Crescent City Snow
~Levee Boards and MR-GO settle with defendants’ insurer,
~State Farm’s 67% rate increase request raises important issues
Berkeley engineer sees big flaws in repaired New Orleans levees
~John Schwartz
~Editilla Notellas~This article is a year and a half old.
We want to give Gentle'rillas some background perspective on some of the expert testimony that will be brought to bear in the upcoming Lawsuit against the Corps of Engineers over their failures with the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) which resulted in the Flooding of the city of New Orleans in 2005.
This multi-100s Million Dollar Lawsuit will go to court on
April 20th, with much pre-trial back and forth.
December 22nd the Corps will go before the judge to present its own "expert reports". Oh to be da'fly on'dat shithouse wall!
Just because you see them advertised all over the Times Picayune's website, there are many who loudly beg to differ that the Corps is "Reducing Risk by Building Strong".
The settlement cited in the above lede by slabbed is between the various Levee Boards and their Insurer.
Hurricanes hamper oyster farming~Allen Johnson Jr.
Farm workers who escaped involuntary servitude return to take employer to court
~Mexican guestworkers who were subjected to involuntary servitude in the strawberry fields of Louisiana from 2006 to 2008 today brought major civil litigation against their former employer, Bimbo’s Best Produce and Charles “Bimbo” Relan.
Mississippi Groups Sue HUD, Objecting to Use of Katrina Aid for Port~Spencer S. Hsu
Pitt's First "Make It Right" Homes Complete
~Architectural Record

Recovery Obstacles Continue to Challenge Communities~PAR
Shaw Awarded COE Military Munitions Services Contract
NOPA All Over da'Place!
~One Night, 100 Photographers!!
~New Orleans Photo Alliance Street Fair
~Mardi Gras 360 Degrees and more.
Happy Birthday Liptrap!
Nick Spitzer signing new book tonight~New Orleans Can Thrive
Carnival Sounds~freesound project
Eco-friendly Music Festival in New Orleans Seeks Name

For Big Chief Bo Dollis
Trumpeter Christian Scott fights for the future of jazz
~Chris Barton
Tulane offers Jazz Studies and New Orleans Music
NolaFunk NYC
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