~Special Thanks To Eccentric New Orleans
Ruthie the Duck Lady dies of cancer at 74

Plaquemines flooding "worse than Katrina"
~Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard says over 100 residents of Lafitte had to be rescued Saturday as flood waters from Ike inundated homes and businesses.
"It's a real crisis in Lafitte," said Broussard. "Lafitte is getting hit harder than it was in during Rita." Stay tuned to WWL AM&FM for the latest on this story.
Thousands of homes flooded in Terrebonne~Terrebone Parish President Michel Claudet says at least 13,000 structures have flooded in lower Terrebone Parish.
About 6,000 of those were residential homes.
"The conditions continue to deteriorate," Claudet said. "We have people going up and down the bayou pulling people out."

~Storm engulfs Lafourche below protective floodgates
~"This photo was taken 5 miles from my house. Terrebonne and Lafourche look like this." ~Reuben Williams...Tab Benoit's Manager. H/T'n'T-GN
~Houma TV10 Continuous Live Coverage
Ike’s flood waters reach Lake Charles~Vermilion Parish urges residents not to return
Open mike on Ike~slabbed
TS Ike
Houston flooding worsens
~Live TV Coverage, Updates
Texas evacuees ask for
'Nagin special'

Corps: Water peaking at Lake Pontchartrain, provides area assessment~USGS WaterWatch~
~Real'time water conditions, river flood stages.
ASCE panel cites conflict of interest~Mark Schleifstein
~Task Force Report
~Edititilla gotta to be a stick in the levee...
This Task Force Report on the way ASCE does post- disaster investigations is severely needed and a long time coming. But, how does it impact the Corps' ongoing practices in Repairing their failed levees with Newspaper, outdated elevation data and water now leaking under the 17th Street Canal Levee Breech "Fix"?
As Ace Gumshoe Schleifstein points out above, the Corps paid ASCE an extra $2,000,000 to study the IPET Study. --ASCE spent the money this way.
~Then the Corps gave the ASCE Godamned Medals!
How will this Report insure that we get sound, safe levees Now? How does this report address the ASCE's original role in the substandard building of our failed levees? What does this report do for safe flood control? It would appear that this report does nothing more than hand the issue back into ASCECORPS private hands. Now the ASCE can stand and crow "corrected", but what does this report say about ASCECORPS? Acutally not a lot! There is no list of witnesses interviewed. There are footnotes for conclusions gained. There is a list of highly credentialed participants, but what real information? It is a pretty report, even August in its make-up. But Editilla sees nothing in this Report that speaks to our safety behind our suspect levee "repairs".
Editilla tags this report as ASCECORPS ASSBUFF.
The ASCE has proven themselves capable of lying, as evidenced in by their tax'paid PR Campaign linked above. Soooo, as we witness the flood of ASCE press releases these days critiquing the Corps for interfering with their own investigations, why would any fool think that this corrupt band of rouge project managers has suddenly gotten religion?
We will hear more cries of "Not Me" from ASCECORPS upon the release of the IPET Report as it falls apart like a house of damp, mold-encrusted playing cards.
Time, the Levelator...
We need to go ahead and get the 8/29 Commission passed through Congress and implemented before
Mary Landrieu is quite possibly defeated in Nov.
Where will this vital legislation end up should that happen before our redress is fairly vetted...
--in that great courthouse in da'Sky?
Does the existence of New Orleans make ecological sense?
~Editilla hates these articles, but hung this one to illustrate what we will see more often with the imminent release of the Corps' IPET Study and ASCECORPS liability in the upcoming MRGO Lawsuit.
We will see more articles nationwide which seek to compare the criminal engineering failures which flooded New Orleans as a "result of natural forces" rather than malfeasance by the Corps of Engineers.
While some of this Full Corps Press may indeed be Individual Buffoonery of the Bourgeois Naivete, much of it is no accident. Many of these are not random articles, but Placed Story Frames by ASCECORPS's extensive and savvy Public Relations Machinery. The flooding of New Orleans was not caused by Nature but by the Corps of Engineers and their jail'punk lackeys in the upper management of the ASCE. ASCECORPS.
The purpose of such propaganda is not only to taint the jury pool here for the upcoming MRGO lawsuit, but also to Frame this story all across the country as our infrastructure fails due to bad design and maintenance.
This view of the cause of New Orleans flooding was disputed and laid to rest a year ago, and we are finally beginning to see some major media actually refer to it as an "engineering failure" rather than a "natural disaster". Why do these alleged disinterested writers continue to spew this tripe? This is very real as they continue to spin'filtrate this erroneous message, just as the Nazis told "little lies" over and over.
A Tangled Story of Addiction
~Consequences of Cindy McCain's Drug Abuse Were More Complex Than She Has Portrayed
Today's Gasoline Prices,
automatic updates
Houston Refiners Appear Spared by Ike; Gasoline Supplies Tight
Update on New Orleans Gun Confiscations by Police
~Nurse with a Gun
New Orleans Forever
More leaks from Louisiana
~Alison Fensterstock
Wyclef Jean establishes storm relief fund for Haiti ~Affrodite's Adventures in Nappy Hair
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