Oil extending west around Mississippi Delta

~Editilla Notellas~ We have decided to rely more on data from the Louisiana Governor's Office, because the NOAA data alone has become Incomplete, Untimely, and slanted toward BP Public Relations. Just go check out their cutsy Unified Command website punkishly titled Deepwater Horizon Response. Try the phone numbers. Gimme a forkin'break.
I've picked on him, called him names, didn't vote for him... but our Governor Bobby Jindal is On The Ground Kicking Ass.
Great interview on BP Oil Spill at WWNO with wetlands reporter Mark Schleifstein
BP oil spill manages to mess up NASA's Space Shuttle launch
~The expanding oil slick has cut into the deep water route typically used by NASA barges and their tugs to haul the 15-storey space shuttle fuel tanks from their manufacturing site – the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans – to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida to be attached to an orbiter for launch.
BP, other oil spill companies start the blame game~The companies behind the oil drilling disaster threatening the fragile waterways and beaches of the Gulf Coast are beginning to turn on each other.
When asked to respond to Michael Brown’s comments on President Obama causing the BP Oil Disaster, La. Sen. Mary Landrieu said:
“He was a fool when he stepped off the plane in Louisiana 4½ years ago, and unfortunately for him, he apparently still is." H/T~ GN
Officials: Oil spill may endanger human health, EPA Clueless
~"We don't know what the impacts are going to be yet," said Dave Bary, an EPA spokesman in Dallas. "We don't know in what direction this oil will go."
Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf
St. Bernard Parish officials brace for arrival of the Gulf oil spill on their shores~Bob Warren
Seafood reputation warranted
Florida tourism officials say Message Control as vital as oil clean-up?
Oil Spill Academic Task Force
The Oil Spill Academic Task Force (OSATF) will bring together resources of Florida's academic institutions to assist the State of Florida and the Gulf region in preparing for and responding to the BP Oil Spill Disaster.
Florida Class Action Filed in BP Oil Spill Disaster~Gulf Actions Spill Counsel (GASP), a national team of prominent attorneys, allege multiple failures by BP, Halliburton and other Defendants
Thomas Friedman thinks BP Oil Disaster gives Obama a chance to lead, we see Obama as a punked BP Lackey, One-and-Done
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