At least someone else still begs to differ...
Times Picayune Backs Up (To) Corps of Engineers on Levee!
"The failure of the Industrial Canal floodwall, which was overtopped by Katrina's surge,~Silly Editilla falls to the floor in sarcastic pyroximations~
resulted in its collapse and the inundation of the Lower 9th Ward."
I had thought other Engineers, even the Corps, had told us that the floodwalls had failed and the levees were breached because of corrupted engineering, which resulted in the flooding of New Orleans on August 29th, 2005! It was Katrina all along!
Oh dear! It was a Natural Disaster --Not a Man-made Disaster!
Editilla pleads Nola contendere with apologies for having bothered y'all with all this... harangue'n of hands!

No matter what anyone else says about them, the Corps of Engineers is is is...
--"What you mean 'is', Kimosabe?"--
Reducing Risk in Louisiana by Building Strong!

Snapshot, Mark Schleirstein's advertorial today. Click to enlarge.

Does anyone else see these goddamn ads all over this narrative?
Do I look like I have a Rhino horn stickin'outta my ass?
And BTW, Happy Birthday John Milton.

What's Missing From Obama's Infrastructure Plan
~Harry Shearer
New Orleans 'should Move To Higher Ground' ~iCivilEngineer
Publicity Is Not About Press Releases
This week’s Gambit:
The O.J. Marinello edition
Does this offend you NOW?
Restaurant Tax Write-off
Equipment donation for culinary program~Colton Kitchen Project
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