~Sheila Grissett
Levee Boards Flashback~Also~A local advocate wonders why the Corps is in such a hurry to build pump stations
Revolving Corps: ARCADIS U.S. Hires Retired Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers to Lead Federal Program
~ARCADIS (Euronext: ARCAD), the international design, consulting, engineering and management services Company, has hired retired Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers as Federal Program Director. Flowers formerly served as Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
'Water For People' Demonstrates Commitment to Transparency
~and Measurable, Sustainable Results by Hosting the First Accountability Summit at WEFTEC
A Solution for Street Flooding as Simple as a Rain Barrel~GNO
Western Caribbean disturbance 98L a threat to develop; Otto weakening
~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
Once again, sheriff tells city to pay up or lose security~Matt Davis, The Lens
The Times Picayune calls for a Federal investigation into Jefferson Parish payroll fraud. Does the ‘Gretna Mentality’ slab US Attorney Jim Letten? ~slabbed
New Orleans Building Corp. leadership changes~Bruce Eggler
City of N.O. Launches New Website:
The Highs & Lows~neworleans tech
I hope some day~American Zombie
Camp Street block offers a little slice of New Orleans life~Stephanie Burno

Bridge City Gumbo Festival, Japan Fest all today in New Orleans
National audience flocks to Houma,
Voice of the Wetlands festival
Festival Acadiens rolls in Girard Park
Second line on Sunday through Irish Channel, up Magazine, Central City and Garden District~Uptown Messenger
NOJO Gets its Mojo On~Hullabaloo
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