Still-recovering coastal areas reeling again three years later
For the town of Cameron, Hurricane Ike was a replay of Rita, which struck the Cameron Parish community three years earlier.
Ike produced a storm surge of 12 to 15 feet in the town, similar to Rita’s shown in the photo at left. At right is a Sept. 15 photo showing Ike’s flooding.
Hurricane victims demand action~“And they should be mad,”
said Senator Mary Landrieu
“I would support a march on the Corps,” she added. “I think it’s a great idea!”
Lawmaker takes plea for levees to Congress~Daily Comet
~State Sen. Reggie Dupre, D-Bourg, also said he plans to ask the federal government to funnel the money through the state instead of the Corps of Engineers.
When Congress gave money to the Corps after Rita in 2005, Dupre said the federal agency squandered the $30 million allocation on a study instead of constructing levees.
~Oysters suffer hit from stormsUnderstanding Storm Surge
~Mark Schleifstein
"Model results suffered from inconsistencies that created lack of confidence in its credibility," said Kevin Robbins, director of the Southern Regional Climate Center, in a memo summarizing the effectiveness of the Gustav modeling effort. " The inconsistencies resulted in the requirement to 'talk around' displayed results that were unrealistic," Robbins wrote. "As these inconsistencies persisted and migrated to additional areas, it became impossible to engender confidence in the model, and briefing its results were abandoned."

~Warren and Pam Adams lost a house to Hurricane Rita in 2005, so it seems they’d be relieved to learn their new home withstood Hurricane Ike.
But not when their house is the only one still standing in their section of Gilchrist, Texas.
Communications upgrades worked in Gustav, Ike
~Melinda Deslatte
Entergy: Concealed power lines too costly
Levees aren't the only solution
~Des Moines Register
Locks Key?~Jen DeGregorio
Port of Texas City gets first crude oil ships
Windstrong: Storm-recovery group aims to give immediate help to locals
So, For How Many Master Plan Phases Do We Have Funding?
~We Could Be Famous
Welcome to the final stages of the coup...~Larisa Alexandrovna

~Your Right Hand Thief

Pet Hurricane Victims & Pet Rescue Books
Downing combines music and writing in winning way
~Johnette Downing Books
One Book, One New Orleans
~Blue Cypress Books
R.I.P. Earl Palmer~NolaFunk
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