~Editilla Lotellas~Lo! And let us not forget moosedenied
High Five! Geaaaaux Saints! Who Dat? Who Dat?
Who Dat Say They Gonna Beat Dem Saints?

Coming Monday~American Zombie
Limits on power of Hurricane Katrina defense seen in Henry Glover case verdicts~Laura Maggi
~Editilla Hatellas!~HA! It's getting now to where criminals can't even blame Katrina for murder --let alone the maleficent flooding of the City of New Orleans and the Mass Negligent Homicide therein!
Corps studies Missouri River sandbar project
Why does David Vitter always look like he's squeezing a package of Charmin?
“Merry Christmas” Grady – FBI agent Hal Neilson files suit against authors of “The Kings of Tort” ~slabbed
And now, a word from our sponsors… Flow Rate Version
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Jesse Ventura Raises the Question:
Did BP, Transocea, Halliburton know the Deepwater Horizon Would Blow?
~Mac McKinney
Bobby Jindal opines for Sarah Palin
1 comment:
Hey Editilla,
You might want to post this latest article I wrote, about the Jesse Ventura Episode on the Gulf Oil Disaster:
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