~Richard A. Webster
char·i·ty …
1 : benevolent goodwill toward
or love of humanity
~Squandered Heritage
New African disturbance 96L likely to develop ~Wunder Blog
State's Megafund Nearly Dry
HANO scandal persists under feds ~Katy Reckdhal
Delgado Community College is short on money for repairs, and on usable space~John Pope
Happy Slabber Day!

Worker Status Checks to Start ~Cam Simpson
Tourists share thoughts on Coast recovery
Fish Fence is a Shocking Failure: Is it time to zip up the Great Lakes? ~Henry Henderson
~Knock, knock. They are here. And the only thing protecting Lake Michigan from the menace of a voracious invading predator that all agree will decimate the ecosystem is a quirky Rube Goldberg contraption put together by the Army Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, and EPA. It’s an electric fence for fish---a device that electrifies the water in the hopes that it will prevent the big fish from reaching the lakes.
Running electricity into the water sound a little dicey to you?
Van Jones Is Right:
They Are A–holes~Asrat Kebede
Book Review: Skunk Works
Costumer Kim Martinez competes for a creative arts Emmy Award Saturday
~Susan Langenhennig
Cooking for someone on medical marijuana?~Serious Eats
~"I have a friend who is ill, as a result he has a medical marijuana card. I have made the ever popular brownies. Made some clarified butter with some the other day, what to do that would be palatable and comforting, also packed with some serious nutrition. Any ideas?"
Why is a secular artist performing at a Christian Church?~Music Think Tank
Good Vibrations at the Jazz Showcase in Chicago with the Jason Marsalis Vibes Quartet
~Ronaldo Oregano
You Know You Were Rolling If… ~Red Cotton
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