Would-be bidder miffed as NORA snatches 7th Ward property from the auction block
~Karen Gadbos, The Lens
Law Firms to Take on 100 Cases Pro Bono to Relieve Pressure on Orleans Public Defenders Office ~Hat Tweet
New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton's house in Dallas is up for sale
~Hat Tip~Library Chronicles
~This one goes out to Our New Orleans Saints and all my hurtin whodat pals. We don't bow.
Citizens Insurance plaintiffs clear another legal hurdle ~Alan Sayer
Chris Rose: Officer Down, NOPD
GCCF shutting down; federal just names administrator for court-supervised claims payments ~Hat Tweet Anita Lee
Didn’t you hear BP has settled? That’s right, you can go away now ~Disenfranchised Citizen
Preserving a wetland forest in the Maurepas Swamp: An editorial
Velvet Curtains & Muddy Drawers ~Oxford American
~Every month, we’ll be featuring an unforgettable moment in Southern fashion as part of our new series “Velvet Curtains & Muddy Drawers.” We want your ridiculous, glamourous, infectious, and even gaudy favorites from literature, film, music, history—and even your everyday life. Send your ideas, photos, and fashion dreams to editorial4@oxfordamerican.org (please include in subject line: velvet curtains). Here’s our very first installment, submitted by Kerry Fitts, the woman behind New Orleans–based design house Bayou Salvage.
“You publish too much!” An interview with Bill Zavatsky~Michael Zell, Press Street
New Orleans Film Society launches "Movies to Geaux" Kickstarter campaign ~Gambit
~Green Project

Bagel Me~Blackened Out
Limmudfest, a Jazz Fest of Jewish culture, opens this weekend in New Orleans
~Saturday night's program features performer Sam Glaser and the Panorama Jazz Bank in a concert amalgamating jazz and Klezmer music, with Marcus J. Freed's play, "Solomon -- King, Lover and Poet, a Tale of One Man and 700 Wives."
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