Make It Right at a crossroads halfway through its Lower 9th Ward rebuilding
Central La politics blogger greg aymond reported near death ~we saw that
Saturday, March 10, 2012
New Orleans Saints make some moves, get some salary cap space ~Mike Triplett
Letter from Drew Brees about NFL investigation ~WWL~There is no place in the National Football League, or any sport played at any level, for players to conspire, to be coerced, or to be incentivized to intentionally injure another player. I did not participate in any Bounty program, nor did I have any knowledge relating to its real existence. I have spent the last several years as an Executive Committee Member of the NFLPA making health and safety a priority and I am proud of the advancements we've made and will continue to make.
The Issue is Crime~American Zombie
FEMA allocates $68 million for New Orleans street repair~Bruce Eggler
Citizens Insurance hires PR firm
Exports significant part of BR economy, petrochemicals largest contributor ~Skip Descant
Another coincidence, BP settlement style
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Oyster harvesters cited for theft
Corps forecasts normal runoff in Missouri River basin this spring
Louisiana Oyster Jubilee Today!
The Revivalists' new CD, slate of bookings make them band on the verge
Letter from Drew Brees about NFL investigation ~WWL~There is no place in the National Football League, or any sport played at any level, for players to conspire, to be coerced, or to be incentivized to intentionally injure another player. I did not participate in any Bounty program, nor did I have any knowledge relating to its real existence. I have spent the last several years as an Executive Committee Member of the NFLPA making health and safety a priority and I am proud of the advancements we've made and will continue to make.
The Issue is Crime~American Zombie
FEMA allocates $68 million for New Orleans street repair~Bruce Eggler
Citizens Insurance hires PR firm
Exports significant part of BR economy, petrochemicals largest contributor ~Skip Descant
Another coincidence, BP settlement style
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Oyster harvesters cited for theft
Corps forecasts normal runoff in Missouri River basin this spring
Louisiana Oyster Jubilee Today!
The Revivalists' new CD, slate of bookings make them band on the verge
Friday, March 9, 2012
Brad Pitt’s Make It Right development at halfway point ~Doug MacCash
Details Of The NFL Bounty Scandal
~The Onion Sports Network
Saints bounty mystery: Why such a puny return on such a big risk? ~Mark Moseley, The Lens
New Orleans Saints guard Carl Nicks on free agency: 'In my mind, I pretty much am gone' ~Mike Triplett
Are there more charges coming against Goatherder Aaron Broussard along with Tom Wilkinson? You betcha! ~Slabbed
Will The Times-Picayune print next week's abortion-themed Doonesbury cartoons? ~Kevin Allman, Gambit
Booty: From Wench to Queen
~Paulines Pirates and Privateers
Details Of The NFL Bounty Scandal
~The Onion Sports Network
Saints bounty mystery: Why such a puny return on such a big risk? ~Mark Moseley, The Lens
New Orleans Saints guard Carl Nicks on free agency: 'In my mind, I pretty much am gone' ~Mike Triplett
Are there more charges coming against Goatherder Aaron Broussard along with Tom Wilkinson? You betcha! ~Slabbed
Will The Times-Picayune print next week's abortion-themed Doonesbury cartoons? ~Kevin Allman, Gambit
Booty: From Wench to Queen
~Paulines Pirates and Privateers
Louisiana lawyer set to take Kenneth Feinberg's role in BP oil spill claims process
Mike Ornstein's association with New Orleans Saints and bounty scandal a perplexing situation ~Jeff Duncan
New Orleans corps has more than $500M for river repairs
Use of Innovative Technologies in GIS and Social Media to Better Manage Water Resources and Water-Related Emergencies
Debate over Louisiana education reform should be grounded in facts: Jarvis DeBerry
5 charged with theft in NOAH house-gutting scandal~WVUE
Baton Rouge aquifer center of debate, saltwater intrusion ideas, concerns aired ~Amy Wold
RESTORE Clears a Huge Hurdle~Aaron Viles, GRN
~Hat Tweet~ MS River Delta @RestoreDelta Our partners at Louisiana Wildlife Federation are celebrating at 73rd annual convention this weekend in Covington, LA
“Everything Is Dead”: Gulf Fisheries Collapse Nearly Two Years After BP Oil Spill ~Stuart Smith
U.S. Senate rejects oil pipeline, expanded offshore drillingPuneet Kollipara
Thank you NOFD Engine 33 and Ladder 6 ~A.L. Mueler, NOLAFemmes
Flambeaux Design Company
Parades roll this weekend
Red Umbrella March Saturday to raise HIV/AIDS awareness
Special lunch for a special school
Not Covering The Spread: Manning’s ~He Said/She Said NOLA
Don’t Eat the Straight Ones March 31st
Sunday: Keep-N-It-Real 8th annual second line parade Big Red Cotton, Gambit
What to see at the third annual Foburg Fest this weekend, March 9-11 ~Alison Fensterstock
Mike Ornstein's association with New Orleans Saints and bounty scandal a perplexing situation ~Jeff Duncan
New Orleans corps has more than $500M for river repairs
Use of Innovative Technologies in GIS and Social Media to Better Manage Water Resources and Water-Related Emergencies
Debate over Louisiana education reform should be grounded in facts: Jarvis DeBerry
5 charged with theft in NOAH house-gutting scandal~WVUE
Baton Rouge aquifer center of debate, saltwater intrusion ideas, concerns aired ~Amy Wold
RESTORE Clears a Huge Hurdle~Aaron Viles, GRN
~Hat Tweet~ MS River Delta
“Everything Is Dead”: Gulf Fisheries Collapse Nearly Two Years After BP Oil Spill ~Stuart Smith
U.S. Senate rejects oil pipeline, expanded offshore drillingPuneet Kollipara
Thank you NOFD Engine 33 and Ladder 6 ~A.L. Mueler, NOLAFemmes
Flambeaux Design Company
Parades roll this weekend
Red Umbrella March Saturday to raise HIV/AIDS awareness
Special lunch for a special school
Not Covering The Spread: Manning’s ~He Said/She Said NOLA
Don’t Eat the Straight Ones March 31st
Sunday: Keep-N-It-Real 8th annual second line parade Big Red Cotton, Gambit
What to see at the third annual Foburg Fest this weekend, March 9-11 ~Alison Fensterstock
Thursday, March 8, 2012
NFLPA to do own probe of Saints
The Goatherders try to shut down Slabbed’s twitter account: Does Charles Leary work at the Danny Abel law firm? (Updated)
~Also~Prostate Cancer on my mind: Let’s examine the latest Aaron Broussard jackassery
NGOs Urge Federal Government to Restore Coast Damaged by MRGO
Gulf groups hail Senate passage of gulf restoration amendment
Senate approves amendment giving Gulf states 80 percent of BP spill fines
The Goatherders try to shut down Slabbed’s twitter account: Does Charles Leary work at the Danny Abel law firm? (Updated)
~Also~Prostate Cancer on my mind: Let’s examine the latest Aaron Broussard jackassery
NGOs Urge Federal Government to Restore Coast Damaged by MRGO
Gulf groups hail Senate passage of gulf restoration amendment
Senate approves amendment giving Gulf states 80 percent of BP spill fines
Rebuilding aspect of Federal Flood grant program underemphasized
Would-be bidder miffed as NORA snatches 7th Ward property from the auction block
~Karen Gadbos, The Lens
Law Firms to Take on 100 Cases Pro Bono to Relieve Pressure on Orleans Public Defenders Office ~Hat Tweet@wesawthat
New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton's house in Dallas is up for sale
~Hat Tip~Library Chronicles
~This one goes out to Our New Orleans Saints and all my hurtin whodat pals. We don't bow.
Citizens Insurance plaintiffs clear another legal hurdle ~Alan Sayer
Chris Rose: Officer Down, NOPD
GCCF shutting down; federal just names administrator for court-supervised claims payments ~Hat Tweet Anita Lee @calee99
Didn’t you hear BP has settled? That’s right, you can go away now ~Disenfranchised Citizen
Preserving a wetland forest in the Maurepas Swamp: An editorial
I'm a Good Dog: Pit Bulls, America's Most Beautiful (and Misunderstood) Pet ~Ken Foster
Velvet Curtains & Muddy Drawers ~Oxford American
~Every month, we’ll be featuring an unforgettable moment in Southern fashion as part of our new series “Velvet Curtains & Muddy Drawers.” We want your ridiculous, glamourous, infectious, and even gaudy favorites from literature, film, music, history—and even your everyday life. Send your ideas, photos, and fashion dreams to (please include in subject line: velvet curtains). Here’s our very first installment, submitted by Kerry Fitts, the woman behind New Orleans–based design house Bayou Salvage.
“You publish too much!” An interview with Bill Zavatsky~Michael Zell, Press Street
New Orleans Film Society launches "Movies to Geaux" Kickstarter campaign ~Gambit
Still got some leftover beads? Don't throw them out! Bring them to Elysian Fields on Saturday!!! ~Green Project
~Special thanks to my own Bywater Neighborhood Association from yer ho ho homble Editilla's House of Piety EHOP!
Bagel Me~Blackened Out
Limmudfest, a Jazz Fest of Jewish culture, opens this weekend in New Orleans
~Saturday night's program features performer Sam Glaser and the Panorama Jazz Bank in a concert amalgamating jazz and Klezmer music, with Marcus J. Freed's play, "Solomon -- King, Lover and Poet, a Tale of One Man and 700 Wives."
Would-be bidder miffed as NORA snatches 7th Ward property from the auction block
~Karen Gadbos, The Lens
Law Firms to Take on 100 Cases Pro Bono to Relieve Pressure on Orleans Public Defenders Office ~Hat Tweet
New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton's house in Dallas is up for sale
~Hat Tip~Library Chronicles
~This one goes out to Our New Orleans Saints and all my hurtin whodat pals. We don't bow.
Citizens Insurance plaintiffs clear another legal hurdle ~Alan Sayer
Chris Rose: Officer Down, NOPD
GCCF shutting down; federal just names administrator for court-supervised claims payments ~Hat Tweet Anita Lee
Didn’t you hear BP has settled? That’s right, you can go away now ~Disenfranchised Citizen
Preserving a wetland forest in the Maurepas Swamp: An editorial
Velvet Curtains & Muddy Drawers ~Oxford American
~Every month, we’ll be featuring an unforgettable moment in Southern fashion as part of our new series “Velvet Curtains & Muddy Drawers.” We want your ridiculous, glamourous, infectious, and even gaudy favorites from literature, film, music, history—and even your everyday life. Send your ideas, photos, and fashion dreams to (please include in subject line: velvet curtains). Here’s our very first installment, submitted by Kerry Fitts, the woman behind New Orleans–based design house Bayou Salvage.
“You publish too much!” An interview with Bill Zavatsky~Michael Zell, Press Street
New Orleans Film Society launches "Movies to Geaux" Kickstarter campaign ~Gambit
Still got some leftover beads? Don't throw them out! Bring them to Elysian Fields on Saturday!!! ~Green Project

Bagel Me~Blackened Out
Limmudfest, a Jazz Fest of Jewish culture, opens this weekend in New Orleans
~Saturday night's program features performer Sam Glaser and the Panorama Jazz Bank in a concert amalgamating jazz and Klezmer music, with Marcus J. Freed's play, "Solomon -- King, Lover and Poet, a Tale of One Man and 700 Wives."
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Fifth Circuit Katrina Suit: No Qualified Immunity for Corps Under FCA
~The qualified immunity test requires a two-part analysis: "(1) Was the law governing the official's conduct clearly established? (2) Under that law, could a reasonable officer have believed the conduct was lawful?" Government officials performing discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for civil damages as long as as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.
Citizen Property Insurance plaintiffs to seize cash
New Orleans Builds New Trails
~Construction Equipment Guide
Much of Gulf Coast prepping for future flooding/storm surge
Push to give Gulf states 80 percent of BP oil spill fines hits stumbling block
Hurricane evacuation pickup spots to feature tall steel artwork
~Michelle Krupa
Sculpture chosen for New Orleans evacuation art~Kevin McGill
Limited Character: Facing the Stage: Becky Shaw, Reviewed~NOLA DEFENDER
Tujague's roast beef po-boy built from one of New Orleans' most storied beef dishes
The Angola Prison Rodeo: 40 Years of Guts & Glory~Humid Beings
NOLA Indie Rockers Get Some Company at foburg~Ian McNulty
~The qualified immunity test requires a two-part analysis: "(1) Was the law governing the official's conduct clearly established? (2) Under that law, could a reasonable officer have believed the conduct was lawful?" Government officials performing discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for civil damages as long as as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.
Citizen Property Insurance plaintiffs to seize cash
New Orleans Builds New Trails
~Construction Equipment Guide
Much of Gulf Coast prepping for future flooding/storm surge
Push to give Gulf states 80 percent of BP oil spill fines hits stumbling block
Hurricane evacuation pickup spots to feature tall steel artwork
~Michelle Krupa
Sculpture chosen for New Orleans evacuation art~Kevin McGill
Limited Character: Facing the Stage: Becky Shaw, Reviewed~NOLA DEFENDER
Tujague's roast beef po-boy built from one of New Orleans' most storied beef dishes
The Angola Prison Rodeo: 40 Years of Guts & Glory~Humid Beings
NOLA Indie Rockers Get Some Company at foburg~Ian McNulty
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Barbarism Begins At Home ~moosedenied
~"That's my third monocle this week. I simply must stop being so horrified."
Welp, everything sure is going according to the plan so far, don't you think? High five? Guh. Regular readers know that we try to keep it classy here at moosedenied. And hey, let me be perfectly clear here, I'm as shocked and appalled and righteously indignant about this whole sordid affair as the next guy. Please believe me when I tell you that, as a Saints fan, I feel like the team let us all down here. I'm incredibly disappointed with Our Heroes right about now, and I'm even more disappointed with Sean Payton and Mickey Loomis.
I'm disappointed that they got caught.
Who is Alleged Poutygate Snitch with Vendetta? ~Canal Street Chronicles
New Orleans Buoyantly Looks Up (We Hope)
Baron and Budd Announces Victory for New Orleans Residents in MRGO Litigation
Corps loses again! Appeals court sides with EPA over Yazoo big pump project
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ Here's some excellent background, from Friends of the Sunflower River, on this massive pump project boondoggle.
Where the donations are going
~American Zombie
Burglary at NOLA Defender HQ
New Orleans taxi cab drivers threaten to strike during Final Four
Irony: Conservative Think Tank To Bobby Jindal: The Louisiana Science Education Act Is A “Devastating Flaw” ~CenLamar
The winds of change
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Cypress trees to be planted in Bonnet Carre Spillway in St. Charles Parish
Coming soon: Longer-range hurricane forecasts
Citizens Asked to Help Restore Amtrak Service Jacksonville to NOLA
Louisiana lobbyist Charlie Smith recalled as a colorful, throwback character
Gumbo z'herbes is a New Orleans Lenten classic dish
New York City: The Welterweights
~Blackened Out
In New Orleans, an Actor Turns Grocer
~Jane Black, NYTimes
~ Many celebrities with a taste for good food veer into the restaurant business, but Wendell Pierce has taken a different tack. This summer, he and two business partners plan to open a grocery store called Sterling Farms, the first of several in New Orleans’s low-income neighborhoods, where supermarkets are scarce.
~"That's my third monocle this week. I simply must stop being so horrified."
Welp, everything sure is going according to the plan so far, don't you think? High five? Guh. Regular readers know that we try to keep it classy here at moosedenied. And hey, let me be perfectly clear here, I'm as shocked and appalled and righteously indignant about this whole sordid affair as the next guy. Please believe me when I tell you that, as a Saints fan, I feel like the team let us all down here. I'm incredibly disappointed with Our Heroes right about now, and I'm even more disappointed with Sean Payton and Mickey Loomis.
I'm disappointed that they got caught.
Who is Alleged Poutygate Snitch with Vendetta? ~Canal Street Chronicles
New Orleans Buoyantly Looks Up (We Hope)
Baron and Budd Announces Victory for New Orleans Residents in MRGO Litigation
Corps loses again! Appeals court sides with EPA over Yazoo big pump project
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ Here's some excellent background, from Friends of the Sunflower River, on this massive pump project boondoggle.
Where the donations are going
~American Zombie
Burglary at NOLA Defender HQ
New Orleans taxi cab drivers threaten to strike during Final Four
Irony: Conservative Think Tank To Bobby Jindal: The Louisiana Science Education Act Is A “Devastating Flaw” ~CenLamar
The winds of change
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Cypress trees to be planted in Bonnet Carre Spillway in St. Charles Parish
Coming soon: Longer-range hurricane forecasts
Citizens Asked to Help Restore Amtrak Service Jacksonville to NOLA
Louisiana lobbyist Charlie Smith recalled as a colorful, throwback character
Gumbo z'herbes is a New Orleans Lenten classic dish
New York City: The Welterweights
~Blackened Out
In New Orleans, an Actor Turns Grocer
~Jane Black, NYTimes
~ Many celebrities with a taste for good food veer into the restaurant business, but Wendell Pierce has taken a different tack. This summer, he and two business partners plan to open a grocery store called Sterling Farms, the first of several in New Orleans’s low-income neighborhoods, where supermarkets are scarce.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Go, Saints!~Monologue, Adrianna Garcia
Scapegoating the Saints~Clancy Dubos
I still believe~Kevin Magill, Daily Comet
~For a longtime fan like me, the only thing good about the Saints' latest predicament is that ticket prices to their games are about to get a lot cheaper.
As bounty fallout continues, Goodell to make example of Saints~Peter King
5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling against the Corps of Engineers
Wherein WWL still thinks Katrina flooded New Orleans 8/29/05
Greater New Orleans Foundation announces grants for coastal coalitions
Louisiana sets aside 22,000 football fields worth of swampland
BP Oil Spill: companies face other liability apart from settlement
BP settlement includes new health claims process
Transportation Meetings Galore!
~Transport for NOLA
Scapegoating the Saints~Clancy Dubos
I still believe~Kevin Magill, Daily Comet
~For a longtime fan like me, the only thing good about the Saints' latest predicament is that ticket prices to their games are about to get a lot cheaper.
As bounty fallout continues, Goodell to make example of Saints~Peter King
5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling against the Corps of Engineers
Wherein WWL still thinks Katrina flooded New Orleans 8/29/05
Greater New Orleans Foundation announces grants for coastal coalitions
Louisiana sets aside 22,000 football fields worth of swampland
BP Oil Spill: companies face other liability apart from settlement
BP settlement includes new health claims process
Transportation Meetings Galore!
~Transport for NOLA
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman close to releasing city money~Matt Davis
Bobby Jindal looking better to desperate GOP: Stephanie Grace
Here we go guys, lets start talking oil spill settlement: Playing both sides against the middle ~Sabbed
BP Set to Gain as Gulf Oil Spill Settlement Lifts ‘Dark Cloud’ ~Bloomberg
Wetlands mitigation rules get tougher, and St. Tammany officials get worried
~Hat Tweet @Editilla the Pun~More legal structure of Fifth Circuit ruling Army Corps liable for flooding#NOLA -from Jurist Mag cc- @TheBigUneasy
Debate about Corps MO River environmental projects spending infuriates farmers
Retired La teacher gets visit from FBI
Market Street power plant site still may reel in Bass Pro Shop
Chackbay man named Bayou Gourmet Cookoff Champion
Today: VIP Ladies and Kids second line parade! ~Big Red Cotton
Bobby Jindal looking better to desperate GOP: Stephanie Grace
Here we go guys, lets start talking oil spill settlement: Playing both sides against the middle ~Sabbed
BP Set to Gain as Gulf Oil Spill Settlement Lifts ‘Dark Cloud’ ~Bloomberg
Wetlands mitigation rules get tougher, and St. Tammany officials get worried
~Hat Tweet @Editilla the Pun~More legal structure of Fifth Circuit ruling Army Corps liable for flooding
Debate about Corps MO River environmental projects spending infuriates farmers
Retired La teacher gets visit from FBI
Market Street power plant site still may reel in Bass Pro Shop
Chackbay man named Bayou Gourmet Cookoff Champion
Today: VIP Ladies and Kids second line parade! ~Big Red Cotton
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