~Mississippi River Crests At Nearly 48 Feet In Memphis, TN
The Pig in a Python
~Hat Tweet @Liprap High Water: my Flickr set of Mississippi River pics, taken yesterday. http://flic.kr/s/aHsjuJuvEj
Flow to trigger Morganza use
Voluntary evacuation order issued
~St. Landry Parish President Don Menard issued a voluntary evacuation of residents east of Port Barre and a mandatory evacuation of all livestock on the levee and surrounding areas Monday. Both Menard and Gov. Bobby Jindal encouraged emergency officials and community members gathered at an emergency preparedness meeting in Krotz Springs on Monday to prepare for the worst."Whether they open the (Morganza) Spillway or not, water's coming over the spillway," Jindal said. "That's just the way it's built, the way it's designed."
Floods along the MS River lead to renewed calls for a change in strategy
Tulane erases scandal-plagued frat house; cop station to rise on cleared Broadway lot ~The Lens
Bigmouth Strikes Again~moosedenied
Am I the only person that is happy Vaggie Bush is time limited with the Saints? ~Slabbed
For Argument’s Sake ~Nola Notes
Cochon chef Stephen Stryjewski wins James Beard Award as Best Chef: South
A Statement of Position(s)
~Blackened Out
Tuba Fats Tuesday festival in Treme
~Red Cotton, Gambit
I am praying this water doesn't hurt you in New Orleans.....are you out of Memphis now or just going back and forth? It sounds dire in Memphis with the flooding.
And here we are in NM, so drought stricken, so dry.
Thanks Mizza Wizza.
I am in New Orleans currently, working on the House of Piety, but still live in Memphis and commute now at least once/month (until the place is finished and I can move in.
The situation is dire in Memphis/Shelby County.
That said, I live in a very high elevation in Memphis, as the city rises steadily away from the River.
What is flooding Memphis are the tributaries North (Wolf) and South (Noncona Creek) and some of the larger drain systems from the city.
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