~Humid Beings

Come to Tipitina’s Saturday night and dance off all of the stuffing and gravy.
Thankful for the Truth-Tellers
~Harry Shearer
Volunteers host big dinner in Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans
~Kathie Dickerson, Coshocton Tribune
Making Things Right…
By Whose Definition?
~Disenfranchised Citizen
BP Oil Disaster ~ Hell No It's Not Over!
~"I picked my team a looong time ago..."~Kindra Arnesen
Drew Brees Says New Orleans Saints Have a Chance To Be Better Than Last Year~Randy Savoie, Bleacher Report
Bobby Jindal: Road Scholar ~CenLamar
Rebuilding the family business
~Ted Griggs
Students fight coastal erosion
~James Minton
Feds sue Transocean for access to Deepwater Horizon documents
~Tom Fowler
Reincarnated Joseph McCarthy is a woman brandishing a rifle
~Carol Forsloff
New Orleans: 6000 anthropologists, much tweeting, some blogging, no press coverage~Antropologi.info

~Contributors include cookbook author and travel-and-sailing writer Troy Gilbert, poet Valentine Pierce, Professor Jerry Ward of Dillard University and poet/playwright Raymond “Moose” Jackson together with the work of bloggers who are by day engineers, teachers, geologists, computer programmers, bankers, and social workers but in their spare time writers of talent whose only prior outlet has been their Internet-based blogs. These works were edited minimally for basic spelling and grammar, mistakes easily made writing first hand accounts created under great duress, in an attempt to preserve the original "howl" of people who experienced these events first hand.
Ineffable Magazine Street
~Excelsior! New Orleans!
couches! running water! cat!
~elf in self
EMERGE: St. Claude Arts District and Beyond~Defend New Orleans