AP Photo/Bullit Marquez
The Philippine archipelago comprises 7,107 islands with a population approaching 90 million people.
NOAA Satellite Imagery

~"The disaster response team is working very well together. It takes about an hour to get to the town of Oakville, and then we make several trips in the boat, depending on how many animals we find to bring back. It’s definitely reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina, with the exception of the scope."
Photo of Ethan Gurney, taking a kitten to safety from Oakville, by Molly Wald
Online help for flood victims
~A website called Aidmatrix is helping match volunteers and products to areas where the need is great. You can make a donation of money or supplies on the website.
Louisiana sends aid to victims of Midwest flooding
N.C. crews leave to help flood victims
12 Mid-Michigan residents head to flood, fire-damaged areas
Help or high water: The effort to save the Cedar Falls levee was never a sure thing
Experts consider changes to flood terminology~Consider calculating 100 and 500 year floods in Dog Years, or maybe Soap Opera Time.
LEVEES~NPR~ Host Liane Hansen speaks with John M. Barry, a New Orleans levee commissioner and author of "Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America," about the current crisis of failing levees in the Midwest and along the Mississippi.
Flooding forces sewage into Wisconsin rivers
Aging levee poses threat to impoverished city
Midwest floods' economic fallout uncertain~Frayed optimism is the best that flood-weary Midwest residents can cling to after a harrowing month of battering rainstorms and swollen rivers that overtopped sodden levees in Iowa and then in Illinois and Missouri.
Get clearer flood info to public, businesses~What would one more inch of rain in the Raccoon and Des Moines Rivers' saturated watersheds have done to the downtown Des Moines area?
WAVICS~Wave, Current, Surge Information System for Coastal Louisiana
Note~ Gentle'rillas can use these interactive sites together to study the flooding in any state: zoom WAVICS sat'view out and "curser" the Map up the Mississippi River to St. Louis, Indiana and Illinois and then zoom'click back down to follow the smaller rivers like the Mossouri, Ohio and the Iowa. This is active data.
USGS~Flood Stage Levels current 'real-time' guage readings. I use the USGS maps to get oriented to the states and their flood gauges due to the lack of boundries of the sat'view. I also look up State Maps.

~History and design
The end of Morganza as we know it?~Keith Magill
How President Bush's Policies Leveled New Orleans
~Jason Leopold
What to do about New Orleans' trailers?
There she goes again~NO Bull

“Katrina Days” Book by New Orleans Photographer Now Available
~NO Internet Marketing
The City of New Orleans: On the track to Chicago~Millie Ball
Editilla commuta~Oh yeah, I have logged over 1000 miles on this train since Lundi Gras '06, and began riding around 1980. Over the decades I have seen full'course jazz bands perform in the disappeared smoking car, while talking to a non'smoker from Des Moines who just could not believe their ears.
From the now disappeared observation car, one could lean back and face outward to the passing of America's back yards, our laundry lines, main streets, and ghetto basketball courts,
our fields of dreams and forests of destruction,
our towers of babel and grain,
honest Americana on a heart'string.
Lately, however, something is rotten in Des Moines.
Losing the smoking car was bad enough but doable, then they shrink the dinning car into this snack'bar thingy cluster'fork...but getting rid of the Observation Car is down right offensive. We must stop this denial of basic slack and demand America regain its legroom!
What is it worth to you, America, to have freedom of movement --Public Movement?
Coast to Coast Mass Transit?
National High Speed Rail?
Amtrak sucks because we don't own any of the track.
The train has to pull over every right of way to let freight trains pass, every time, and some time spent just waiting...hours. Amtrak owns a smidgen up in the NE but, freight companies own all the track. That is fine. Nothing against the Bid'Dogs.
We, da'lil'doggin tax'payers, should build our own National Rail System with its own dedicated track, so that we can haul our assess all over America like smart
21st Century Citizens.
We could do it for a fraction of the cost of that War that seems to be nameless. It would cost less than half of what we have already flushed down the Corps of Engineers' failed flood control systems.
Drowning victim joyful before his leap
~Barbara Mercer had not been to New Orleans in 26 years, but she returned a few weeks ago to find out why her nephew jumped from the Algiers ferry into the swirling currents of the Mississippi River.
Louisiana Couples want legal matrimony
Community band to put on free show today~“Most people don’t know there were organized brass bands in Thibodaux as far back as 1850,” said Ted Hoffman, president of the Bayou Community Band regarding its upcoming concert at 3 p.m. June 22 at the Harang Auditorium (formerly known as the Thibodaux Civic Center).
Toulouse Street Lyrical
ReBuild Your Own New Orleans Garage Band~NOMRF
ActiveMusic Auction of Celebrity-Autographed Baldwin ~Green Baby Grand Piano Goes Live Today.
Proceeds to Benefit Global Green USA’s Rebuilding New Orleans Green Project
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