~While I still firmly believe Cedric Richmond used non-profit funds to buy jewelry, I regret that I made that single issue the forefront of the story as it seems to have overshadowed the other documented issues I've pointed out with Richmond and NOCE.
But this isn't over....not by a long shot. The time line on this election is redundant to me and I've uncovered a mountain of nastiness while researching this story. Hang with me, we're just getting started.
~Also~Speed the Reaper
The Times Picayune unzips and pisses all over the Zombie. A Cedric Richmond charity looting update ~slabbed
Solving the Sandra Hester problem ~Library Chronicles
It’s none of your business:
Most charters don’t comply with open-meetings law
~Jessica Williams, The Lens
I’ll be taking these Huggies and whatever cash ya got ~moosedenied
~Okay, so forget what I said last week. And in week 3. And in week 2.
THIS is the week the Saints offense finally gets rolling. No, seriously.
Week 5: A Message To The Fans
~Cliff's Crib
Mock ‘jazz funeral’ at LSU laments effect of budget cuts~Jordan Blum
Toxic Persons: New research shows precisely how the prison-to-poverty cycle does its damage
~Sasha Abramsky, Slate
~Hat Tweet~superdeformed
True Earth: The Real, Bluer Marble
~Brandon Keim, Wired

Chalmette Refining worker dies on the job; chemical leak contained
Stitch Hiking: PDX2 Gulf Coast
WHAT? Oh... jeez! Oil spill shuts down West Bank Expressway
So Much for Apologies…
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Lead Lawyers Named in Combined BP Oil-Spill Cases~Bloomberg
Frontline and ProPublica Detail BP’s Corporate Culture in ‘The Spill’
~Marian Wang
~Horatio Algeranon said... The federal commission set up to investigate the oil spill just issued a draft report that includes the following:
"The Commission staff has also been advised that, in late April or eartly May 2010, NOAA wanted to make public some of its long-term, worst-case discharge models for the Deepwater Horizon spill and requested approval to do so from the White House's Office of Management and Budget. Staff was told that the Office of Management and Budget denied NOAA's request."
The Climate Ready Estuaries Coastal Toolkit ~EPA ~Hat Tweet~WhoDat35
Susan Felio-Price Explains EPA's and FDA's Position on Klondike Bars and Corexit 9500 (video)~Hat Tweet~bayougirlblog
Crisp days have you craving raw oysters? Call ahead before heading to your favorite spot~Brett Anderson
Post-Apocalypse A Staged Reading Series Held At Stage Left Studio 10/28-30
Femme Fatale Friday: Bayou Salvage ~NOLAFemmes

~Gentilly Fest celebrates all things "Gentilly," including continuous live music on the main stage and gospel tent. Local restaurants and caterers sell sumptuous food and an Arts and Crafts area feature original works from a variety of craft merchants. The objective of the Gentilly Fest is to produce a festival every October that will donate proceeds to various groups and organizations that will help make Gentilly a better place to live.
Voice of the Wetlands this weekend!

“The whole idea behind this was to always use the culture as a way to speak with the people about what's going on down here,” said festival founder and Houma blues musician Tab Benoit.
2010 New Orleans Film Festival: One movie lover's day-by-day highlights
~Mike Scott
~Also~Hollywood South looks to be on a roll...of hit films~WWL
~humidbeings Weekend Forecast of Events // Friday http://bit.ly/9m7tYu Saturday http://bit.ly/dCTCXU Sunday http://bit.ly/bcSZKs #nola
Louisiana Festivals for November 2010
~Defend New Orleans
Susan Cowsill, youngest of the Cowsills who lost brother and home to Hurricane Katrina, brings her survivor's spirit to Hoboken
The federal commission set up to investigate the oil spill just issued a draft report that includes the following:
"The Commission staff has also been advised that, in late April or eartly May 2010, NOAA wanted to make public some of its long-term, worst-case discharge models for the Deepwater Horizon spill and requested approval to do so from the White House's Office of Management and Budget. Staff was told that the Office of Management and Budget denied NOAA's request."
Sounds like political influence on science, right?
Well, NOAA Chief Jane Lubchenco has just said that the Commission has "mischaracterized" what actually happened:
NOAA’s modeling of long-term movement of oil using worst-case scenario analyses was completely independent of the efforts to estimate flow-rate. They are different. ‘Worst-case scenario’ modeling was designed to evaluate where oil may go over time and is not the same as ‘worst-case discharge.’
(see NOAA Head: Oil Spill Commission Report Is ‘Misleading’
So, let's see if Horatio has this straight in his little mousy brain:
Lubchenco is not denying that political influence was brought to bear on NOAA, just that in the particular case referred to by the Commission, it was on "Worst-case scenario’ modeling" rather than "worst case discharge"?
There was not political influence on X but on B??
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar.
As an aside: Horatio would think that "Worst-case scenario’ modeling" might at least depend just a wee bit on the amount of oil discharged (ie, "worst case discharge"), but then Horatio's mouse brain is not wired for this stuff...
Undoubtedly why we pay brainiacs like Barak Obama, Jane Lubchenco and EPA Chief Lisa Jackson the big bucks to make all the life and death decisions (about which reports to hold up, which dispersants to use and in what quantity, which brand of golf balls to use in the junk shot, etc) and Horatio is relegated to writing mostly goofy but sometimes semi-serious poetry (for free)
Thanks, Ho. I posted Link w'opener to this comment...
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