~Although police in body armor and helmets were on a side street, out of sight of the encampment, the officers moving through the park before sunup Tuesday were in regular uniforms with holstered sidearms. One had a bullhorn and was ordering the park's occupants to clear out. Once the occupants were out, trash trucks moved in to start clearing debris. Protester Verrick Bills of New Orleans said there was no violence or undue force used by police in the eviction. "They have been very polite, very nice," Bills said.
Strap on your boots tight and you might be alright ~moosedenied
~It's times like these when I wish this here little pissant blog had more than about a half-dozen readers. Because we'd have three whole weeks to get ourselves organized and get a "Raise the flag! Raise the flag! Raise the flag!" chant going during Dec 26th's game against Atlanta in the… wait for it, wait for it… Mercedes-Benz Superdome.
Now New Orleans Saints just need to take their winning streak on the road
Sen. David Vitter asks for 'comprehensive' audit of Corps of Engineers~Bruce Alpert
Between the Lines in Corps' Trinity River Enviromental Assessment: Don't Blame Us ~Jim Schutze ~Hat Tip~ Levees.org
This weeks Politics With A Punch!
Mikko, Actor, Comedian and Playwright
Chris Rose, Author, Columnist, Commentator, Fox-8 TV
Sid From Gentilly, Legendary Talk Show Caller
John Slade, Radio Talk Show Host, WBOK 1230 AM
Vince Vance, New Orleans Original & Musical Genius
Robyn Walensky, Anchor/Reporter for Glenn Beck Radio Show
New Orleans History: Our Lady of Prompt Succor ~George Gurtner
Garden District Book Shop hosts an appearance by author David Sedaris
LiaMolly designer to open small knitting factory in New Orleans
Calling all captains: submit your Carnival Ball information
Heaux heaux heaux: It's the Running of the Santas ~Kevin Allman
Speaking Our Language: Patois
~He Said/She Said NOLA
Revving up the Reveillon~Ian McNulty
~Hat Tweet @CafeGiovanni Duke LoCicero~See Chef Duke's easy homemade
Scenes from the East and WestBank parades
~Big Red Cotton, Gambit
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