Army Corps Studies River
~One Stop Thought Shop
Levee task force's study critiqued
~Mark Schleifstein
New Orleans Exhales, Then Gasps Again ~Harry Shearer
Thicker Than Water?~Newsweek
~Not everyone is confident that the corps will pull it off. After all, these are the folks who brought New Orleans such catastrophic creations as MRGO in the first place. Critics like H. J. Bosworth, a civil engineer with the watchdog group, blame previous levee failures on the corps's shoddy construction, including the use of unstable soils. And Robert Bea, an engineering professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who led an independent investigation of the levee failures after Katrina, questions the wisdom of corps projects like the surge barrier planned for the Intracoastal Waterway. Dutch and Japanese engineers, who are at the cutting edge of flood protection, "wonder what we are thinking or if we are really thinking," Bea wrote in an e-mail to NEWSWEEK. "We are clearly out of step—behind—parts of the world that have struggled with keeping water friendly for more than 2,000 years."
Repairs on levees to be fast- tracked ~Sheila Grissett
Flood-protection work reviewed in light of Gustav ~Bruce Alpert
Just levees not enough to protect~Lolis Eric Elie
Southeast states brace for Tropical Storm Hanna
~Florida Keys ordered to evacuate for Ike,
likely track shifts south into Gulf

Abi Weaver of the American Red Cross enjoys a moment with her new friends at Union Passenger Station in New Orleans.
Don’t forget Houma, Terrebonne, and Lafourche …please ~Kevin Allman
[dxld] Rescue radio
~HAM Response to Hurricane Gustav
Katrina Redux
~Stephen Lendman
Evacuation~David Rutledge
BR Gustav Photos
What Gustav did in the Touro Neighborhood ~A Minha Vida

Will the next President tell the truth about our levees?
~Lauren Bloom
Oil futures end below $107 to post 8% weekly loss
Who is Sarah Palin, Part 2,
by Ann Kilkenny
New Orleans drummer continues to hone craft, guide aspiring musicians~HUB
Hummingbird, Go!

Theresa Anderson's Gotta New Album!
~Two performances celebrating the release of her new CD "Hummingbird, Go!"
Tonight at 11 at Republic New Orleans,
828 S. Peters St., 504.528.8282, $5
Saturday free show at 4 p.m.
at the Louisiana Music Factory, 210 Decatur St., 504.586.1094
Louisiana musicians voice political message during Hurricane Gustav
~“Everybody in this band is a bandleader in his own right,” Neville said. “The cause is the whole thing. Louisiana is in trouble. There’s a lot of smokescreens out and a lot of stuff being swept under the rug. Music is a powerful force, so we’re trying to wrap some of those messages in those songs.” ~Cyril Neville is a member of Voice of the Wetlands Allstars, and one of 38 Louisiana musicians who went to the conventions.
Hey, what are yous sayin here? Everybody know the Corps 'Tree of Life' training is a good thing for the business. Nobody can get a bid on the wire without this 'River Immersion' certificate on the wall. It's the same for all the staff and the levee engineer too.
Parrraiyazzz Elvis!
Gotta'find me a HotDog!
But really you know bid is dib spelled is: "cut of his jib"<>bij sih fo tuc... quiche capiche?
For them it is not the tree but the root. The Big Root Shoot.
Can't do it...I bow to'da Masta!
But you're da match! Couldn't light a candle widdout ya, Editilla, so thanks are mine too.
So, formally now, serious now, purple cape moment, kneeling under the command of the candy-chrome sword, I humbly submit to the Order of Linkeroonitarians and revert all adherences heretoporkwith.,
Yo, if Annonymocity was easy, we'd bottle idiot wind for our commute and go googols into debt for the remainder.
Only Bloggers Know.
Oh, I might as well say it even if it tilts the comments thread, being lifted to the Fine Order of Linkatoonarians has e-nobled me no end I tell ya. On top of that I'm listening.
Listening to da'Listener.
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