Ivor van Heerden downplays Gulf oil spill damage in BP PR Video ~Mark Schleifstein ~Editilla grabs a Rat Fink and shakes'em until they STFU~ ~just 1 of our comments on this hard article by Big Schleif: This is pretty devastating to his case for Academic Integrity I'd say. This ugly PR Video makes me wonder if BP didn't hire him for his expertise as much as to further disgrace Any Scientific Assessment of this man-made disaster. In other words, BP was not interested in Van Heerden's so-called Shore Assessment, but in making him a bobble-head sock puppet, parading him around their PR Net like some Vermillion Candidate. The larger damage Van Heerden is providing here lies in the lies... the entire scientific community, just as with the so-called tobacco studies, has been taken down a notch in veracity and efficacy. Van Heerden's true job here for BP seems to be to spread the Scientific Ambiguity. If Van Heerden were "For Louisiana" he would be working "FOR LOUISIANA" and not doing cotton candy PR Propaganda Videos for our enemy BP. Who wants to bet me that Van Heerden does indeed get a job at LSU, but only working for BP in the new Research Dept they are setting up to "study oil spills"? How darkly ironic on the eve of our 5th Anniversary of the Federal Flood of NO 8/29/05 that one of the greatest "heroes" of that man-made disaster is now Sucking Tar Balls for the Perps of this even greater Man-made Disaster. This hurts in words that I can scarcely describe. I will ask this of anyone who supports this self-aggrandizing opportunist's return to LSU: "What was that again?" ~There is this from the Wounded Bird. Thank God we ain't alone here!
~And Editilla gotta add here: it says a lot for the depth of his betrayal that this traitor gets to speak to the Press at all (as in the lede below) yet The Press is restricted to 65 feet away from ANYTHING involving this criminally negligent ecocide. Once BP has succeeded in supplanting our First Amendment Rights to Freedom of the Press, they must replace the Truth with The Story, enter Ivor van Heerden: one of the most famous story tellers of Man-Made Disaster! See, it isn't enough to Censor the Truth, but then you have to Replace the Truth with this Faux-Scientific Public Relations, this Jello-Truth. Perhaps we are witnessing the birth of a new Eponymous Snigglet: Getting Ivor-ed to Death! ~Oh Snap! Mo'Ivor Mo'Da Time!Vote this man a job or someting!
~What Is Ivor van Heerden Saying Now? Everything but what he was hired for? ~How bad was the view from the air? "It was truly impressive. Some of the slicks are huge - one we looked at was 10 miles by 2 miles, about a mile off the coast. If something like that came ashore it would be devastating." "Obviously BP, or Transocean are at fault since it's their equipment that failed. Whether it was malfunction of equipment or human error, they are ultimately responsible. But we Americans share a fair amount of the blame. Most of us are in denial about the whole energy situation in this country so it is our fault as much as anyone else's." ~Editilla Panictillas~Pay no attention to the man behind the needle bit.... Fuck Cassandra, as did most of the gods, poor Ivor is Jailhouse Punk Polyana! No Ivor, WRONG. Bad Science! What side of Hubris did you wake up on? We Americans do not share a "fair amount" of the blame for this negligent homicide. You Do, every time you Peep for the Perps. Victimize somebody else! Fuck You and the Fallacy of Equivalency you rode in on. Polly wants a Cracker!
BP / Gulf Oil Spill - Radar Comes Through Again ~SkyTruth ~This satellite radar image taken by Envisat's ASAR sensor at 10:44pm local time on July 7 shows a large patch of oil extending north from the site of the leaking Macondo well, and an area of small slicks along the Mississippi shoreline.
Tar balls moving through Rigolets ~Bob Anderson~Tar balls spread several miles west of Interstate 10 in Lake Pontchartrain on Wednesday, as more pollutants moved into the lake. After tar balls also showed up at Slidell, St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis asked for the immediate halt of use of dispersants at the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico offshore Louisiana, saying it causes the oil to submerge, leaving local officials fighting an “unseen enemy.” He asked the National Incident Command to immediately halt use of dispersants, which causes the oil to travel under water. During a briefing Wednesday, retired U.S. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the national incident commander, said he’s not sure there is a link between dispersants and tar balls, but he would be happy to consult with an expert on the subject. ~And this from the Times-Picayune (Don't step in the BP Adverts!:) In other words BP Sporker Thad Allen had No Answer, No Protection: "Yeah, we'll get back to'Yaz! If'ya want, I'll even ask someone! What?" ~EDF_LouisianaExceptions swallow the rule: "Rare cases" turn into daily approvals for dispersant use http://bit.ly/cxjbAo#oilspill#dispersants#BP#EPA
* BP-Coast-Guard-Unified-Command Changes Name and Website AGAIN #7! ~In further futile efforts to ReBrand their Failing Message, BP Public Relations has erased any reference to the cause of this ongoing disaster from their Product Display Venue: their website is now named RestorTheGulf. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! What? Did the Well Stop Gushing? BP Spokesman Thad Allen, aka: 'Thad The Impaler', 'Thaddy Boy', 'BPunk', 'Spinner-bait', disgraced former Commander of our now Unbelievable BP/US Coast Guard, announced the Product Roll-out at a much heralded presser. In the meantime BP PR Proper BPPRP has ramped up the Expensive Flash Advertising in Every Online News Outlet On The Gulf --particularly Nola.com. You see that goddamn Oil Flower everywhere! Hell, we even found their phone number and logo scratched into every bathroom stall in the French Quarters. Call'em and you get someone named "Big Mouth". As only idiots' wind blows from a ruptured well, we must endure BP Unified Command BPUC working the comments sections of journalists with Defensive Blogging Ops. As with any unstoppable ubiquitous pestilence, these Fakir Anti- Twitters of the Apocalypse buzz our ears like the breath of demons, the desolate sound of bloodthirsty horseflies on a hot Texas highway. ~johnmcquaidBP still has not learned the basic political technique of managing expectations http://bit.ly/90VfNA#oilspill
Iving Mayfield Spotlights Local Groups Tonight: Levees.org & Beacon of Hope! ~At Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Playhouse in the Royal Sonesta Hotel, we have launched “Playhour: Networking with Jazz,” a business networking happy hour every Thursday from 5-8pm. Aimed at emerging entrepreneurs, successful business leaders, business associations, non-profits, local companies and social networking organizations, Playhour is the crossroads where professionals are able to mingle, share ideas and socialize, all in the speakeasy setting of the Playhouse.
Waste Management bringing oil spill waste to MS landfills Uhmmuh Hello? Vitter Blasts EPA, NOAA, Corps Over Bureaucratic Delays ~Inside Louisiana News ~Dear Administrator Lubchenco, Administrator Jackson, and Colonel Lee: I write to express my strong and ever growing frustration with yet another example of the faceless bureaucratic mindset of our federal agencies when it comes to protecting the Louisiana coast versus a solutions-oriented approach. On June 7th Jefferson Parish requested a permit for the emplacement of temporary rock dikes in the Barataria Bay passes as a defensive measure against oil intrusion into the bay. As of late last week expectations were that this project would receive the go-ahead from the Corps of Engineers. Appropriately, BP moved forward and procured $16 million in rocks, which are currently sitting in Barataria Bay on roughly 40 barges. However, yesterday the Corps denied the permit request.
Babar Inspects New Skimmer Boat! ~MS Gov. Haley Babar inspected yesterday the first of what he said will soon be a vast fleet of 27 oil-skimmer boats and ponies and, and balloons for Mississippi! Also, the headjob of BP’s oil-disaster response visited the Coast. Bo Dudley DoWrong, the winky new tubby in charge of BP’s oil response, told reporters the company was committed to the long-term devastation of the Gulf and South Mississippi — a place he said he knows well from his days as a mounted corporate bat-boy.
~A nearly 40-year-old board game is getting a lot of new attention because of eerie similarities between the scenarios of its play and the 78-day-old BP Gulf oil disaster. The game BP Offshore Oil Strike, which came out in the 1970s and is adorned with an old BP logo, revolves around four players exploring for oil, building platforms and constructing pipelines – all in the name of being the first to make $120 million.
Coast Guard Media Liaison Works for BP's PR Agency~Georgianne Neinaber ~Astounding UPDATE! ~BP PR Succubette Rachael No'Joke Polish has sicked her fucking wimp husband(self-aggrandized) onto Georgianne Neinaber's Huff Post Comments to defend his (alleged) Wife's PR HOINTELPRO Spinfiltraition Conflict of Interests! Goddamn! Can you believe this? Not only do we have to battle BP's ungodly PR Budget and BP's total infiltration of our Coast Guard...but we have to also face their Bizarre, Smarmy, Pusillanimous Chest-thumping, Pussy-whipped Spouses? He even had the gall to leave his freaky phone number? Eeewwweee Dirty Nasty Strange! "If anyone wants to know more about Petty Officer Rachel Polish (including you backhandpath)<(;That would be your Ho'So Humble Editilla!;) go ahead and give me a call at 415-717-1942 - that way I can help you get your facts straight." What? What? Is this Punk gonna Dunk Editilla's Ass? Hell Yeah! I'm in! Lemme'At'em! Lemmeeeee At'Emmmm! --'cept... I'm not calling this pervert on his freaky phone. Jeez Louie! I'd rather slam my penis in a car door then run naked through a snake farm than give this Nameless Disaster Porn Star my phone number. Veeee haf other veys to make him talk. Mmwhahaha...silly meeses! ~Oh Snap! Here's Rachel No'Joke Polish talkin'da Crack! Thanks Yous, Gentle'rilla Reader Anon! Editilla cannot express the glee across our many selves in concert when Ladderillas take a post and Crunk It Up to'da N'th Degree! ~So! Our Nation has been taken-over by Goobers and Raisinettes! But where does the Conflict of Interests stop? Rachael No'Joke Polish works for BP PR and yet she is allowed to Represent our Coast Guard too. Who is paying this two-faced, double-dealing Succubette City Ho? Moi'n'Toi! This would certainly explain why Admiral Thad The Impaler Allen has consistently spoken for BP even while disgracing the uniform of our formerly respected US Coast Guard. ~Special Thanks Masqued E'Vinga! for the Illustration (at right) of this Wedding of Dantean Hellhounds
We interrupt this horrific blog'O'reamin to bring you some of the Other Work from our intrepid Masqued E'Vinga! Jus'soz Ya'Knowz some peoples gotta life worth makin'a living. ~"View of Tijeras Canyon" finished today, 18 x 24", acrylic on canvas ~Thanks to Ladder'rilla Reporter and Known Media Felon In Drag Georgianne Neinaber for filing this Annulled Vegas Wedding Pic of Admiral Thad the Impaler Allen and the much younger Petty Officer Rachael No'Joke Polish. (left-riiiight-left:->) Note da'sexy blue T-Shirt lingerie! Kinda gives new meaning to the phrase PR Embed eh? Coast Guard Public Affairs... Left-Riiiiiiiight-Left!
Is the Coast Guard working for the public or BP? ~T-Picayune Editorial ~Editilla Commentellas~It was definitely hard yesterday... celebrating our nation's founding and Independence in the face of overwhelming British Tyranny. Most of the other "major nations" of the time, including our allies, had us double-down and out. The only question about our piddly revolution was what land would be left for the taking on the cheap from our British Lords at the East India Company. But we begged to differ and used our beautiful, terrible land, time and again, to win our Independence from foreign lords. We used our sacred Ground to Manifest Our Sovereignty, and now we have lost control of our Sovereignty and our own American soil. On this day we have handed to British Petroleum our National Identity as Owners of our Fate. ~They have taken our Beach Heads without firing a shot (yet). ~They have pirated our seas without taking a single vessel of our heroic Coast Guard --we gave it to them! ~And, it appears that British Petroleum has effectively Neutralized our Congress, our Executive Branch and a good chunk of our Federal Judiciary. That is a fact in the US Fifth District at least. ~British Petroleum has single-handed eviscerated our First Amendment Right to Free Speech and Press as the alleged "4th Branch" of our Living Constitution now operates under threat of Felony Criminal Prosecution, Fines and Incarceration. So on this Independence Day, our 234th as the First Nation of its own choosing, what were we celebrating again? ~Illustration: Colonist, Loyalist and The Devil. ~"From an American standpoint, this whole thing is ridiculous," said Cliff Tucker, a 63-year-old retired police officer. Like many in this town 30 miles south of New Orleans, he lives on a bayou just a short boat ride to the ocean. "When you lose your faith in the system," Tucker wonders, "then where do you go?" ~BPGlobalPRThis 4th of July, I'd like to wish all Americans a very happy checkmate. ^Tony #1776 #bpcares Coast Guard denies CNN Anderson Cooper's report on media restrictions ~Yobie Benjamin
Ivor van Heerden, the Compromised Cassandra of the Gulf ~Ben Sandmel, Politics Daily ~Many harsh critics of BP – including Leonard Bahr, a former Louisiana State University marine sciences faculty member and coastal policy adviser – vouch for Van Heerden without reservation, praising him as "well-respected." But other observers disagree, especially those with more of a fringe perspective (:?Fringe?Us?:). Last month the blogspot New Orleans Ladder commented"now that it appears that Ivor van Heerden is into the Jury-Tainting Business with BP, I sincerely hope that our readership may [serve on his jury] in his own case against LSU." ~Editilla Fringellates~ A few more of my past "Fringe Perspectives":
~"We have a toybox in Hell where we keep those words for just his sort of liaises fairer scientry." ~"But! But! What Would Ivor Say? WWIS????" ~"OVERSTATED"??? I still can't get my mind around that. Ivor van Heerden... I just can't do the et tu Judas thing. But my sense of abject betrayal by someone I threw it all for is Nothing compared to the pain our coast will feel as a result of this bull shit. That is what really bothers me. The babies who will be born into this hell with defects, the grain belt stained by the blood of this black swan, our people with their 100 year stares. The Pelican, blinded by the gobs of oil that Van Heerden has said is only on "tens of miles" of coastline. The Devil is actually honest in the details. This is another Contract all together."
Accommodations planned for species that migrate ~Amy Wold ~“It’s an incredibly important place for us,” said Paul Schmidt, assistant director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service migratory bird program. “We’ve got waves of migrants, but it will begin in (mid-) July.” Approximately five million waterfowl will call the Gulf coastline home during the winter, which is a good proportion of the 40 million total waterfowl in the United States, he said. That’s in addition to the hundreds of millions of shorebirds, neotropical birds and other birds that either stop to winter along the coast or use it as a refueling station before continuing their migration farther south, Schmidt said. ~Click map to enlarge.
When in the Course of oil drilling, it becomes necessary for one Corporation (BP) to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with The Small People, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and fundamentally un-equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of The Small People requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Persons (and that includes corporations according to the US Supreme Court) are absolutely not created equal (and certainly not equal with pelicans and dolphins), that some are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life (yachting), Liberty (to censor photographers, reporters, scientists and others at will) and the pursuit of Happiness ($$$). That to secure these rights, Corporations are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Board of Directors, That whenever any Form of Government (eg, Plaquemines Parish ) becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of The Big People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government (headquartered offshore), laying its foundation on such principles (maximizing profits and minimizing losses) and organizing its powers in such form (no photographers or others within 65 feet of boom or beaches or cleanup workers under threat of fine and/or jail time), as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety (minimize future jury settlements) and Happiness (maximum $$$). Prudence (The Small People and the Pentagon buy our gas), indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that Corporations are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses (from the likes of Billy Nungesser, Andersen Cooper and even Jimmy Buffett) and usurpations (Georgianne Nienaber and other photographers trying to get photos of oiled pelicans), pursuing invariably the same Object (information that might help mitigate the oil impacts -- and act as evidence in future court cases) evinces a design to reduce them (The Big People) under absolute Despotism (legal regulations in place but not currently being enforced), it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security (minimize liability).
We, therefore, the Representatives of BP plc, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the Big People of these Conglomerates (BP, Transocean, Halliburton), solemnly publish and declare, That these United Conglomerates are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent of the United States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the American Clown, and that all political connection between them and the United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent Corporations, they have full Power to create oil volcanoes, apply Corexit, burn sea turtles alive, contract Alliances (eg, with the US Coast Guard), establish press blackouts, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Corporations may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence (and a few well place judges), we mutually pledge to each other our Lives (yachting), our Fortunes ($$$) and our sacred Honor (His Royal Heinous Tony Hayward)
---for shredding 1st Amendment Press Freedoms! ~Happy 4th'O'July to End British Tyranny and Polish Jokes!!?? ~Astounding UPDATE!~ This BP PR Hack, Rachael Polish, has sicked her fucking wimp husband onto Georgianne Neinaber's Huff Post Comments (linked above) to defend his Wife's lying PR Spinfiltraition Conflict of Interests! Goddamn! Can you believe this? Not only do we have to battle BP's ungodly PR Budget and BP's total infiltration of our Coast Guard...but we have to also face their Smarmy, Pusillanimous Pussy-whipped Spouses too??? Hell Yeah! I'm in! Lemme'At'em! But where does the Conflict of Interests stop? Rachael Polish works for BP PR and yet she is allowed to Represent our Coast Guard too. Who is paying this lying bitch? The Brand of “We” Versus the Brand of “Me”~Rachel Polish BP PROINTEL Ops ~Oh Sbap!~Behind the scenes at Ogilvy’s BP Ultimate TV ad ~Thanks to Ladder'rilla Reporter and Known Media Felon Georgianne Neinaber for filing this Annulled Vegas Wedding Pic of Admiral Thad the Impaler Allen and much younger Petty Officer Rachael No Joke Polish. Note da'sexy blue T's! Kinda gives new meaning to the phrase PR Embed eh?
~BPGlobalPRToday, July 4th, happens to be the 76th day of this travesty. Today, we don't laugh. We reflect. We mourn. We mobilize. #WeCare ~Editilla Say'z'wellas~Somebody call Captain Kirk!
Whoa! Is this Cool or what? ~When Hurricane Katrina swept through New Orleans in 2005, it [The Federal Levee Failure Flood] devastated the city, including the Botanical Garden, flooding the grounds in 3 feet of water and knocking over trees. As the (flood) waters receded, nurseries from around the country helped rebuild the collection of some 2,000 lost plants. Today, the garden is thriving and its renewal is a source of pride and inspiration, even as strides toward recovery remain slow throughout the city. ~Hat Tip~ Humid Beings to Good Nola!