"I don't care how they package this or who they blame this on," said Garret Graves, Gov. Bobby Jindal's coastal adviser and chairman of the state Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority. "It's ridiculous and absurd."~from June 16th TP article by Mark Schleifstein.
~"It appears the corps is doing exactly what Congress did not want it to do -- slow down the bureaucracy to a screeching halt and not begin the initial work they have already been authorized and funded to do," U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said today in a written statement. "Their delay continues to leave folks in the Houma-Terrebonne area in risk of storm surge and hurricane damage."~from June 17th Daily Comet
Then came Gustav and Ike.
Any Questions?

The Corps usual argument about Congress Not Funding them kinda falls apart here, eh, when after we do in fact fund them they come back with BILLIONS MORE in COSTS!!! After Katrina! After their Levees Failed Us.
Goddamn It! It is like when the shell-gamer says "Wait! Lemme see the money in your wallet! Lemme see you got the money to bet first!" --which is the distraction they need to then move the pea to another shell.
So last year, the Corps estimated $800 Million and Congress said Yes, and a few months later the price increased by Tens of Billions of Dollars??? WTF???
From $800 Million to $11 Billion in just a few months?
This past spring the Corps said $12 Billion! Remember that? When they paraded out Mxs. Aguillera from Oregon to try to shank us down for more money.
We said Whaaaat the Fuuuuck??? So, they backed-off and waited through this current hurricane season,
(as the Corps lets us go through a few more floods, a few more Swats with da'BlackJack) and now they say it will cost $11 Billion. What happened to that Billion dollars extra the Corps wanted at the beginning of the summer? Just scratched it off I guess. A Billion Dollars.
We do not have an extra 10 Billion Dollars.
We also do not have the Time that the Corps has to screw around with this issue of safe flood control.
Our lives are at stake --Not the Corps, as It plans to be around long after We The People are All Washed Away.
The Corps of Engineers is proving itself to be a Junta of Cold, Heartless, Lying, Murderous Bastards.
We just do not have that kind of money. How forking stupid, cowed and fearful does the Corps of Engineers think we have become from constant flooding?
I beg to differ.
We need Legislation to Fire these Criminals.
We are no longer dealing with even badly incompetent engineers but Simple Liars. These people are fucking lying criminals no different than the Drug Dealers that take over a street corner and then demand Protection Payments from the neighborhood. Only this, Our'hood, stretches across the entire USA. These gang'bangers have levees near just about every corner on Main St!
They are everywhere and are pushing the American People to Take Their Deal or Get Flooded. Everyone is going through this assfuck. FEMA draws the Flood Zone Maps based on Who's Engineering Surveys? Then, of course small towns across America must get Flood Insurance so they Must Get Flood Control frooom where? Frrooom Who? You guessed it, Gentle'rillas: The US Army Corps of Engineers.
Oh! FEMA will allow that these small towns could seek outside engineering surveys --but at the same time will remind vulnerable municipalities that those engineers tend to be Liable for their work and may charge more
(if you can find one willing to take the risk).
Now this fellow Lee is going to tell us that they have better clay. Riiiight. How dare the Corps of Engineers play around with our lives like this?
They are attempting to Extort BILLIONS of DOLLARS from us that we don't have? We have to have safe, reliable flood protection. We have to have it. Sooo they think they can charge us whatever they want?
I say we fire these criminals and get better cost estimates from Real Engineers.
This is Hienous and UnSeemly.
The Corps of Engineers would actually rather allow South Louisiana to Flood than give out Valid Engineering Estimates. First they said $800,000,000 and then a couple of months later they come back with $11-12,000,000,000. In just 60-90 days... we know they had to know this, but yet gave out the criminally low bid to get the job and then bump up the costs.
These Thugs are playing a deadly game with our lives and livelyhoods.
I cannot see how this differs from Extortion.
We either Pay for Protection or Bad Things Will Happen --like New Orleans! Remember New Orleans, how they let us Flood? Remember how the Corps let New Orleans Flood? The Corps of Engineers seems to have no problem with loss of life and property for average Americans. Of course the Shipping Industry got its MRGO/Idustrial Canal widened, and Big Oil got over 50,000 miles of Pipeline Canals it wanted, but the average American Taxpayer gets nothing but flooding. Hmmmm, what is wrong with this picture?
Levee district to collect extra taxes~Sheila Grissett
~Earlier this week, authority member Tom Jackson of Metairie, who represents the east bank, had indicated that he would oppose rolling the millage forward on his home turf.
~Editilla Notellas~ Yeah, Tom Jackson, we heah ya'mouf talking. Tom Jackson used to work for the Corps of Engineers and was past president of LaASCE. One might suppose any extra tax that We The People must now pay for Our flood protection would mean less funding for the Corps eventually, sooo of course Tom Jackson would oppose such a small progressive tax. Why else would this former Corps Contractor oppose housing the Flood Fighters that we must have now to deal with the Corps substandard engineering.
Why is Tom Jackson still on the Levee Board?
Shouldn't this Board operate with the same Nod to Conflict of Interest for which the ASCE has been recently taken to task?

And by the way,
Tom Jackson, I would like to see you Return your Medal to the Corps, you dog.
Give Back That Medal or
Get Off Our Levee Board!
Coast Guard answers levee panel
Bush Favors Texas Over Louisiana -- Even Bobby Jindal Notices ~Harry Shearer
New Orleans Green Home Stands up to Gustav, Ike
Latest Ike News
~Houston Chronicle
Rebuilt New Orleans homes at risk without required elevation
New Orleans Starts On Final Development Plan
Going once, going twice ... Property goes nowhere
Prickster Nagin Says FEMA's Response to Gustav "Better" Than Katrina --and Yes he is still Mayor! Forget'a'bout it!
~The mayor also touched on his "Nagin Special" comment, made when telling evacuees fleeing Ike to ask for it if they stayed in a hotel. One evacuee told the paper she received nothing but confused looks when asking for the rate. Da'Prickster says he met with the woman and explained what he was trying to do.
"She left here fine - she got a good rate. As a matter of fact, she got a free rate because I offered to pay for her one night, and some New Orleanian had already beat me to it and paid for three nights for her. She had free dinner - she was fine," said Prickster Nagin.
New Orleans native plagued by hurricane dejà vu experiences
New Orleans offers help landing contracts
Insurers may pay evacuation expenses
Insurance may see Ike's surge
Woodbine's Sea Isle Ice Co. is sending tons of ice to Ike victims
Student group set to make impact on New Orleans
More Banksy Stolen from New Orleans
New Orleans Man Deletes Banksy Fortune with Paint Can
United for Peace / Portrait Party
September 20th~NOLA RISING
I'm so glad you SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT!
I posted your link to your blog in the..................
New Orleans Cajun Cook Justin Wilsons
thanks for noticing.
You have a nice blog going to.
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