~Noah Bonaparte Pais
The differences between Galveston, New Orleans

of The Galveston County Daily News.
~Editilla just can't bring my heart to go after this shrill bastard today. Maybe that speaks to healing spirits, but it says nothing about the pain. Wish I had a Bat Signal.
After 3 years, suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, we must bear still the Sour Grapes of yet another Wrathful Dickless Texan's unspeakable lack of testicular fortitude.
We must suppose Big Doph is referring to the photo at right: U.S. Air Force Pararescueman Staff Sgt. Lopaka Mounts, assigned to the 331st Air Expeditionary Group, receives a hug from a resident during search and rescue operations after Hurricane Ike in Galveston, Texas September 13, 2008. (REUTERS/U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. James L. Harper Jr./Handout)
~Please click pics to enlarge.~

Yes, quite different from the stupid worthless citizens to which Big Doph alludes in the photo at left in New Orleans on Sept 16th 2005: California Task Force 3 Urban Search and Rescue team members Jake Pelk and Geoff Dinger map out a recon mission in the flooded University area of New Orleans. Bob McMillan/ FEMA Photo. Um, errah, what citizens?
Rather, let's see what some of his readers think of this privilaged, butthead VIP (Very gImpish rePublican).
Ike environmental toll apparent
~Hurricane Ike's winds and massive waves destroyed oil platforms, tossed storage tanks and punctured pipelines. The environmental damage only now is becoming apparent: At least a half million gallons of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico and the marshes, bayous and bays of Louisiana and Texas, according to an analysis of federal data by AP.
The map told us we live
in School Board District 4
~Liptrap's Lament - The Line
Don't try to figure New Orleans elections ~Library Chronicles
~"Here you have an election where the same relatively small number of voters overwhelmingly pass a charter amendment to shore up the Inspector General's office AND vote a currently indicted Congressman into first place in a primary."
Morally Indefensible
~Clancy DuBos
Convincing but not coherent - State Farm files Rebuttal to Rigsbys Response ~slabbed
~"Typical State Farm lawyering files motions with points they want to call to the attention of the Court and the public - a strategy similar to Palin’s, described somewhere as producing a convincing but not coherent performance. (wink not included)"
Whoa! That is one fine Piece of Handmaiden's Tail!
~Progressive Conservative End'Times Christian Secessionists Maverick Republican PV Candidate,
Sarah "The Cur" Palin earns a "special place in hell".
~Garnished with some apropos endorsement. (;wink;)
But yes! The women are harder.
CNN discovers downside of 'citizen journalism'
City Fixers are the women,
men and children bringing
New Orleans back to life
~Kathy Andrson
N.O.’s fountain of youth
~NO Bull
Transportation’s Slow Ride to Recovery in NOLA
Company dives into lending pool ~Kate Moran
~Pool Corp., a Covington distributor of swimming pool supplies, has started an in-house brokerage to connect potential pool buyers with loans at a time when many banks are wary of extending credit for such projects.
~Editilla witnesses da'birth of an Eponym!
Like atlas, bowdlerize, Turing machine, Metaphysics Anonymous, Vice Precedent (oops maybe not) ...Naginity? D'OH! I t'ought it meant Epunym.
ExxonMobil Pledges $1.6M to New Orleans High Schools
Blue Roof workers lack roof of their own~The agency’s Blue Roof project is run by the Army Corps of Engineers, which contracts the work to a roofing company that then subcontracts the work to myriad other firms. Subcontractors continue the contracting process until they amass enough roofers to do the job.
Blame corps for slow levee work
~"Is the failure due to incompetence or to the endless delay in its projects that keeps this agency in business in spite of its record?"
Flood plain update stirs fears

~Free Pedestrian Ferry Ride! Canal Street Ferry Dock to the Gretna Ferry Landing
"On the Hour", 2pm-11pm
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