Thursday, March 28, 2013

Katrina's winds too weak to destroy Biloxi houses, State Farm claims manager says  ~Anita Lee,

Read more here:

Corps of Engineers Excels at Wasting Money ~Ryan Alexander
~Editilla Co'tellas~Setting aside the Exquisite Corps' current extortion of New Orleans with their never-finished Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System in Name Only  (HSDRRSNO), take for example: The M/V Mississippi is (according to Corps PR) a "working" towboat for the USACE Memphis District. Ninety percent of the time it is moving barges, equipment and supplies in support of mat sinking operations. (Not only is this a bald-faced lie, but look at that titanic mother-of-all-fuckers in the pic above! I did a simple Google search, do youses see this bad boy anywhere? Also, even the Exquisite Corps doesn't lay concrete shore mats with 3 Caterpillar 3408 diesels. The Corps is whistling bullshit.)
It also serves as an inspection boat for the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) during a high- and low-water inspection trip each year. (Except for the fact it can't navigate on the MS River above Memphis during low-flow conditions --too fucking big) Commissioners hold meetings (fluff sessions) at river towns in the boat's hearing room, which can seat 115 people. Its dining room (with executive chef) has a capacity of 85 people. The boat has 22 staterooms and can handle 150 passengers (of all, ahem, occupations).
The Corps also uses it as a "giant floating ambassador".(BWAHAHAHAHA)
During the Hurricane Katrina crisis, the Mississippi was moved to Vicksburg, Mississippi and used as a floating command center. (That would be when the Corps cut and ran from their criminally negligent engineering that flooded their own New Orleans District 8-29-05)

Big Oil lobby backs tax plan, La. business leaning against ~Jeremy Alford

Lee Zurik Investigation: Police chief says Body of Evidence makes him sick ~WVUE

Out of the Way Eats in the F.Q ~Where Y'at

2013 French Quarter Festival Schedule!

Good Fryday at the Musician's Village ~NOLA DEFENDER

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