Thank you New Orleans Daily Photo
Gustav holdouts' tales give evacuees pause
Next time, we won't leave
~Editilla Rotellas~This article seems to've swung a buzz from the blog'O'reamery that nola.com "buried" it or whateva...I found it quickly after it moved on down the line amidst quite a torrent of articles.
Jus'sayin, they were swinging hard and fast at nola.com --and Editilla had a hard time keeping up with the tight late-breaking coverages and photos going down during the whole scene. My hat is off to the TP and all their Ace Gumshoes. Hats off to Gambit too!
This esmacuation ended up as a hellish dry run for everyone, and I thought the Nola Blog'O'fugees hung well and together on da'road homeless. Next time? Well, we will all just deal with it even better, no matter where we choose to make our stands, Sinn Féin.
A Near Miss!~Clancey DuBos
New Orleans Levees, Secure After Gustav, May Fail Bigger Test~Jerry Hart, Bloomberg
This is how Editilla likes his morning coffee... slabbed!
Entergy: N.O. power back in days~Full recovery of Entergy grid weeks away
Gulf Coast refineries to receive oil today
UPDATE: Oil Products Under Strain; Refiners Deal With Gustav
My Investing Journey:
Hurricane Katrina~"I reckon the crux lies in whether one is actively hoping that a disaster will happen which he perceives will benefit his stock as a consequence. For SPC I had never bought in with such hopes so I never suffered any guilt pangs when Katrina struck and had a positive uplifting effect on prices of refining stocks across the board."
Cat Bonds Buck Credit Crunch Says S&P Report
Claims Filing Advice for Property Owners Affected by Hurricane Gustav
The Trash King Of New Orleans
Gustav Pet Evacuations Show Katrina Lessons Learned
Wireless Carriers Prepared For Hurricane Gustav
The Mother of All Markets - CCFM Open this Saturday

Pineywoods grillades and grits
- 3 pounds round steak
- flour (for dusting steak)
- bacon drippings or oil
- (for sautéing steak)
- 1/4 cup bacon drippings or oil
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 stalks celery, chopped
- 1 bell pepper, chopped
- 1 1-pound can crushed tomatoes
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 clove garlic minced
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- salt and pepper
- cayenne pepper
- hot cooked grits
Dust steaks with flour and sauté in bacon drippings until browned on both sides. Remove steaks from pan and keep warm; deglaze the pan with water, then pour pan juices into a bowl and reserve. Combine bacon drippings and flour in skillet and cook, stirring constantly to make a dark roux. Add onion, then celery and bell pepper; sauté until vegetables are translucent. Add reserved pan juices, tomatoes, bay leaf, garlic, thyme, salt, pepper, and cayenne; mix well. Simmer for at least 10 minutes. Add steaks and simmer over low heat until steaks are fork tender. Serve with grits.
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