~The Economist

~Editilla Rotellas da Velvetta Bidness News~ We are continuously repugnatized by journalists who still use Katrina Shorthand to miss-frame and misreport the cause of our city's devastation 8/29/05. Yet is with a more burrish chagrin that we find the Economist still sliding this spit-ball public relations propaganda. You'd think Economists would know better, that they would know the facts about our Federal Man Made Disaster. You'd think that BIDNESS PEOPLE would consider the liability and redress which They would Seek if Their BIDNESS had GONE UNDERWATER due to MISFEASANCE by the Corps of Engineers.
Such slipshod tar papering of the truth leads me to question the veracity of the whole article.
Perhaps The Economist actually (actuarilly) represents the Insurance and ReInsurance industry. Maybe they're just lying for the Industry so that our Flood Premiums in any man-made disaster anywhere in the world will remain high and tightly controlled.
Corps of Engineers loading towns with unfunded federal mandates
And now a word from Harry Shearer…
Gorgeous Vintage Maps of the Mississippi River’s Path Over Time

Is Avondale’s owner sabotaging possible sale of the shipyard?~Mark Moseley, The Lens

Occupy Poydras Street or Pawed And Herded And Other Mistreatments Of Superdome Patrons~Library Chronicles
~Hat Tweet @nolastan~Reason no. 131 to love#nola: average citizens have arguments over faux historic vs modern for proposed Walgreens. uptownmessenger.com/2011/09/walgre…
What a beautiful day to join/renew membership with our city's guardians of the congroovience: WWOZ!
~Hat Tweet @nolastan~Reason no. 131 to love
What a beautiful day to join/renew membership with our city's guardians of the congroovience: WWOZ!