~Reports from Reconstruction New Orleans

Thoughts for the Day
~Our New Orleans Saints
Strawberry-Cream Cheese Coffee Cake~Serious Eats
~Editilla recapitulatas~We'jus tollin'yaz again... be careful...sometimes Monday ain't nuttin'ta play'wit!

~Dick Cheney (born on Monday) is the most influential and powerful man ever to hold the office of vice president. This special report examines Cheney's largely hidden and little-understood role in crafting policies on national security, the economy and the environment.
~Editilla Creeeepellas~He's out there. He has been Hiding Out there a loooong time...workin'da Inside. That's right. Workin. Da. Inside. He is New Old School. No'tella from'da Big Fella. The Fascist Groove Thang. Dicth Vader.
Jewish Federation Leads Campus Drive to Retain Grads
Have we no shame?
Race becomes issue in bailout ~slabbed
Residents: New Orleans razed homes without consent
~Some residents are asking a judge to hold the city of New Orleans in contempt for allegedly demolishing structurally sound houses without notice and failing to maintain an accurate demolition list, in violation of a consent decree.
Vocal Local Attorney's Home Ends Up On Demolition List ~Squandered Heritage
We here at Squandered Heritage are running out of steam.
The Demolition machine is out of control, telling people they have 1 hour to come get their belongings and then demolishing under the guise of Imminent Danger of Collapse.People who evacuated for Gustav came home and found a Executive Order which was issued by the Mayor to “streamline” the process. Instead what it did was create a wave of unchecked and hostile demolitions.
Please write to your Counsil members and ask them to halt the process until Safety and Permits merges their databases.
Stacy Head shead@cityofno.com
Jackie B. Clarkson jbclarkson@cityofno.com
Arnie Fielkow afielkow@cityofno.com
Shelley S. Midura smidura@cityofno.com
Cynthia Williard-Lewis cwlewis@cityofno.com
Cynthia H. Morrell chmorrell@cityofno.com
Ray Nagin rnagin@mayorofno.com
James Carter jcarter@cityofno.com
Our Inventory Problem
~Gail the Actuary
~Pipelines? You want pipelines?
Blackwater Midstream Agrees to Acquire 800,000 Barrel Port of New Orleans Storage Facility

~where Freeport Copper (formerly ~ Freeport McMoRan) is engaged in wholesale buttfuggery and general predatory capitalist skulduggery. Photo: Irian Jaya Highlands, Indonesia,
by Scotty Grahm. Hat T'n'T~GN
Elevation grants come too late for some Road Home recipients
Food banks running low due to hurricanes
Insurers beginning to move into Louisiana
Restoring power to Port Fourchon crucial to industry
Fitch Rates Industrial Development Board of New Orleans Revs 'A' Underlying
Coast Guard picks local shipyard for billion dollar project
Use storm-water fees to fund Iowa flood control
Indiana Flood Victims May be Forgoing FEMA Aid~Applications for emergency food stamps are outpacing those for federal disaster assistance more than 2-to-1 at recovery centers in flood-stricken northwest Indiana, officials say.
Everglades Restoration Stalled by Bureaucracy, Report Says

Flooding Kills 41 in Vietnam
Storms force low-income residents to move
~Houma Courier
RBTT donates J$1 million to Gustav Hurricane Relief Fund
Blake's Blogging Brita!
My biker friend
~Tim's Nameless Blog
It's Called a Hurricane Fence for a Reason
Black Cultural Center arts ensembles to study New Orleans
Chopper City Boyz
Snipe: Wooow. My sound has one word, original.
You heard me?
Gar: Authentic fa’sho. Charismatic and demanding.
Goodness Gracious the Man is Everywhere!
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