'Sweet 16' to return medals
~One ASCE member, Billy Edge claimed his work was complete by the time the final report was issued, and so would not give his medal back.
When asked about Mr. Edge's assertion,
Carlton Dufrechou, executive director of Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation had this to say:
"...I appreciate Mr. Edge's opinion. Here's the however - credibility is based on trust. Trust between any two entities develops primarily from experience and exposure (track record). While I do not see an ill intent from the ERP or Mr. Edge, the track record/ handling/ coordinating/ managing the review process post Katrina has been less than stellar. Bottom line, you've got to go above and beyond to build trust and credibility. The awards are likely warranted but it would have been much cleaner if they were presented after the final report was released...."Mississippi dreaming while North Carolina has nightmare ~slabbed
~Editilla Futher Compostas
Transparent Bias by Times-Picayune Editors [Updated]
~We Could Be Famous
Katrina's Unlearned Lessons Leave Financial Mess
~Dick Meyer~Hat T'n'T- Joel G. Goodman
America Betrayed ~PopMatters
~Early in Leslie Cardé’s smart, galvanizing documentary America Betrayed, Time Magazine's Michael Grunwald calls Katrina “a manmade disaster.” More specifically, he calls it a “government creation.”
~{Local Highlight}-->The film also points out the Corps’ efforts to monitor or correct itself. Sandy Rosenthal, founder of Levees.org, says “The bottom line is, you investigate yourself, what are you gonna find?” Students at Newman High School also appear in a video to support the 8/29 Investigation.
~America Betrayed is screening at the Tacoma Film Festival, 2-9 October 2008, and at the La Femme Film Festival in Beverly Hills, 16-19 October.

According to Legal Counsel: due to the Fact that We Paid For Their Expensive Advertising, We Have Every Citizen's Legal Constitutional Right To Publish This Former Bumper Sticker on This Ladder As Evidence in Our Coverage of Wasted Tax Dollars by the Exquixotic Corps of Engineers in the Federal Flooding of New Orleans.
Actually the Corps of Engineers is Mercenary Strong.
~“Without these guys we would not be able to get around,” said Colonel Mike Moon, of the US Army Corps of Engineers, as he was driven by the Aegis security detail north of Baghdad.
oxymoron, shmoxymoron
~Michael Giordona
~Editilla Compostas~
Then she casts us a that “Flo'ksy Waitress Wink”?
Winked? At Me? Nudge Nudge???
I went soft all down there and just knew that my coffee had grown cold and this bitch doesn’t do refills.

Chasing Ray
~A lot of folks are jumping on her (and rightfully so) for her acute inability to give Katie Couric the name of one decision, other than Roe v Wade, that she disagreed with. One decision ever. One decision in the whole history of the Supreme Court. But here's the thing that really bothered me about her silence. Alaska was on the receiving end of a major Supreme Court decision just this last summer.
New Orleans Council Investigates City Demolition Program~"There may have been cases that the wrong house was torn down, but I'm not aware there are very many," said Paul May, of the Safety and Permits Department. Huh? We Beg To Differ?
Renting your Condo as a Corporate rental? Extra Income!

A New InfrustructureBank: "Investment Loans Bundling" from Wall Street to Main Street?
~The issue here is not the efficiency of capital markets but rather the efficiency with which federal programs work and spend funds. The purpose of the National Infrastructure Bank would be to use federal resources more effectively and to raise additional funding. We propose this bank because we believe that markets for capital do work and can be harnessed to solve the critical shortfall in funding infrastructure.
BCLC Disaster Assistance and Recovery Program
Normalized Prices
~Normalized prices are used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other Federal agencies to evaluate the benefits of projects affecting agriculture.
Army Corps looks at restoring wetlands damage. Uh'Oh...
HNTB Federal Services wins $12M Army Corps project
KBR to aid Army Europe projects
Port settles with insurer over Katrina damage
New Research Finds Men Turn to Web More Often Than Women When Hurricanes Threaten
Kevin Allman Named Editor of Gambit Weekly
~Editilla chin'schillas~Congratulations Kevin!
Big gumshoes to fill and a hard decision for Clancy to make given the talent from which he has to choose.
Editilla has followed this rapscallion pun'slinger across the verdant page --and even through the Verdi Marte.
Yea and verily ve have as vell, secretly, hoisted a few Standing Right Next To Him (HA!). Priceless! Sooo'lemme toll'yaz, we are in good hands.
Another reason not to hate to love Brad Pitt
~richard at MetBlogs
Hurricane Katrina Returns To New Orleans To Apologize
~The Onion ~Hat T'n'T- Humid City
Play looks at life on a bridge, post Katrina
And Call It New Orleans…
~Xavier Section 23
Fabulous New Orleans seafood sauce
SF Hound Needs Advice,
Critique of Food Itinerary
~Chowhound New Orleans
Two New Orleans restaurateurs share a taste for fine art and fine food ~Doug MacCash
Harvest the Music Thursdays at the Square ~Craft Mafia
~Every Thursday in October, stop by Lafayette Park in New Orleans at 5pm for free live, local music and live, local crafters selling their wares! The free concert series benefits The Second Harvest Food Bank.
Local NOCM crafters Bayou Salvage and Unique Products will be there every Thursday this month with their fabulous handmade goods.
Thanks, Bruce.
Keep giving us hell when you think it's warranted, and we'll talk back.
Bruce? Eye'don know no steengking Brrrruce. Who'dat?
Get a handle on it and we might just call you an Editillero!
Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia
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