~Mark Schleifstein
~The American Society of Civil Engineers has adopted new rules governing how it will participate in future investigations of natural and man-made disasters, including how it will deal with the touchy issues of who pays for the investigations and when investigators can discuss their findings in public.
But the rules, contained in a new manual, already are being attacked by Levees.org, the New Orleans activist group whose criticisms of the society's actions in investigating levee failures during Hurricane Katrina helped spur the society to appoint an independent task force to review its investigation process.
~Editilla Gotta Ax~ Can we getta ASCE'WIPE?
1st Off, Big Schleif Gets It Goin'On! That's what I'm talkin'bout. Editillero Beat Reportage from a Real Journalist.
2nd Off, Levees.org ain't just another pretty face any more, but 1000s of pretty faces rising up across the country like some kinda Rhizomated Grass Roots Congroovience. It turns out that change comes better when you can invite more congressional districts to the Partay! Yay! And Verily! E Pluribus Mfkn Unum!
So now when this Group puts out the Word, flies the Bat Signal or whateva, it won't be only Saint Mary or Vitty-cent, Sacred Cao or Melonsong Louisiana Representatives who shall hail to da'sky in twembling wanka wonda!
It will be a Coast to Vanishing Coast All Compass Points Bulletin.
Some fine day Congress will suddenly find itself in the Grip of Swamp Mud around its ankles and feel the sting of eucalyptus through the Spanish Moss in its eyes as they face the The Line.
And speaking of The Line...
Stood-UpDate~ In the toss and tussle rink of the hardrock Nola blog'0'reameree', yer'oh'so humble Editilla has received this Dubious Honor but twice, BANNED FROM COMMENTING!
Both times by absolute Wussies Who Can't Handle da'Twoof,
one a frat'rag drive-by attack cartoonist and the other Odin's Teat Sucker -thus far- so we took it as Total Uncle Monte on their parts and notched our bow fo'some'mo. The only thing that makes Editilla go all Beotchwolf is the hunt fo'da Exquisite Corps.
Anyone who stands on That side of their failed levees will meet me sooner or later. Jus'ax Nameless Timmy.
I don't play nice with failed engineering or ASCE'hole politicos.
Now... we'd be the 1st to Admit a certain fetish for hard boiled Lagniappe Noir, we always tend towards the bend, rank da'shank, hit da'bit so to speak as we cut our fangs playing Kick the NeoCon on Harry Shearer's blog (he banned us Twice! ;)
But it appeared that today Your New Orleans Ladder, nonewsladder, Found The Line wit'da Nola.com. What? Yes! We have gotten our savvy ass Banned from the Nola.com comments sections... of all the Dantein Glory Holes.
Get Down, you say! Get Back Up Again, I say! True.
Yes, banned AND had my comments pulled. I am always there, stomping Freak O'lay Corps Defenders (the FOCD), kickin'Astro-turfers and defending the defenders of NOLA.
It is what we do here on the Ladder. Lookout! Sinn Féin
Although they left these comments, having comments pulled en mass has happened before on these Corps Articles, but they rarely issue a Ban on a commentator.
Hence, at least in my case, it appears that there is One salient subject matter in my comments they have pulled and my ultimate censorship from this "forum" for discussion of Corps Actions and the T-P's reportage of them.
Soooo, Guess what common denominator is now in evidence by its absence on that forum? OPP, Optimal Process Partners, the $5,000,000 Corps PR firm hired to massage media article placements and run their little Public Cool Aid Acid Meetings,
among other MisInformation related ops.
Yes, we have an oft-hammered Nail in our Ass over the Conflicts of Interests inherent in OPP/Corps advertising in the Times-Picayune, and yet the T-P seems too often to have ADD regarding several Safety Issues of Corps Ops --like these Pumps that may very well Not Work When We Need Them.
Uh Yeah, they finally reported on those Bad Pumps, but in that asce'buff way they have of only presenting the Corps Spin by a proven faux gumshoe mouthpiece, their go-to girl Grissett.
Of course perchance it was a Grand Coincidence that we had started Priming the Well, in rising worry and frustration at the Lack of Local Coverage of this Dangerous Proposition. Nah?
Let me cut to the chase here: the T-P Banned me en totos from their site for Commenting about OPP on their Corps Articles.
Pretty simple actually, the journalists are always the last to know.
But, what part of NO FEAR do their editors not understand?
NYT Writer Retracts, Corrects "Katrina Shorthand"!
~Through the marvel of the Living Online Article (LOA), here (comment 23) we see that the Timothy Egan of the NYTimes has added a correction, dated 9/06/09 to his review of "Zeitoun", which makes John McQuaid's points that the Flood of New Orleans was a Man Made Disaster. Many of you may be familiar with John McQuaid as co-author of "Path of Destruction" with our own Herollero Mark 'Big Schleif' Schleifstein.
State of the Port of New Orleans: challenged but improving ~Breakbulk
Local levee districts will pay $20 million to settle one Katrina class action lawsuit
~Mark Schleifstein
New Orleans Lawyers file 150 toxic Chinese dry wall lawsuits!
Letters pouring into Times-Picayune protesting destructive LSU/VA proposal
Nagin, undocumented workers: You're welcome in New Orleans
~Katie Moore
Jim Brown on churches, Louisiana politics and school house presidential speeches ~slabbed
Geoquiz fo'da President Deniers
~Liptrap's Lament-The Line
Charter school issues debated as educators gather for NOLA Conference~David Sentell
KC architectural firm plays role in rebirth of New Orleans
~Steve Paul~Any day now, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is expected to sign a contract to rebuild five libraries destroyed four years ago in the Federal Flood. Not Katrina wake
And if all goes according to plan, the libraries will open next spring, a mere 10 months after groundbreaking, thanks to a fast-track process that has had Kansas City architects operating at a breakneck pace for much of this year.
Business owners divided over future of French Quarter
~Richard A. Webster
What's cookin' in Nagin's Meff lab?~Your Right Hand Thief
Leadership for a change?
~We Could Be Famous

~Tee Ray Bergeron, Stand Up Comedian, Funniest Man Alive
~Mitch Gibbs, WGSO Radio Talk Show Host, Attorney
~Tyrone Hughes, Former New Orleans Saints Superstar
~Irvin Mayfield, Trumpeter, Bandleader, Cultural Ambassador
~Trixie Minx, Burlesque Dancer, Fleur de Tease Show
~James Perry, Mayoral Candidate , Housing Activist
~J.D. Sledge, Comedian Extraordinaire, Top N.O.. Talent
New Orleans Burlesque Festival bump and grind this weekend
~Molly Reid
Ivan Neville's Dumpstaphunk, Amanda Shaw headline 3rd annual New Orleans Seafood Festival
Blues, jazz singer Juanita Brooks passes away overnight
Great line up today. I don't say it to you often enough, but thank you for all your work for our beloved city.
And You are so Right'On Doctor!
Every time I stumble over some hell'bent boo'rah ho'shit on the Nets, there you are wit'yo Scalpel.
Thanks youz.
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