~Editilla Crowellas~We do not have 100 years to wait on the Exquixotic Corps! What is more, this Band of Ganstas does not have 100 Years to Wait-Out today's Flood Survivors,Those backing Pump to the River argue far more hangs in the balance if their program isn't implemented. Lisa Ludwig says she and others have been strung along by empty promises from the Corps. "There's a big difference between asking us to give comment after you've yanked the rug out from under us,"
said Ludwig in response to Bradley's invitation for more public opinion on the plan.
{Which as we can see means: "Yeah, of course we'll look at your plans (HA!) AND THEN DISREGARD THEM. What ever you losers want to hear we will say to you, Silly Little Tax Payers."
Is this not the oldest bully'punk trick in the book?
Obviously I am not the only wet spot here?
How Long, People? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?}
That is exactly their end game here. But No! We beg ta'diffa!
While they are obviously operating with such Hubris, all the cute meetings in the world will not change that Fact of Apparent Conflict of Interests: Ours and Theirs...Us or Them.
We want to Live, while the Corps wants us to Die. They plan to Delay after Delay until We Die Off --or are wiped out, rubbed out, erased by more Flooding just like in South Louisiana with the Morganza to the Gulf Levee system. But all their Marketing Firms, their PO Cephus Spokespeoples, their continuous rotation of key personnel in and out of theater, will not put their Humpty Dumpty Levees back together again...
--nor will such slight of hand hold back our rage.
We trudge along mile after mile on the Long Road Home,
heads looking down to the recovery.
The Corps knows this.
Everyone is busy trying to get it all back together.
The Corps knows this.
The Corps knows that Time Marches On like Water Under their Levees--and they (think) have Time on their side.
We may not have Time on our side --or our own local newspaper.
But what we do have on our side is much greater than time.
It is called by many names Sinn Féin.
"Corps Decision Makers"
Whine Like Babies about their
100 Years Score!
Corps proposals get rowdy reception.
Due to Apparent Conflicts of Interest between the Corps of Engineers and the Times Picayune <-which has no Stated Company Ethics Policy-we hang this article warily, with the greatest trepidation and much the same apprehensions as opening the front door to find a burning box of cat litter.
So thus, is my need to highlight the difference between
relevant news journalism (such as with WWL in the top lede)
and this irreality we have here from the Times Picayune...
--to wit: "A Fail'ya Ta Comoonicate."
One year ago the Corps told Lisa Ludwig (and us) this: "While plans to pump water in Hoey's Basin to the river instead of the lake have yet to reach a design table, advocates received encouragement last week when local representatives of the Army Corps of Engineers agreed to consider the project as part of a broader plan to build a new pump station at the Lake Pontchartrain end of the outfall canal.What "federally mandated environmental assessment process" is the Corps talking about? Reporter? Hello Boss?
*Why did the "Reporter" fail to point this out?!!!?
What has happened to the IPET Levee Study which has been Delayed Release again to until after the first of the year?
What is going on with the MRGO lawsuit coming in January?
Why can't the Times Picayune get off its ass and ask these questions? I mean, come on...my/our future deserves answers!
In water war,
science is on our side
~Atlanta Journal Constitution
~In effect, the corps is playing a dangerous game, protecting its bureaucratic hide even if it increases the risk of serious water shortages that would affect not just metro Atlanta but downstream users as well.
The $23 million dollar solution for the levees
~49 News was the first to tell you about the deficiencies in the levees along the Kansas River. Now, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers aims to fix the problem and other flood control issues in the city of Topeka.
KBR Selected for Security, Disaster, Infrastructure, Construction Work on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contract
~The company offers a wide range of services through its Downstream(??), Government and Infrastructure, Services, Technology, Upstream(??) and Ventures business segments.
~Editilla Chick'A'littas~Uhmmm hey everybody???
Errrrah, akhem! Is not the US Army Corps of Engineers... getting a'tic paranoid, hiring their own Private Soldiers now?
We guess that Blackwater was already booked?
What about funding for the Levees? Remember the Levees?
Stupid is as Stupid Contracts.
U.S. forces rescue kidnapped American in Afghanistan
~The Army Corps of Engineers worker was seized by militants in August.
"This guy didn't have any money at all. It was like a personal life mission for him to help others,"Sierra Club and Local Communities Seek to Stop Destructive Mining
said Bruce J. Huffman, a spokesman for the Army Corps of Engineers in Afghanistan.
~We say the Corps of Engineers are Proven Liars, despicably pulling our heartstrings. We say show us the money this man was getting paid as a Private Contractor or whether he is an actual member of the Corps.
We say war is Hell and We are Sick of This Shit,
--risking our Brave Soldiers while the Exquixotic Corps
has the Funding to Hire Private Security?
“Without these guys we would not be able to get around,” said Colonel Mike Moon, of the Corps of Engineers.
~"Either the Corps can't add two and two, or doesn't know what 'cumulative impacts' means, or something really rotten is going on,” said Vivian Stockman, project coordinator for the Huntington-based Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition. “Because, to issue these permits, the Corps had to ignore its own findings on the counties' already-impacted waterways."
Breakbulk Transportation Conference & Exhibition
in New Orleans exceeds revenue and attendance projections
The “F” word hits the road
- finds Wall is dead end Street
(Part 2 of 3)~slabbed
Déjà vu~Your Right Hand Thief

~Regional Modernism ::
The New Orleans Archive
New Orleans Speaks: We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For ~Saturday, October 25th
Harvest the Music Thursdays at the Square ~NOCM
Jack Herer’s: Marijuana & the Jim Crow Laws
~Antonio Della Rocca
WWOZ, Radio Johnson & iClips webcast Voodoo Music Experience 2008
~NolaFunk NYC
Preservation Hall debuts ‘Village’
~Jason Andreasen
Jon Cleary at the Maple Leaf Halloween!
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