As any Gentle'rilla can tell you, this issue of Tax-Paid ASCECORPS Marketing Machinery is a particular bur in Editilla's ass.
And in the interest of full disclosure... According to Legal Counsel: due to the Fact that We Paid For This Expensive Advertising, We Have Every Citizen's Constitutional Right To Publish This Corps' Trademarked Logo on This Ladder As Evidence in Our Ongoing Coverage of Wasted Tax Dollars by the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers in the Federal Flooding of New Orleans.Hence, wheneva we see our increasingly scarce tax dollars going for this Bull Shit Public Relations, (BSPR) this Ladder will hang it up for all to see.
The link in the lede is but a minnow, the smallest fish in this tale of Water Marketing.
While this issue may not seem as immediately scary as watching citizens Paying the Mayor to Tear Down All of Our Remaining Affordable Housing Stock,
the future Flooding of New Orleans by the Corps of Engineers Malfeasance remains a salient concern amongst the Editillarati for whom The Shock Doctrine means more than simply continuing to stick our tongue in a wall socket just to plug their leaking levees.
These Flash Advertisements (laid out left to right in order of flash appearance) are all over the Times Picayune --but especially in the Editorials Section (such as it is). This Ad was in today's piece about Criminal Court. They come and go on rotation at the Times Picayune's website, Like Flies On A Shit House Wall.
They lead to a Very Expensive Website for the Corps of Engineers. This website tells the tax-payer nothing we need to value our safety but everything ASCEORPS' expensive Marketing Firms want us to know.
Perhaps they just want us to like them?
How much does this Advertising Cost?
Why is the Corps Advertising? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Not only must we hound by chance the Exquixotic Corps all over New Orleans and South Louisiana to monitor their bad engineering and bureaucratic budgetary boot'liganism, but we must also fight against the spin'filtration of their Marketing Firms with Corps' tax-paid adverts all over our own Local News Media?
Ouch, Batman, That Hurts!
Isn't there something Wrong With This Picture
--something that We are growing very Tired of Seeing?
Is this Financial Investment the reason why the Times Picayune editorially plays up to the Corps like a Jail Cell Punk to its Uncle Daddy? Is this why the Paper treats the Corps as if the Corps is heavily invested in the News Business? UHMM D'OH --SILLY TAX PAYER!

The US Army Corps of Engineers IS HEAVILY INVESTED IN PUBLIC RELATIONS AND THE LOCAL NEWS BUSINESS! Hell, they even use it as levee filler! ^Click to enlarge.^
What does this have to do with Safe Flood Control in New Orleans and South Louisiana? Ask any marketing student and they will tell you: Not A Goddamn Thing!
Who Pays For These Ads, how much do they cost and why is the Corps launching yet another Marketing Push? Surely this has nothing to do with ASCECORPS' Imminent MRGO Liability Lawsuit, or the finally unveiled though stillborn house of moldy cards known as The IPET Study? What is the point of having such Ace Reporters like Grissett and Schleifstein doing the hard Gumshoe Investigations, if the Editiorial Board of the Paper is Kissing ASCE? The Times Picayune needs to come off their Ass and Get With The People!
At the very least, in the interest of full disclosure, the TP should Note Beneath the Advert: How Much Tax Money Our Federal Agency is Paying to Advertise to Us.
Why is this Not Illegal while the Corps is Actively the Target of Liability Litigation as linked above?
Where is the difference (that makes no difference) between this paid propaganda and allowing any other Accused Criminal to Advertise their Innocence,
to Taint the Jury, before Trial?
Editilla Watchin'You!
Vitter: Corps agrees to speed levees~Daily Comet
“There are a lot of questions unanswered,” Senator David Vitter said Wednesday. The corps has not made it clear whether it will cede control of the project, along with the money, to Terrebonne Parish.
To get that answer, he said, he will continue to call the corps daily. “But I do think I have (Gen. Antwerp’s) attention and his commitment to dramatically change the pace of this project."
Dozens of Miss. cottages condemned after Gustav
Cat scratch fever strikes insurance industry - State Farm has bad case ~slabbed
Y'all make sure to touch home plate her'ah?
We just had a fetish thingy for this story, but they be'slabbin all over the Golden Coast.
Hearing on schools master plan tonight in eastern New Orleans
Katrina victims seek class action over blockade
~A federal judge must decide whether a lawsuit over a police blockade that stopped hundreds of people from crossing a bridge out of flooded New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina will become a class action.
Valley Fill Appeal Focuses on Corps' Analysis of Water Flow
Homeowners warned about Blue Roof Spoofs
Rule R652-41: Rights of Entry
Memo of Understanding:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory; Authorizations to Construct and Operate Nuclear Power Plants
Brazilier Island bought by trust ~Mark Schleifstein
New Orleans Biodiesel Initiative
FEMA takes new role in post-storm repairs
A brush with greatness, or a blot? ~James Gill
Hurricane Katrina - Our Story - Part 2 ~My Bayou Vieux
Wynton Learson Marsalis

Students invite, jazz player responds
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