Even Bobby Jindal's own paid consultants criticize his "Jeep" neo-juvenile tax idea ~At right, Governorcist Bobby "Jeep" Jindal explains to Earnstwhile and Young, the pricey consulting firm hired by his
administration for economic analysis of his tax plan, why it doesn't matter that sales taxes on
services bought by businesses are bad ideas because companies pass those
costs to customers or shrink economic activity in a state where such
taxes are levied: "Jeep hungry. Eat! Fun!"
President of LSU Faculty Senate speaks to Levees.org on expenses relating to Ivor van Heerden lawsuit~“The $457,000 that LSU has expended on legal costs for the Ivor van
Heerden case brings the total cost of this shameful episode, including
the $453,000 settlement, to at least one million dollars. What else
could the expenditure of that sum have done? It could easily have paid Dr. Van Heerden’s salary until his
retirement, an action that would have put LSU’s support for free inquiry
and free speech beyond question. Alternatively, that sum would cover
the cost of a ½% goodwill salary increment for the entire LSU faculty, a
faculty which has received no raise for five years. One million dollars
would cover more than one-quarter of the midyear budget cut that LSU
received last year. It would have subsidized long subscriptions to up to
five major library databases or fitted out the laboratories for two
beginning scientists." Capitalism funds natural disasters? ~Salon
Levees.org founder Sandy Rosenthal said the group decided to look into
the cost of the legal battle involving LSU because it was concerned
about the university’s actions involving what turned out to be an
accurate research effort. “It meshes with the goals of our organization,
which is educating the public about why New Orleans flooded, and the
behavior of higher-ups at LSU looked to us to be the opposite of what we
were trying to do,” she said. “We were trying to get the truth out
about the cause of the flooding, and the higher-ups at LSU seemed to be
suppressing the truth.”