~I got a kick out of a Cedric [Richmond] astroturfer on one of the multitude of Nola.com articles mentioning my blog. Dude stated that I had backpedaled in regards to my allegations about Cedric, NOCE, and the Rolex....not.
I have not retracted anything, I've just been busy digging up bones.
Stairway to Cleveland~moosedenied
New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees Sounds Off On Jimmy Graham and the Browns~Bleacher Report
~"So, I think we're becoming even more and more battle tested as we go through the season," said Brees. "If we can find a way to scratch and claw and continue to win games that will serve this team very well moving forward."
City to crack down on illegal vendors outside 'Dome on gamedays ~WWLTV
Mayor Mitch Landrieu sees New Orleans as stage for U.S. to 'do big things again'~Michelle Krupa
~"There was a time when America could summon all of her will, all of her might, all of her courage, all of her resources and do huge things," he said. "I think that American feels small right now, and I think she feels weak. I think she feels captured by her inability to find consensus on any issue."
"This is a place where the country can learn to find herself again," the mayor said. "Hopefully they will take the opportunity to use New Orleans ... to find out how America can do big things again and to restore her credibility on an international stage."
~Special Thanks~ Daily Beast
Citizen involement plan to get worked over by bureaucracy
~Karen Gadbos, The Lens
These are good days for Chef Pass fishing area - maybe too good?
~Bob Marshall
Levee officials consider double- checking Corps of Engineers work
~Sheila Grissett
Ashland library film screening explores 8.29.05 Federal Flood issues with 'America Betrayed'
Legislators say Jindal betrayed their trust by shifting money to St. James steel plant~Ariella Cohen, The Lens
New Orleans feels pinch from Nucor deal ~Fox8
New Orleans Food Coop Board of Directors Meeting Monday, Oct 25
Pedicabs approved a second time by New Orleans City Council~Bruce Eggler
Larry, his brother Darryl and his brother Darryl take their act to the Qui Tam Olympics ~slabbed
An Open Letter to the Tea Party of Louisiana~Disenfranchised Citizen
32 sea turtles, rescued during oil leak, released~Amy Wold
The Oil Isn't Gone, but the People Are Still Here~Ian Somerhalder
Bird's Eye View: Oiled Birds Today In Bay Jimmy~Gulf Restoration Network
~skooks Well sure they're gonna keep building berms. They're fantastic at stopping vanished oil. http://tinyurl.com/2erglav
Boat captain “bleeding from her vagina” — “I’m bleeding from my anus, too… This thing is killing me”
~Florida Oil Spill Law

~David Darg
UN Peacekeeper to Photographer: Shoot Me and I'll Shoot You ~Mac McClelland
Richard not strenthening yet; Category 4 Giri hits Burma; Megi approaching China~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Granny’s fish tale for Elizabeth Edwards and everyone with a broken heart~Poke Salad Granny
Gray Ghost is welcomed to make his mark at 'Arts After Dark' exhibit
~Doug MacCash
A Meeting of ReX & The Grey Ghost ~NOLAFemmes
Invade Nola
The Wacky World of Dr. Morgus
~Will Coviello, Gambit
Superdeformed's Journey into Science Fiction
Last Call at the Deutsches Haus
~Blackened Out
French pop star Alizée is fed up with extremists, cynics and hypocrites.
~Your Right Hand Thief
Delivering Happiness Block Party Bonerama + Mia Borders + John Michael Rouchell + Big Sam's Brass Band
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