~David Winkler-Schmit
a gift from a defendant before issuing his verdict." That's how the local flood-protection advocacy organization Levees.org describes a panel appointed by the American Society of Civil Engineers to review the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers investigation into the Aug. 29, 2005, levee failures. Before the group published its findings, the Corps held an awards ceremony honoring the panel for its work. A recent report examining ASCE/CORPS-led engineering reviews suggests this kind of behavior leads the public to question the credibility of such reviews.
~Editilla gonna pulla gold tooth~
...and hand it to Ace Gambit Gumshoe Winkler-Schmit for staying so on top of ASCECORPS and its myrid, insidious, poorly mashed Public Relations Head Cheese.
How refreshing to read a Real Journalist Following Leads to Make Stories Come To Life.
This is why this Nolafugee follows Gambit for Vital News --rather than continuing to stumble through the so'called Daily News Paper, stubbing Editilla's big toe on AssBuff republished Corps Press Releases about actions already taken out of public view....
--For We Trusteth Not Their Fouled Cheese!
While the afore'linked "reporter" deserves nothing but pie in their face for kissing ASCE, Winkler-Schmit should get a medal of his own for kicking ASCE...
--but, to avoid any semblence of conflict of interest,
maybe he could just buy himself one cheap off of ebay.
Or perhaps he could ask for the one that the Corps presented to
Tom Jackson, another Medal Winner and also Levee Board Member.
We remember the "Independent" Levee Board right? Riiiight...
Sorry. Simon'says: appearance means everything.
More Picayune Press Release:
Corps identifies sites for pumps
~Sheila Grissett
~Editilla Notellas~Speaking of "Appearances",
we are getting so very tired of reading, having to hang,
Corps Press Releases masked as Journalism.
(as too the assbuff article linked in the tilla'rant above.)
Equally, this press release today contains nothing that we would not have found in the very Corps website that completely informs this "article".
I mean...ya'gotta be forking kidding me!
Had Ms. Grissett not basically reprinted their spiel here as Headline, we would have had it shoved before us anyway by the Corps Paid Advertisments on the Times Picayune website --which lead us to one of the Corps' expensively appointed websites. No Questions.
Jeez Louie! Talk about Conflict of Interests?
This looks like a Fucking Train Wreck of Interests!
No Context. No outside assessment. No 2nd Opinion.
Nothing but 3 pages of All Corps All The Time.
This is important. Why? Because the Corps is Paying Good Tax Money to Advertise in That Paper anyway. Because their Broken Word looks so much more valid and believable to have it written up as a Real News... --and they get a Free Copy Writer fo'Lagniappe.
Because ASCECORPS has proven itself time and again to not give us the whole truth, but The Return of the Idiot Bastard Son of Truth: PR Spin'filtration. Head Cheese.
They are Right Now under indictment. They are the subjects of the Liability Lawsuit of the Century.
They flooded our city in 2005. Come on, remember!
We don't have time for this shit any more from "Press" that is now having to offer 700,000,000,000 excuses for not keeping its Eye on anybody's Balls since 2000!
$700 billion, pondering the possibilities ~Nancy Benac
~Seven hundred billion dollars is five times what the federal government has devoted to Gulf Coast recovery in emergency funds and tax credits since Katrina.
~Editilla Rebella Yellas~
Hella! For that kinda change, according to
ASCECORPS' Task Force Hope Director Karen Durham-Aguilera (---"not the singer," she always chides the press haha what a funny girl)(funny funny engineers),
we could build 58 Morganza Levees across Louisiana!
Or indeed we could have 70 completed levee systems surrounding New Orleans. Damn, we could actually just use all that paper money as levee fill if the Times Picayune had not already grabbed that Corps contract. Other ideas.
Now this in post-Katrina world
Lockheed Martin cuts shuttle jobs in New Orleans
Fishing industry hurting in La.
Gustav cut Louisiana cotton yields by 58 percent
Hurricanes Wreak Havoc on U.S. Rice Industry
Plan urged for hospital, nursing home evacuations
Tipping Point
~We Could Be Famous
Post Turtle~Hrrmph!
Ragin'Cajun Honoré Joins CNN
Workers return from helping with hurricane relief
Dreadful Design:
Naval Research Laboratory
Literary Warrant [36]
Arch Capital Group Ltd. expects hurricane losses in the range of $105 million to $180 million
Loper Rebuilds Hancock Bank’s IT Infrastructure After Hurricane Katrina
MediConnect Offers to Donate Copies of Medical Records
Entergy Provides Storm Update
MMS provides Hurricane Gustav/Hurricane Ike activity statistics update
New Orleans: The Water Line

~For all of you in Baton Rouge who wish they could come to the fabulous Craft Mafia events going on here in New Orleans, we hear your cries! We're packing up and coming to YOU for one day only, on Friday, October 10th, at Storyville!
Katrina Evacuees Featured in New Documentary
~A documentary about Hurricane Katrina survivors who resettled in Houston after their lives were torn apart by the storm is scheduled to be shown in the near future, the arrival of Hurricane Ike forcing its postponement.

New Orleans
Festival New Orleans d'London
Bingo! Parlour Profile #8: MORNING 40 FEDERATION

Soul Savers Halloween Soiree
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