~Also~ BP grant to help keep Baton Rouge Superfest
Poor Feinberg: BP speaks, Jim Hood sues, and toxic bathtub rings, uh…ring
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Terrebonne Levee District to begin work on wetlands project
Public meetings scheduled to discuss draft report on the LCA Barataria Basin Barrier
Jefferson Parish denies conspiracy with River Birch
Justice panel squawks about ‘rubber stamp’ role on agency funding; Carter vows reform~Matt Davis, The Lens
~Hat Tweet @gadboislensnola Karen Gadbois~Today at the #CBDHDLC opponents vs proponents square off bit.ly/qPDLWn bit.ly/ng2M5O meeting starts at 10
~Hat Tweet @lunanola uǝןɐʞ~The proposal for 1031 Canal St. @ 211' will put "looming industrial ugly" at a corner of the French Quarter! http://twitpic.com/5pkadj
Your City. Your Money. Who Decides? Budget Breakdown Today
Sustainability Series - Innovative Thoughts on Affordable Sustainable Design & Communities
~AIA New Orleans~Hat Tweet @nolafoodcoop
Federal government takes state to court over voter registration dispute
Hump Day Mug Shot Blues ~Slabbed
~Editilla Hommeyellas out to SOP and NODOUCIT!
Louisiana’s Bicentennial should be a call for help, not just boosterism ~LaCoastPost
Solar industry, ‘green’ jobs growing in region~Skip Descant~Also~Louisiana ranks 30th in clean economy jobs in the nation
Joffrion Mitts, Represents New Orleans at the HTE Chi Machine Conference
Summer Interview Series (Part Two): Michael D. Smith ~CenLamar
~Editilla Hotellas~Michael D. Smith is one of the founding members and the former President of the New Orleans Food Cooperative, which is preparing to open a community- owned grocery store in an underserved area --mere blocks from Editilla's new old home in the Bywater! I have corresponded with Mr. Smith who, as Lamar's interview illuminates, is one of the brightest people you could meet and a real asset to our growing sense of community since The Flood.
A Louisiana summer~Wendy Rodrigue

GQ to New Orleans: You are bad at dressing well~Gambit
~Editilla Q'tellas~ Yeah, but we've got the Best Dressed Poboys!
Beer Drinking Style~The Beer Buddha
Hyper-Linked: Herbsaint
~He Said/She Said NOLA
Winesday Special: Cooking With Wine
~Blackened Out
New Yorkers second-line to celebrate the life of d.b.a owner Ray Deter
Hugh Laurie will headline a PBS 'Celebration of New Orleans Blues'
Jazz trumpeter Lionel Ferbos to celebrate 100th birthday this weekend
~Keith Spera ~Hat Tweet @nolamaven
10th Ward Buck's Definition of Bounce ~NOLA DEFENDER
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