~Grand Isle and low-lying coastal communities in Terrebonne and Lafourche could flood for as long as half of every year by 2100 as land continues to sink and sea levels rise, a new study shows.

~The federal government has committed $400,000 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers needs to finish a nine-year study of False River to determine how best to improve the oxbow lake’s declining water quality, officials reported.
God Damn the Corps of Engineers
~The Frog Pond
Ken Feinberg doing his best to make BP look better~Disenfranchised Citizen
Fisherman “very depressed and suicidal” but changed mind in order to fight — “It’s time for everybody else to fight”~Florida Oil Spill Law
Offshore drilling regulation overhaul appears out of reach~Bruce Alpert
Capital One Southcoast 2010 Energy Conference Dec 7-9
Council raises taxes, trash fee; further trash hike on the way~Karen Gadbois and Ariella Cohen, The Lens
New Orleans City Council boosts property tax by 6.74 mills, hikes monthly trash fee to $20 per household
~Michelle Krupa
Byron Lee’s Maxima Group Behavioral Services, Inc. needs an attitude adjustment: A Dollar Bill Jefferson Crime Family Con Profit update ~slabbed
Sustainable Site Design for New Orleans ~Hooray!!!~Watershed NOLA
Sitting On My Porch Part Fifty Nine
~Cliff's Crib
New Orleans’ Youth To Be Ambassadors To South Africa ~NOLAFemmes
Clean up on Aisle 111~Sky Dancing
Hillary Clinton gets a haircut in Cloutierville to prepare to see the world leaders~Poke Salad Granny
Louisiana's problems just not big enough for Gov. Bobby Jindal
~John Maginnis
LSU considering big tuition hike
Raspberry Merlot Sorbet
~Scoop Adventures
Challenge Submissions and a Few Linkatudes~Blackened Out
Press Street releases post-Katrina "field guide"~Alex Woodward, Gambit
A Chat With Welcome to the Rileys Director Jake Scott~Amrita Khalid
PhotoNOLA Festival of Photography
Tremé Creole Gumbo Festival 2010 ~NewOrleans.com
Upcoming: Red Hot & New Orleans @ BAM feat. Trombone Shorty
~NolaFunk NYC
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