~Hat Tweet @LeveesOrg~Good news for Maria Garzino. Those blowing the whistle on Army Corps of Engineers can and do prevail See WaPo story. bit.ly/pDbbgw
Government lawyers were also paid by construction firm Benetech
~Bennett's construction-management firm, Benetech, has raked in millions of dollars in public contracts across the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina doing everything from rebuilding pumping stations for the Army Corps of Engineers to overseeing a jail reconstruction project for Plaquemines Parish Sheriff Jiff Hingle.
Disaster funds diverted by state: money seized for back child support
Draft of revised New Orleans zoning law is online
Edwinmania ~Adrastos, First Draft
~Hat Tweet @The_Gambit~Edwin Edwards to guest-bartend at Molly's at the Market Aug. 23. Fo' true. http://bit.ly/osB3G2 #famemonster
Marijuana farm's cover goes up in smoke when JP Fire Dept. arrives
Getting Ready for Tomorrow’s Public Community Task Force Meeting
First-place catches shine on final day of rodeo~Daily Comet
Kitchen Renovation: The Reveal
~He Said/She Said NOLA
NOLA Brewing Coozie Contest
~The Beer Buddha
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