mitch'mo don'play who'dats for nothing. He stands up next to a mountain of partisan tea'doo, and chops it down wit'da edge of his hand. Able to leap faux rhetoric like a Catahoula hound, he carries this City on his brow like a boxer at a cock fight or a thoroughbred at the starting gate. OK OK BS Alert!
Some may think Mitch'mo is just counting match sticks here for Sister Mary, batting rotted low-hanging fruit, passing an easy buck that serves no purpose for the future Louisiana. I ho'so humbly disagree. He is taking this haint at her word, and her word is screw Louisiana. She, with her filthy band of syllodomite baggers, has always been about screwing Louisiana out of Oil Revenue, Flood Recovery Recompense, Wetlands Funding and especially BP Oil Crime Liability.
Y'know, we should have taken the National Socialists at their word the last time they tried this shit, in Europe circa 1930s. We should have stood up to them then sooner than later. But we did not. Considering the toiletfulls of neo'coward, Machiavelli-wannabe, Limbaudian McRhetorical Handmaiden's Tail we constantly hear flushing from that side of the tracks, I have trouble seeing how Mitch'mo is taking a "cheap shot" at these crazy fools. It is impossible to out-cheapen a Tea Bagger Wallshirt. Perchance some bloggers might think that he cheapens himself and us by engaging these bat'wing idiots. But consider this: if even one of these clown'fakirs gets into office, they will consistently strike at our state with every vote. Goodbye equitable Oil Revenue Sharing. Goodbye Levees, Right Recompense and Wetlands Restoration Funding. Hello Boss.
At F+5, recovery plan becoming clearer; Lens maps mayor-backed projects
Cedar Rapids still needs help recovering~This week, as the nation marked the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, some people in Cedar Rapids wondered whether their plight from the 2008 flood has been overlooked.
~Editilla Egg'suckas~Well DUH YEAUH??? I just don't understand how you clueless Iowans could locate a city in a frigging flood plain and depend on the Corps of Engineers to protect you. How farking stupid is that eh? Well?
Many of you Iowans were so White and Proud of the way you "Recovered" from the Corps Flooding of 2008, comparing it to our Federal Flood, and some even had the unmitigated Midwestern Gall to piss on the graves of those lost to the Corps of Engineers' failures in New Orleans 8/29/05. Time for you to Suck Crow.
Iowa is the 2nd most Federally Subsidized state in the nation for agriculture, which means Pigs, Eggs, Corn. Aside from enriching the Big Medicine/Pharma Heart Disease Industry and derailing our nation's real ability to respond to the real alternative energy sources, WTF is your state good for? What are youz guyz about? Synchonized Water Skiing? Come on! Who's the Welfare Muthafkr now?
The Corps built the complete system to move your 3 products through Cedar Rapids and down the MS River. The Corps structures of course broke.
So yeah, you folks are going to drop off the radar and down the drain because you have proven that you would rather have a government subsidy, turn a blind eye to those citizens polluted down stream and hand your asses over to Big Agribusiness and the Corps of Engineers. The Corps just wants you citizens of Iowa to go away.
Die. Move. WTF ever. You are American Citizens and Do Not Matter.
Well, the Corps and their Stakeholders know you are all Subsidy Punks who will bend over and take it. You will whine. You will cry. But you will never stand up to the people who devastated your property the way of we in New Orleans. You will never understand the engineering failures which flooded your homes the way that we continue to confront in New Orleans. So suck it up and wake up. Grow a pair, find the Stakeholders and flay them with a boning knife. Take care of yourselves.
At a recent event I attended someone told me "Bobby Jindal is a fucking douchebag"~Library Chronicles
Students Arrested After Protests at University of New Orleans
~Veracity Stew
Group finds contaminated LA oysters, despite state, federal assurances
~Sampling by environmental groups has found oysters contaminated with oil along the Louisiana coast befouled by the BP PLC oil spill, a finding that casts doubt on statements by state and federal officials that all seafood tested is safe.
Up to 90% of oysters dead in DMR’s reef sample~Nicole Dow
~Officials from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources took oyster fishermen out on the reefs off the Pass Christian Harbor on Wednesday to give them a preview of what to expect from the upcoming oyster season.
This is why people think the Gulf oil spill has been cleaned up…BP Tripled Ad Spending After Spill
~Surfer Girl Comics
Patricia Clarkson to attend local 'Legendary' premiere, kicking off busy string of appearances
Surrey's Uptown~Blackened Out
*Hat Tweet~Pistolette
Today please join, the Treme Brass Band, Hot 8, Free Agents, Original and Pinstripe Brass Bands, and others, on our secondline/march from Charity Hospital to City Hall to deliver thousands of your petitions to Mayor Landrieu.

~Help us keep our word and make Mitch Landrieu keep his. We told him we would get 10,000 people to sign the petition cards to Reopen Charity Hospital as a hospital.
He said he would listen and has an open mind.
All workers rescued, yet gulf oil rig explosion reportedly spreading sheen

~Surviving Enron—And Thriving: How oil and gas driller Mariner overcame the stigma and became a Hot Growth star
Coast Guard responding to rig fire Gulf of Mexico; people reported in water
Big Oil rallies to save Big Oil
~Facing South
Petroleum, shrimp mix in town they each peeled out of
~The New Orleans Levee
Hang in there!~Bayou Girl
After Katrina, Gulf Coast Papers Shrink
Orleans Parish population down 100,000 from pre-Flood numbers
Zombie we feel your pain. At least James Gill has come to the Cedric Richmond Party ~slabbed
An Afternoon With Charlie, An Evening With Mayor Landrieu
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Mitch Landrieu blasts GOP/Tea Bag Senate candidate in Nevada for past Katrina remarks
~Editilla Beautellas~ Mitch'mo don'play who'dats for nothing. He stands up next to a mountain of partisan tea'doo, and chops it down wit'da edge of his hand. Able to leap faux rhetoric like a Catahoula hound, he carries this City on his brow like a boxer at a cock fight or a thoroughbred at the starting gate. OK OK BS Alert!
Some may think Mitch'mo is just counting match sticks here for Sister Mary, batting rotted low-hanging fruit, passing an easy buck that serves no purpose for the future Louisiana. I ho'so humbly disagree. He is taking this haint at her word, and her word is screw Louisiana. She, with her filthy band of syllodomite baggers, has always been about screwing Louisiana out of Oil Revenue, Flood Recovery Recompense, Wetlands Funding and especially BP Oil Crime Liability.
Y'know, we should have taken the National Socialists at their word the last time they tried this shit, in Europe circa 1930s. We should have stood up to them then sooner than later. But we did not. Considering the toiletfulls of neo'coward, Machiavelli-wannabe, Limbaudian McRhetorical Handmaiden's Tail we constantly hear flushing from that side of the tracks, I have trouble seeing how Mitch'mo is taking a "cheap shot" at these crazy fools. It is impossible to out-cheapen a Tea Bagger Wallshirt. Perchance some bloggers might think that he cheapens himself and us by engaging these bat'wing idiots. But consider this: if even one of these clown'fakirs gets into office, they will consistently strike at our state with every vote. Goodbye equitable Oil Revenue Sharing. Goodbye Levees, Right Recompense and Wetlands Restoration Funding. Hello Boss.
At F+5, recovery plan becoming clearer; Lens maps mayor-backed projects
Cedar Rapids still needs help recovering~This week, as the nation marked the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, some people in Cedar Rapids wondered whether their plight from the 2008 flood has been overlooked.
~Editilla Egg'suckas~Well DUH YEAUH??? I just don't understand how you clueless Iowans could locate a city in a frigging flood plain and depend on the Corps of Engineers to protect you. How farking stupid is that eh? Well?
Many of you Iowans were so White and Proud of the way you "Recovered" from the Corps Flooding of 2008, comparing it to our Federal Flood, and some even had the unmitigated Midwestern Gall to piss on the graves of those lost to the Corps of Engineers' failures in New Orleans 8/29/05. Time for you to Suck Crow.
Iowa is the 2nd most Federally Subsidized state in the nation for agriculture, which means Pigs, Eggs, Corn. Aside from enriching the Big Medicine/Pharma Heart Disease Industry and derailing our nation's real ability to respond to the real alternative energy sources, WTF is your state good for? What are youz guyz about? Synchonized Water Skiing? Come on! Who's the Welfare Muthafkr now?
The Corps built the complete system to move your 3 products through Cedar Rapids and down the MS River. The Corps structures of course broke.
So yeah, you folks are going to drop off the radar and down the drain because you have proven that you would rather have a government subsidy, turn a blind eye to those citizens polluted down stream and hand your asses over to Big Agribusiness and the Corps of Engineers. The Corps just wants you citizens of Iowa to go away.
Die. Move. WTF ever. You are American Citizens and Do Not Matter.
Well, the Corps and their Stakeholders know you are all Subsidy Punks who will bend over and take it. You will whine. You will cry. But you will never stand up to the people who devastated your property the way of we in New Orleans. You will never understand the engineering failures which flooded your homes the way that we continue to confront in New Orleans. So suck it up and wake up. Grow a pair, find the Stakeholders and flay them with a boning knife. Take care of yourselves.
At a recent event I attended someone told me "Bobby Jindal is a fucking douchebag"~Library Chronicles
Students Arrested After Protests at University of New Orleans
~Veracity Stew
Group finds contaminated LA oysters, despite state, federal assurances
~Sampling by environmental groups has found oysters contaminated with oil along the Louisiana coast befouled by the BP PLC oil spill, a finding that casts doubt on statements by state and federal officials that all seafood tested is safe.
Up to 90% of oysters dead in DMR’s reef sample~Nicole Dow
~Officials from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources took oyster fishermen out on the reefs off the Pass Christian Harbor on Wednesday to give them a preview of what to expect from the upcoming oyster season.
This is why people think the Gulf oil spill has been cleaned up…BP Tripled Ad Spending After Spill
~Surfer Girl Comics
Patricia Clarkson to attend local 'Legendary' premiere, kicking off busy string of appearances
Surrey's Uptown~Blackened Out
*Hat Tweet~Pistolette
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Save Charity Hospital: march/second line/petition delivery to Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Thursday~Humid Beings
~ Editilla We are betting our fabulustrous Mayor Mitch'mo #MitchLandrieu will meet the 2nd Line tomorrow on Charity Hospital #SaveCharityHospital #nola
BBC show on the Corps of Engineers Failures of 8/29/05~Hat
Earl a Category 4 storm again
~ Editilla We are betting our fabulustrous Mayor Mitch'mo #MitchLandrieu will meet the 2nd Line tomorrow on Charity Hospital #SaveCharityHospital #nola
BBC show on the Corps of Engineers Failures of 8/29/05~Hat
Earl a Category 4 storm again
POLICE STANDOFF AT UNO-- STUDENTS SEIZE MILNENBURG HALL~UNO students temporarily occupy a classroom building on day of planned protests over budget cuts.~The occupiers urge all supporters and interested parties to provide solidarity and support by going to Milnenburg Hall and participating in this morning's 10 AM walkout & rally at the UNO Quad!
Earl Update~Wunderblog
~WWLTV Tropical Depression 9 forms in Atlantic Ocean: See track: | See models:
~Traveler Evacuation Information Management System, North Carolina Dept of Transportation
Q & A with The Tea Party of Louisiana ~CenLamar
#9 Dream -or- Just Like Starting Over ~moosedenied
Radio show caller confirms New Orleans pumps probably won’t work in high water event
~letwits "The Big Uneasy" held over in NO at Canal Place, Prytania, and Chalmette Movies. 1-wk Oscar eligibility run coming in LA/NY...
The Ashley Morris Award And Taking A Break ~Cliff's Crib
~This one goes out to Pistolette from the Twitters Thingies...
We Be Lovin'da Dirty Coast. Ya'Heard?
Hey! It's Humpday! Have you become... ahem... sufficiently slabbed?
Lab Results Raise New Concerns Over Gulf Seafood~Laura Parker
~The lab's findings "again point to evidence that the 'all clear' is being sounded way too early," said Stuart Smith, attorney for both the fishermen's union and LEAN, which is suing BP on their behalf. "I do not believe a robust statistical sampling has occurred to prove that it's safe."~Hat Tweet~oilflorida
Earl Update~Wunderblog
~WWLTV Tropical Depression 9 forms in Atlantic Ocean: See track: | See models:
~Traveler Evacuation Information Management System, North Carolina Dept of Transportation
Q & A with The Tea Party of Louisiana ~CenLamar
#9 Dream -or- Just Like Starting Over ~moosedenied
Radio show caller confirms New Orleans pumps probably won’t work in high water event
~letwits "The Big Uneasy" held over in NO at Canal Place, Prytania, and Chalmette Movies. 1-wk Oscar eligibility run coming in LA/NY...
The Ashley Morris Award And Taking A Break ~Cliff's Crib
~This one goes out to Pistolette from the Twitters Thingies...
We Be Lovin'da Dirty Coast. Ya'Heard?
Hey! It's Humpday! Have you become... ahem... sufficiently slabbed?
Lab Results Raise New Concerns Over Gulf Seafood~Laura Parker
~The lab's findings "again point to evidence that the 'all clear' is being sounded way too early," said Stuart Smith, attorney for both the fishermen's union and LEAN, which is suing BP on their behalf. "I do not believe a robust statistical sampling has occurred to prove that it's safe."~Hat Tweet~oilflorida
James Gill takin'it easy, ignores big pile of Cedric RichMon Doo'Doo!
~Axe Da'Zombie
~Editilla Crowtellas~ We are Sorry, Saddened and Stunned that our Favulustrous Mayor Mitch'mo would endorse this Crud to ReCrudify $Bill's former funding racket. We wish Mitch'mo could get an audience with our American Zombie --or at least ho'damn read his posts on Cedric RichMon.
Cedric RichMon makes Race Card Shark James Perry's non-profit political monkey'dance look like nap-time wit'a Punketful of Romper Room Ritalin.
Tell Mayor Landrieu to Save Charity Hospital~Thursday 2nd Line to Save Charity Hospital
New Orleans Community Rallies Against Violence~WDSU
Well Hell…Turn Off the News for Five Days and the Official Narrative Goes to Shit…~Disenfranchised Citizen
Sewage As Hurricane Protection? New Orleans Could Use It To Regrow Wetlands
Southern governors push for more Gulf oil revenue
National oil spill commission using nuclear power industry as model
~Mark Schleifstein
Assumption well blowout reviewed
~David J. Mitchell
Displaced New Orleans Poet Sunni Patterson
Catch SkeletonKrewe at Poet's Gallery!
Hey Blake Pontchartrain?
Groove with 'OZ at Pontchartrain Vineyards~WWOZ will hold its first Groovin' In the Vines event at beautiful Pontchartrain Vineyards in St. Tammany Parish on Saturday, September 11, in celebration of our upcoming 30th anniversary.
~Axe Da'Zombie
~Editilla Crowtellas~ We are Sorry, Saddened and Stunned that our Favulustrous Mayor Mitch'mo would endorse this Crud to ReCrudify $Bill's former funding racket. We wish Mitch'mo could get an audience with our American Zombie --or at least ho'damn read his posts on Cedric RichMon.
Cedric RichMon makes Race Card Shark James Perry's non-profit political monkey'dance look like nap-time wit'a Punketful of Romper Room Ritalin.
Tell Mayor Landrieu to Save Charity Hospital~Thursday 2nd Line to Save Charity Hospital
New Orleans Community Rallies Against Violence~WDSU
Well Hell…Turn Off the News for Five Days and the Official Narrative Goes to Shit…~Disenfranchised Citizen
Sewage As Hurricane Protection? New Orleans Could Use It To Regrow Wetlands
Southern governors push for more Gulf oil revenue
National oil spill commission using nuclear power industry as model
~Mark Schleifstein
Assumption well blowout reviewed
~David J. Mitchell
Displaced New Orleans Poet Sunni Patterson
Catch SkeletonKrewe at Poet's Gallery!
Hey Blake Pontchartrain?
Groove with 'OZ at Pontchartrain Vineyards~WWOZ will hold its first Groovin' In the Vines event at beautiful Pontchartrain Vineyards in St. Tammany Parish on Saturday, September 11, in celebration of our upcoming 30th anniversary.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Oil spill claims agency to hold town hall meeting Thursday near Slidell
Faced with sold-out screenings, local theaters add showings of Harry Shearer's 'The Big Uneasy'
~ Editilla HJ Bosworth, engineer, talks about Maria Garzino and Bad Pumps on WIST: about half way: #nola #TheBigUneasy
~Please also see Fix the Pumps
Miles of Dead Fish in lower Plaquemines
Category 4 Earl headed for a close brush with North Carolina
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~Hurricane watch issued for N.C. coast
~Hurricane Earl could force East Coast evacuations before Labor Day
~Hurricane Earl is photographed by astronaut Douglas Wheelock aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday, Aug. 31. American astronaut Douglas Wheelock of NASA has been photographing hurricanes from the International Space Station and posting them on Twitter. (Douglas H. Wheelcock / NASA)
Construction of north section of new Kenner floodwall to begin soon, south section delayed~Sheila Grissett
I just had to take a Scream Shot of this...

New Orleans' Mayor Landrieu's 5th Anniversary Speech
Save Charity Hospital: march/second line/petition delivery to Mayor Mitch Landrieu~Humid Beings
Incontinental Drift~Tom Piazza
Faced with sold-out screenings, local theaters add showings of Harry Shearer's 'The Big Uneasy'
~ Editilla HJ Bosworth, engineer, talks about Maria Garzino and Bad Pumps on WIST: about half way: #nola #TheBigUneasy
~Please also see Fix the Pumps
Miles of Dead Fish in lower Plaquemines
Category 4 Earl headed for a close brush with North Carolina
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~Hurricane watch issued for N.C. coast
~Hurricane Earl could force East Coast evacuations before Labor Day

Construction of north section of new Kenner floodwall to begin soon, south section delayed~Sheila Grissett
I just had to take a Scream Shot of this...

New Orleans' Mayor Landrieu's 5th Anniversary Speech
Save Charity Hospital: march/second line/petition delivery to Mayor Mitch Landrieu~Humid Beings
Incontinental Drift~Tom Piazza
As a test of journalistic accuracy, who knows the difference between Man'made and Natural Disaster?
~Editilla Axes because it seems that Stephanie Grace, nothing personal - her industry, would rather Name The Flood of New Orleans 8/29/05 after a Natural Event rather than call it by its true nature, its actual reality, to wit: Federal Flood, Corps Flood, Corps Failure, Federal Responsibility.
We finally got these people to at least tag the end of their statements with "Katrina (and the levee failures...)". Though some actually speak accurately of this Engineering Mistake, so many others in the media take the easy Reference to Katrina, the shorthand jive because it is easier than looking the killer in the eyes. It is still much easier for these journalists to blame The Flood on Katrina, than get the answers to what facts were observed to the contrary before the Corps of Engineers began covering the evidence of their misdeeds with more misdeeds.
Katrina 5, Post-Katrina, PK5... I'm sick of this because it is wrong.
~What's in a Name? Was it a Holocaust???
-or just a Final Solution to which some may agree or disagree on the efficacy?
~Was it Crucifixion of Man's Sins or Martyrdom to a Cause???
-or just a lousy way to hang out for Easter Weekend?
~Was Timothy McViegh a Militia Patriot who killed 167 American Citizens
--and a Day Care Center packed with children???
-or was he more like a Muslim Extremist who killed thousands on 9/11?
~Is Sarah Palin really a goddamned fucking idiot???
-or is she simply a finely crafted branding, a Piece of Handmaiden's Tale?
The people who flooded New Orleans have names -I don't care how Nameless they try to pass themselves off as in local blogging clubs. These perps who killed 1000s of tax-paying New Orleanians HAVE NAMES, just as their crime HAS A NAME. The Former may be lost on the Floodwall of Shame & Cowardice, as no one was disciplined and all have been transferred or promoted, but the Latter belongs to us, the Inglorious Basterts effected by this Criminally Negligent Homicide.
When talking to people after Harry Shearer's documentary Big Uneasy last night, I realized that now you can say "The Flood of New Orleans" and people know Exactly what you're talking about. The Flood. The Flood of New Orleans...
---just like The Battle of New Orleans. Sinn Féin
While other cities will get struck by other hurricanes, how many will fall to the broken engineering of our Exquisite Corps? Sinn Féin
It wasn't some amorphous Brand for Bureaucratic Circle'jerkoff named Katrina.
It wasn't Mother Nature. It wasn't The President. It wasn't We The People.
It was Criminal Negligence by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Sinn Féin and FYYFFs!
~ Editilla @TheLensNOLA Let's put her in da'ground. If you meet Katrina on the Road Home kill her. Flood+5, PF5, #PostFlood #nola #levees #TheBigUneasy
less than 5 seconds ago via web in reply to TheLensNOLA
~LeveesOrg HARRY SHEARER: "Ticked off that we in New Orleans were losing control of the narrative of our own near destruction."
Consider Yourself Warned
~Garland Robinette
~After seeing Harry’s movie my lack of belief in the Corp was verified with stone cold proof. The Corp is incompetent and understaffed (that is with people who know what they are doing). They will go after their critics in order to destroy their reputations. They are an undefeatable force, because they ARE our political process. They are liars, extremely powerful and not to be trusted… period. I see no way that anyone, in low lying areas of New Orleans could watch Harry Shearer’s movie and feel safe. The levees are barely safer than they were before Katrina. The pumps are practically useless, as reported by an Army Corp whistle blower…AND confirmed by a renowned engineer hired by the Army Corp of Engineers to discredit her. The sad truth --we’re living with an illusion that we’re safer than we were before Katrina…we’re moving forward with a false sense of security. Thanks to Harry we should consider ourselves warned…really warned.
OUR VIEW: News misses root causes of Katrina floods ~OU Daily
~It was a man-made disaster. On Sunday, President Barack Obama visited New Orleans, acknowledging the government’s failure to send relief in a timely manner. But he failed to point out the core cause of the disaster: the failure of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build effective structures that could have prevented deadly flooding.
Sandra Bullock Speaks…Finally (video)
~Veracity Stew
~"Take notice world, Sandra Bullock belongs to New Orleans."
~Editilla 2nd Lines Dat!
Who Rules the Schools?
~Ariella Cohen, Next American City
~Editilla Crotellas~I swear, following the Lens writers now is getting to be like keeping up wit'da backfield of the worlds greatest football team. WHO'DAT?
Brad Pitt narrates N.O. Super Bowl film
Best of New Orleans 2010~Gambit
Sometimes Monday so Freaky you gotta Slabbit on Tuesday!
Independent tests find oil spill contamination in Louisiana oysters and crabs~Facing South
Shrimper Worries About Freshwater Diversion Impacts
~Jus'sayin, this one goes out to NiceJewelz
~Editilla Axes because it seems that Stephanie Grace, nothing personal - her industry, would rather Name The Flood of New Orleans 8/29/05 after a Natural Event rather than call it by its true nature, its actual reality, to wit: Federal Flood, Corps Flood, Corps Failure, Federal Responsibility.
We finally got these people to at least tag the end of their statements with "Katrina (and the levee failures...)". Though some actually speak accurately of this Engineering Mistake, so many others in the media take the easy Reference to Katrina, the shorthand jive because it is easier than looking the killer in the eyes. It is still much easier for these journalists to blame The Flood on Katrina, than get the answers to what facts were observed to the contrary before the Corps of Engineers began covering the evidence of their misdeeds with more misdeeds.
Katrina 5, Post-Katrina, PK5... I'm sick of this because it is wrong.
~What's in a Name? Was it a Holocaust???
-or just a Final Solution to which some may agree or disagree on the efficacy?
~Was it Crucifixion of Man's Sins or Martyrdom to a Cause???
-or just a lousy way to hang out for Easter Weekend?
~Was Timothy McViegh a Militia Patriot who killed 167 American Citizens
--and a Day Care Center packed with children???
-or was he more like a Muslim Extremist who killed thousands on 9/11?
~Is Sarah Palin really a goddamned fucking idiot???
-or is she simply a finely crafted branding, a Piece of Handmaiden's Tale?
The people who flooded New Orleans have names -I don't care how Nameless they try to pass themselves off as in local blogging clubs. These perps who killed 1000s of tax-paying New Orleanians HAVE NAMES, just as their crime HAS A NAME. The Former may be lost on the Floodwall of Shame & Cowardice, as no one was disciplined and all have been transferred or promoted, but the Latter belongs to us, the Inglorious Basterts effected by this Criminally Negligent Homicide.
When talking to people after Harry Shearer's documentary Big Uneasy last night, I realized that now you can say "The Flood of New Orleans" and people know Exactly what you're talking about. The Flood. The Flood of New Orleans...
---just like The Battle of New Orleans. Sinn Féin
While other cities will get struck by other hurricanes, how many will fall to the broken engineering of our Exquisite Corps? Sinn Féin
It wasn't some amorphous Brand for Bureaucratic Circle'jerkoff named Katrina.
It wasn't Mother Nature. It wasn't The President. It wasn't We The People.
It was Criminal Negligence by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Sinn Féin and FYYFFs!
Fuck you army corps of engineers. You are so full of yourself, and you don’t have clue fucking one. Building levees on jello. You should be tried and convicted of treason, or mass murder.
Fuck you all, let’s give our money to the Dutch – they seem to have this shit figured out.
~~Thank you, Ashley Morris.

less than 5 seconds ago via web in reply to TheLensNOLA
~LeveesOrg HARRY SHEARER: "Ticked off that we in New Orleans were losing control of the narrative of our own near destruction."
Consider Yourself Warned
~Garland Robinette
~After seeing Harry’s movie my lack of belief in the Corp was verified with stone cold proof. The Corp is incompetent and understaffed (that is with people who know what they are doing). They will go after their critics in order to destroy their reputations. They are an undefeatable force, because they ARE our political process. They are liars, extremely powerful and not to be trusted… period. I see no way that anyone, in low lying areas of New Orleans could watch Harry Shearer’s movie and feel safe. The levees are barely safer than they were before Katrina. The pumps are practically useless, as reported by an Army Corp whistle blower…AND confirmed by a renowned engineer hired by the Army Corp of Engineers to discredit her. The sad truth --we’re living with an illusion that we’re safer than we were before Katrina…we’re moving forward with a false sense of security. Thanks to Harry we should consider ourselves warned…really warned.
OUR VIEW: News misses root causes of Katrina floods ~OU Daily
~It was a man-made disaster. On Sunday, President Barack Obama visited New Orleans, acknowledging the government’s failure to send relief in a timely manner. But he failed to point out the core cause of the disaster: the failure of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build effective structures that could have prevented deadly flooding.
Sandra Bullock Speaks…Finally (video)
~Veracity Stew
~"Take notice world, Sandra Bullock belongs to New Orleans."
~Editilla 2nd Lines Dat!
Who Rules the Schools?
~Ariella Cohen, Next American City
~Editilla Crotellas~I swear, following the Lens writers now is getting to be like keeping up wit'da backfield of the worlds greatest football team. WHO'DAT?
Brad Pitt narrates N.O. Super Bowl film
Best of New Orleans 2010~Gambit
Sometimes Monday so Freaky you gotta Slabbit on Tuesday!
Independent tests find oil spill contamination in Louisiana oysters and crabs~Facing South
Shrimper Worries About Freshwater Diversion Impacts
~Jus'sayin, this one goes out to NiceJewelz
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Big Uneasy Tonight in New Orleans --and across the Nation!
~Please also see this from Mother Jones
~Click Poster or here for a location near you!
Editilla NPR saying this morning Obama called the Flood a Man-made disaster. He did NOT #TheBigUneasy #ItsTheLeveesStupid #nola
~Today I remember the smell of rain, the sound of silenced bells, the sight of a clear blue birdless sky, the feeling of OZ evacuated to Hell.
It was the quietude one might find stepping off the edge of an abyss, in the weightlessness before irrevocable descent begins... and struck me as the first of many scenes to come, which I'd never before imagined possible and would have nothing to compare with then or now. Our city of living and dying metaphor had awakened from the Storm, in the shadow of the jaws of Gravity's Rainbow.
---We did not know yet that the levees had failed.
~Now it's started... flowers at the base of the new 17th Street Canal Breach Marker
in front of the flood wall at the intersection of Bellaire and Stafford.
Feel Free...
Shirley Laska on NPR's Marketplace
Ryssdal: And so these students that you have and the young people that are coming to New Orleans, they eventually acquire this academic expertise, they go out and do recovery things in New Orleans and they have this marketable skill that then they can take elsewhere.
Laska: They can, of course we hope they stay for a while.
Ryssdal: Fair enough.
Laska: But they also will go back. They'll go back home, they'll go to other major cities and other areas where their skills will be desired. And I truly hope that the businesses and government agencies will recognize them as having, I would call it "human infrastructure for risk reduction."
Be Revolutionary~b.rox
~ skooks It's August 30. Happy New Year, New Orleans.
~ Editilla @skooks Thanks Youz! Happy New Year To You Too! Who'dat say they gonna beat dem Saints? #whodat #nola #saints #PostFlood #TheBigUneasy
~Hat Tweet~humidbeings
New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu's Flood Anniversary Remarks
Quick update (with pretty new trees!)
~Fix the Pumps
Obama New Orleans Flood Anniversary Winkle-stop Tour Pictures
~Editilla Potellas~Actually, they start at the 3rd photo: other shots of the day of New Orleanians taking the grief in their hearts around NOLA...
...from Monsters & Critics thank you very much.
Reinventing Paradise 2.0
~Robert Corsini, Truthout
Many FEMA claims from Hurricane Katrina remain open~Michelle Krupa
~Editilla gotta Axe'ya~But if the President would only Admit that New Orleans' flooding was due to Federal Negligence --and not "the Storm"-- then we wouldn't have this problem with True Recompense, right? Right?
Katrina’s 3 R’s – Repetitive loss, Repetitive fraud and Repetitive fk-ups! ~slabbed
And now, a word from our sponsors… Vol. 10 – vacation version
~Disenfranchised Citizen
~For 90 years, the Roman Candy cart had plied the streets of New Orleans, selling taffy. When it reappeared after Katrina, people wept.
~Story by Allan Turner, Houston Chronicle
~Please also see this from Mother Jones

~Today I remember the smell of rain, the sound of silenced bells, the sight of a clear blue birdless sky, the feeling of OZ evacuated to Hell.
It was the quietude one might find stepping off the edge of an abyss, in the weightlessness before irrevocable descent begins... and struck me as the first of many scenes to come, which I'd never before imagined possible and would have nothing to compare with then or now. Our city of living and dying metaphor had awakened from the Storm, in the shadow of the jaws of Gravity's Rainbow.
---We did not know yet that the levees had failed.
~Now it's started... flowers at the base of the new 17th Street Canal Breach Marker
in front of the flood wall at the intersection of Bellaire and Stafford.
Shirley Laska on NPR's Marketplace
Ryssdal: And so these students that you have and the young people that are coming to New Orleans, they eventually acquire this academic expertise, they go out and do recovery things in New Orleans and they have this marketable skill that then they can take elsewhere.
Laska: They can, of course we hope they stay for a while.
Ryssdal: Fair enough.
Laska: But they also will go back. They'll go back home, they'll go to other major cities and other areas where their skills will be desired. And I truly hope that the businesses and government agencies will recognize them as having, I would call it "human infrastructure for risk reduction."
Be Revolutionary~b.rox
~ skooks It's August 30. Happy New Year, New Orleans.
~ Editilla @skooks Thanks Youz! Happy New Year To You Too! Who'dat say they gonna beat dem Saints? #whodat #nola #saints #PostFlood #TheBigUneasy
~Hat Tweet~humidbeings
New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu's Flood Anniversary Remarks
Quick update (with pretty new trees!)
~Fix the Pumps
Obama New Orleans Flood Anniversary Winkle-stop Tour Pictures
~Editilla Potellas~Actually, they start at the 3rd photo: other shots of the day of New Orleanians taking the grief in their hearts around NOLA...
...from Monsters & Critics thank you very much.
Reinventing Paradise 2.0
~Robert Corsini, Truthout
Many FEMA claims from Hurricane Katrina remain open~Michelle Krupa
~Editilla gotta Axe'ya~But if the President would only Admit that New Orleans' flooding was due to Federal Negligence --and not "the Storm"-- then we wouldn't have this problem with True Recompense, right? Right?
Katrina’s 3 R’s – Repetitive loss, Repetitive fraud and Repetitive fk-ups! ~slabbed
And now, a word from our sponsors… Vol. 10 – vacation version
~Disenfranchised Citizen
~For 90 years, the Roman Candy cart had plied the streets of New Orleans, selling taffy. When it reappeared after Katrina, people wept.
~Story by Allan Turner, Houston Chronicle
Sunday, August 29, 2010
President Obama Speaks to N.O. from Planet Zarg~Harry Shearer
~ Editilla @TheBigUneasy The text: "It was a natural disaster but also a manmade catastrophe, a shameful breakdown in government" nada on #USACE
~ Editilla @TheBigUneasy The text: "It was a natural disaster but also a manmade catastrophe, a shameful breakdown in government" nada on #USACE
~More than 80,000 people packed the Superdome on Aug. 29 – some waiting outside for days in a scene eerily reminiscent of the days during the federal levees failures during Hurricane Katrina – to commemorate that solemn day – the fourth anniversary of the first edition of the satirical New Orleans Levee newspaper.
~Editilla Rotellas~
We just want to make sure that this time His'O'ner comes to town he states the Truth: that New Orleans flooded 8/29/05 because of Federal Engineering Mistakes ---not due to Katrina the Clown!
~ Editilla @TheBigUneasy The text: "It was a natural disaster but also a manmade catastrophe, a shameful breakdown in government" nada on #USACE #nola 3 minutes ago via web in reply to TheBigUneasy
Levees Built to Protect Money, Dams to Protect Lives ~Veracity Stew
PK5~bark, bugs, leaves & lizards
~Hat Tweet~ erster
Landrieus on Meet the Press
Hurricane Earl takes aim at Lesser Antilles; 5-year anniversary of Katrina
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~Image Updated: 4:59 PM GMT (12:59 PM EDT) on August 29, 2010
Hurricane Katrina - Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills ~SkyTruth
~ SkyTruth More on hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, and the oil spilled from damaged offshore and coastal facilities -
Stopping the Fish~Oil Drum

~Editilla Rotellas~
We just want to make sure that this time His'O'ner comes to town he states the Truth: that New Orleans flooded 8/29/05 because of Federal Engineering Mistakes ---not due to Katrina the Clown!
~ Editilla @TheBigUneasy The text: "It was a natural disaster but also a manmade catastrophe, a shameful breakdown in government" nada on #USACE #nola 3 minutes ago via web in reply to TheBigUneasy
Levees Built to Protect Money, Dams to Protect Lives ~Veracity Stew
PK5~bark, bugs, leaves & lizards
~Hat Tweet~ erster
Landrieus on Meet the Press
Hurricane Earl takes aim at Lesser Antilles; 5-year anniversary of Katrina
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog

Hurricane Katrina - Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills ~SkyTruth
~ SkyTruth More on hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, and the oil spilled from damaged offshore and coastal facilities -
Stopping the Fish~Oil Drum
When we fall upon Our Memory,
we call on Her with more than a Name
~No one could have faulted Marenthia Lagarde if she had decided to put the devastated Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans in her rearview mirror and never look back after a 200-foot, 705-ton barge broke free during Hurricane Katrina and pulverized her home five years ago today. But the 63-year-old Lagarde refused to let that iconic symbol of Hurricane Katrina’s fury (and Corps of Engineers Malfeasance) define her life. Lagarde made a triumphant return to Jourdan Avenue on June 31 and is living on the same lot in a new home built by actor Brad Pitt’s Make It Right foundation.
Rebirth Beyond Year 5:
A Photographic Journey
Post Katrina: In Honor Of Our City’s Future - Brandon Franklin August 20, 1987 - May 9, 2010~Red Cotton, Gambit
Thanks Youz, Cliff's Crib!
~Editilla Crunks a Special Get Down Get Back Up Again to Cliff for snagging this year's Ashley Award for Superior Blogging from the Rising Tide 5!
Thanks Youz, Disenfranchise Citizen!
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
A rebirth timeline starring the Rebirth Brass Band~Keith Spera
OZ Remembers The Katrina Network
Despite the Flood, and T-P Editors still calling it 'The Storm', New Orleans is still here ~Jarvis DeBerry
St. Bernard residents bid symbolic farewell to Katrina at 'funeral'
The Sun Herald remembers Katrina plus 5: Mississippi’s invisible coast ~slabbed
we call on Her with more than a Name

Rebirth Beyond Year 5:
A Photographic Journey
Post Katrina: In Honor Of Our City’s Future - Brandon Franklin August 20, 1987 - May 9, 2010~Red Cotton, Gambit
Thanks Youz, Cliff's Crib!
~Editilla Crunks a Special Get Down Get Back Up Again to Cliff for snagging this year's Ashley Award for Superior Blogging from the Rising Tide 5!
Thanks Youz, Disenfranchise Citizen!
Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
A rebirth timeline starring the Rebirth Brass Band~Keith Spera
OZ Remembers The Katrina Network
Despite the Flood, and T-P Editors still calling it 'The Storm', New Orleans is still here ~Jarvis DeBerry
St. Bernard residents bid symbolic farewell to Katrina at 'funeral'
The Sun Herald remembers Katrina plus 5: Mississippi’s invisible coast ~slabbed
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