The New Orleans Kid Camera Project~Photos at Snug Harbor for PhotoNOLA
2-streetcar accident injures 23 people
Edittila's chin chillas~Tourists Attack?
Storm Shoves Ship Into New Orleans Levee
Federal city planners tout ideas
Exqioxotic Corps...Everywhere you want to be?
~Corps 0f Engineers completes MRGO Louisiana, New Orleans Area Closure Study
~Corps of Engineers gears up to repair Industrial Canal lock
~State of Missouri v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
~KS-Corps of Engineers looking into Wilson water
~GA-Water War Brimful of Confidence
~NC-Raleigh mayor worried about water
FEMA considering expanded use of trains in hurricane evacuations
This Week At Amtrak 2008-02-11~United Rail Passenger Alliance
Problems plague government buyouts of Katrina property
Picayune Editorial~Sniffing out a cover-up
Yeah, we hears ya'mouf talkin'. Edittila smella too and wondas~What the hell do you folks be smokin'down at that "newspaper" all year long? "Congress is right to press for answers and to insist that scientists who speak up do so without fear of retaliation." That's it? Your entire picayune opinion in one sentence? How wee'whanka is that? Whoa! Now don't get too excited! Don't hold back! We can handle da'truf!

Rather than feel-good propaganda of how the FEMA good-guys are donating cinder blocks to the rebuilding effort, it would be nice if the ciy's only major newspaper would get to the bottom of this story and ask actual questions of the actual perpetrators of this actual Federal Criminally Negligent Homicide, eh? Maybe just one question of the ganstas in charge of our fate, the authors of this forced disaster response? Perchance a bit of journalism on Product Liability? At least a phone call to someone or something? And we are still waiting to hear at least one name of those 1500 people still living in these deadly trailers out at the airport? Remember them? The ones in the recent TP article "Jefferson Parish Crackdown" :<-picayune word). Will we find ourselves knee-deep in toxic devestation AGAIN because our local newspaper of record FAILED THEIR DUTY to inform the public--AGAIN? Can't the Picayune at least pick on the evil-doers?
Of course as this scenario begs the question of SuperHeroes...could this indeed be a job for da'Mighty Mouse of Nola Bloggery? Here They Come to Save the Daaaaaay! Chere'yat Bourgeois Nievete?
The 300~Tin Can Trailer Trash
An Open Apology~Humid City v2.3

GNO Inc. to present economic 'road map'
New Orleans - Market Report December 2007 (Condos)
Lt. Gov. Landrieu trumpets an additional $44M for City Park recovery
2 years after Katrina, police still struggle with mental patients
Gov. Jindal shrugs off ethics law potshots~“In our case, it (the fine) will be paid for by a worker with a personal check,” Jindal said. “Our belief is that if it is a campaign disclosure then it can be campaign funds. If it is an ethics violation it should be personal funds. ... The reason we paid for it in personal funds is we don’t want it to be a distraction."
Three Arrested In Pentagon-Chinese Communist Party Spy Ring
Possible New Orleans connection in CCP spy case
Milestones in Remote Sensing~Rashid's Blog

St. Louis Cathedral~Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Presents Music of the Mississippi @ 8
Johnny Vidacovich Duo w/ Brian Seeger~D.B.A.@ 10
NBA All-Star game to include three days of musical acts.
Mardi Gras 2008, 360 Degrees...of decidedly non-separation

Thank you, White in Bay Ridge
Edittila just can't get enough of it ya'know? Mon Chere, talk about da'fleur dis lilly white good guys!
New Song, Video~Ode to New Orleans~Louisiana native Daniel Glen Timms
And Prince Is Your Uncle~blogofneworleans.com
Interview~Irma Thomas’ ‘Rain’ washes away past injustice
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