~Hat Tweet @Pierre_Thomas~Hey fans, just to let everyone know...I'm doing great...it was a nasty hit but this is the sport we play, can't... fb.me/1t1rr2XaM
Saints 32 @ 49ers 36: Who Dat Say!?!
~Canal Street Chronicles

1) Unbridled Love & Pride: for Our New Orleans Saints and our City of Whodats enough said. HIGH FIVE!
2) I've always found it difficult to criticize even Shockey, or anyone else remotely connected to Our New Orleans Saints at any time in their lives, let alone presume to 2nd guess our Coach Sean Payton WHODAT!, Drew Brees BREESUS! or even His Assholeness Greg Williams. Which brings us to...
3) I don't want to talk about Greg Williams, or his Rams-punking, no-catching, no-ball-stripping, no-interceptin, snuggy-wearin fat ass.
4) Aaand finally, I remember feeling this way on my knees in the water during the flood outside of WWOZ, buckled crying, in utter shock at the screaming silence the day the music died.
I'm crying now, in a way simular yet honed, as then I truly thought it was all over.
I never thought I'd ever see New Orleans do the things she has done in the 7 yrs hence.
To imagine anything less from Our New Orleans Saints would be sheer blasphemy.
~Happy 40th Birthday, American Pie!
Sop gets a cyber first: Behavioral finance- economics intersects with Slabbed. An Aaron Broussard/Trout Point Lodge Update
Coastal Restoration Heads Up - UPDATED
In BP case, legal ties are topsy turvy
~James Gill
BP donates $4 million to Fletcher
~Matthew Albright~BP has donated $4 million to Fletcher Technical Community College for a new wing dedicated to training students for oilfield jobs. The new Integrated Production Technologies center will be built alongside the school’s $19.1 million campus expansion on La. 311, which is under construction. It will include state-of-the art classrooms for college and high school students seeking oilfield jobs.
~Editilla gotta toll'ya~ I sure hope those limey pirates don't get a cut of the curriculum, know what I mean? I meeeeannn... fickn BP doesn't have what you'd call a stellar record on oilfield management. In fact, BP has a casualty record of at least 27 killed needlessly, 180 injured, billions of dollars of serious environmental damage in at least 3 US States and worldwide. I mean, do we really want to let BP teach our babies to grow up to be cowboys?
Land battle looms in Livingston
~Faimon A. Roberts III
Arc soup business provides job training for people with intellectual disabilities
~Hat Tweet @skooks~Found it! I did 2 of these. This is the recipe I would follow for the venison though. tinyurl.com/7czseab
Undefeated Divas and Gents second line parade today! ~Big Red Cotton, Gambit
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