~Sean David Hobbs
~More from Maitri's VatulBlog
Editilla really really enjoys Gambit. Jus'sayin...
"We Are New Orleans!"~Drew Brees
Credibility watch~TP Editiorial
~Editilla gotta ax~
Soooo, while we applaud the Paper's slight bent of comeupence, this wisp of fortitude, we want more. More More More! Gentle'rillas need to know: would the Times Picayune join this Ladder in demanding the resignation of Tom Jackson from the Levee Board?
Due to his blatant conflicts of interest --past president of ASCE and former Contract Engineering Consultant for the Corps over the past decades-- we say he falls into that "credibility crab'trap". At the very least we need to see Mr. Jackson give back his forking medal.
Levee board members sought
Please no more ASCECORPS guys...
~like Tom Jackson, who initially opposed newer, safer housing for pump operators?
U.S. Army and State of Louisiana Sign Project Partnership Agreement
Storms force new housing strategy
Emergency food stamp sites in New Orleans area to close tomorrow
President Politics Get Punched Thursday
Stop This Fakir Now!
Now is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine
~Naomi Klein
We picked up one excellent word--a word worth traveling to New Orleans to get; a nice limber, expressive, handy word--'lagniappe.' They pronounce it lanny-yap.
It is Spanish --so they said.
We discovered it at the head of a column of odds and ends in the Picayune, the first day; heard twenty people use it the second; inquired what it meant the third; adopted it and got facility in swinging it the fourth. It has a restricted meaning, but I think the people spread it out a little when they choose. It is the equivalent of the thirteenth roll in a 'baker's dozen.' It is something thrown in, gratis, for good measure. The custom originated in the Spanish quarter of the city. ... If the waiter in the restaurant stumbles and spills a gill of coffee down the back of your neck, he says
'For lagniappe, sah,' and gets you another cup without extra charge.
- Life on the Mississippi

Mein Cur ~Naomi Wolf
~Editilla tags a nutta'mutta!
~Das Cur.
Henceforth we shall refer to McRovington's V'Pick, Spine'heeled, Lyin'ho of Babylon, Dictatress- wannabe Hackeymam as: The Cur.
Sorry Ladies. No offense. Some of my best friends are women and they hate this bitch. To quote da'screecha Salivatin'Sista Sold'ya: "Whooee! That is one fiiine'ass Piece of Handmaiden's Tail!"
NRC, Corps of Engineers Update Environmental Review Coop
Federal court hears appeal on valley fills~U.S. District Judge Robert C. Chambers in Huntington, W.Va., ruled that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers failed to adequately determine environmental damage prior to issuing the permits. The corps maintains that more extensive reviews aren't necessary.
$96,000 System Checks for Sex Offenders at New Orleans Schools
Green building standards not always worthy option
~Only three Louisiana buildings measure up to highest certification
Cinders and Ashes!
~Our New Orleans Saints
Tamales Today~Ian McNulty
Best Wine List in NOLA
New Orleans Seafood Festival

Fine Art and Antiques Auction
Coliseum Square Association Seeking Artists for Lower Garden District Home Tour
Hat T'n'T~BlogNetNews NOLA

More Banksy New Orleans stolen! Katrina tributes removed, others covered up by the 'Gray Ghost'
NOMA to host premiere of documentary shot by local teenagers
Hey Blake, what exactly was the New Orleans Pop Festival and who played?
Everybody Needs Somebody - King Floyd~Trunk of F.U.N.K
Second annual Congo Square Rhythms Festival moves to Bayou St. John
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Good words.
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