~“The truth of the matter,” Biden said, “is for someone who lost their home, it is Katrina. For some in this shelter, it is Katrina.”
“Folks, we understand. We have a sense of what you're going through,” he said. “We know we can't make everything right. But we know we're going to do everything we can...
to make it all right.
~Editilla turns like a worm in a blender.
Here we go again!~Since we don't have the luxury of time on our side, let's make sure these fibbers get only one term for theirs.
I find it grotesquely ironic to have Never heard Brad Pitt utter those cursed words, as if Brad Pitt (the unabashedly liberal actor) knows why New Orleans flooded, and yet from our highest elected supposedly progressive officials we get more of the same galling Natural Disaster Misnomer: Katrina did it.
Oh Snap! Sorry Joe, all this time we thought it was the Corps of Engineers that flooded our City and killed over 12oo people with Bad Levees. Hell, they even Admitted to this in open Federal court and several studies --including their own.
While it is common practice to use The Flood of New Orleans as a Fool's Gold Standard for any catastrophe from earthquakes in China to our own Economic Meltdown, I can still understand that it is easier for most people to consider any devastation as "their Katrina", without considering the very human Civil Engineering of their disasters. Take the '08 floods in Iowa for example, where it was not Muskrats and farmers that flooded millions square acres, as Titan's Gerald Galloway of the Corps or Engineers was saying then, but that very same goddamn Corps Engineering of the Mississippi River System levees and dams.
I can even forgive the general public's ignorance of the roll of the Corps of Engineers in their own flood control in building these "systems in name only" which crisscross our entire Nation.
But I cannot accept this Public Relations Medicine Show from The Man Who Could Be President. He should know better.
Once again, before the flood waters have even begun to recede, we have our Federal Government telling us to look elsewhere.
Hey Look Everyone: It's Katrina!
~Standing Update~ Sterling Blogger Louisiana 1976 has composted your New Orleans Ladder over at Democratic Underground thank you very much! Check it out, as some of these babies think Editilla has misunderestimated Hey Joe Biden's dauntless grasp of these flood survivors' pain, so I ain't got no Compassion! HAHAHAHAHA Whew!
Compassion we got, but what I can't get is No... Sat-Is-Faction!
Six more Georgia counties added to federal disaster list
~Aaron Gould Sheinin
US lawmakers told: FEMA an 'army of bureaucrats'
~Juan A. Lazono
~Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas said the agency was friendly and helpful but also described it as "the nay-saying, penny pinching FEMA that stands in the way of all the help FEMA is supposedly there to provide."
Editilla gotta ax: What? You mean It's Not Katrina?
Lowering Expectations
~Clancy DuBos
Quiet on the Eastern Front
Group charges that historic Bourbon St. building is being damaged by new owners
~Dennis Woltering
N.O. Gas and Electric Lights overall Innovator of the Year
~NO City Business
GOOD LAWD! MoMo is on CNN!
~New Orleans Pet Care
That Stamp Will Cost You $23,000, Pal...if health insurance companies ran the mail service ~Daily Kos
Hat Tips & Editillos to Dangerblond
It all runs on gumbo

is on this weekend at Harrah’s Fulton Square.
Celebrate Cajun culture and the environment today~Enjoy Cajun music, food and crafts and check out a nutria fashion show this Saturday at the free annual festival La Fête d’Ecologie.
Hat Tip & Editillos~NOLA411
Architectural photography workshop with Richard Sexton ~NOPA
'New Literary History of America'
Tragically Hip Cool and Maw'Mawing the Flack Catchers After the Storm
~Up Through The Sidewalk
New Orleans Volunteers Making Progress~Preservation Nation
~Kevin Daniels is a preservationist and developer in Seattle, Washington. He currently serves on the National Trust’s Board of Trustees as vice chair of the Preservation Committee.
U2: coming for the music or the message? ~John Baiata
GOATWHORE To Perform At New Orleans' 'House Of Shock' ~Blabbermouth
Young Men Olympian 125th Anniversary Second Line Parade
~Red Cotton, Gambit
~Here’s a clip from Thursday’s YMO sponsored Peace Walk thru Central City – just a taste to tie you over till Sunday’s parade. THIS is why New Orleans didn’t die, aint never gonna die.
Mufkrz here are HARD CORE!
Editilla notices, ahem, so'z'da Big Red Cotton
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