Saturday, April 12, 2008


While You’re at FQF….
~casa de Charlotte della luna

N! ({})


Landrieu demands answers on Morganza from corps
~"One of the first questions I posed," she said of the corps, is "why they were backing out on their commitment."

Corps to discuss plans for New Iberia

Corps of Engineers releases water from rain-swollen lakes in AR, MO.

Spillway opening draws governor, big crowds~Jindal proclaims event 'historic' in protecting South Louisiana.
~Editilla chin'chillas~Whoa! Careful wit'da Barnham & Bailey there Bobby. You may have to drink those words. Betta'check da'level down below.

Flood Stage Levels, current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

U.S. Catholics seek bold papal action on sex abuse
~Editilla weeps fo'da wayward flocks~
Regardless of my own disclaimer of Personal Belief in a Creator who favors All Sexes--as opposed to worshiping da'Man in da'Sky wit'da Penis Grande and The Big Book wit'yer Editilla's name in It (followed of course by a loooong red line of bad'conduct check'marks stretching out to Pluto)--I have other reason to seek the Death Penalty for Pedophiles and bear a hard'worn conviction that we should round up all the Repressive People of God (RPGs) and send 'em All back to the Holy Land to let'em work it out over there. That said, I cannot get my mind around how anyone of truly sound mind and spirit would suffer One More Child to come unto Him

Acquittal in slaying of musician that helped spark protest


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